I'd say it started with the N64, where Nintendo was very proud of its 'dream team' approach. Only the 'best' games were welcome.
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I'd say it started with the N64, where Nintendo was very proud of its 'dream team' approach. Only the 'best' games were welcome.
Canyarion said:
I'd say it started with the N64, where Nintendo was very proud of its 'dream team' approach. Only the 'best' games were welcome.
The whole Nintendo concept going back to the NES was to lock out 3rd party unofficial developers. This was to stop indie developers and shovelware producers churning out the crap which killed the industry.
While Nintendo helped shaped the way how games publishing work today with their software licensing, it helped create the elite publishers such as EA, Square, Capcom etc to what they are today. If anything all these developers have turned their back on Nintendo...not the other way around...