I'm pretty sure there's a topic for this somewhere here but I'm too lazy to find it
Anyways, the reason I made this thread was because I can't seem to enjoy competitive multiplayer games anymore. First, they waste a lot of time for me. Second, they become a huge ego fest. No one really plays just for fun (in that the experience is fun). The fun comes from winning and proving one's superiority. Like playing Halo with my friends becomes increasingly frustrating as the sole purpose has become to absolutely boast that you're better. This and people get caught up in things that really shouldn't matter, like ratios and percentages and stuff like that. Third, I'm not getting anything at all out of competitive multiplayer games. I'd rather do a million other things that will benefit me. Some people might say, oh well the socializing aspect should benefit, but personally I'd rather sit and talk than be ultra competitive.
Now, I do still play co-op multiplayer games. I think the reason is that we're working together towards an end goal. It becomes more of "let me help you here" rather than "you suck".