Rumour: Nintendo Attempting to Buy Back Rare for Banjo-Kazooie?

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Nintendo has to be smart buying Rare just in order to own its IP. Rare is doomed and it is better to leave the dirty job (to develop a game) to a keen (Retro) studio Smilie

I think Zelda Informer are fishing for views.

Stulaw said:
I think Zelda Informer are fishing for views.

Same, I don't think there's any reason to believe this is true, interesting though it may be.

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Evil00007 (guest) 20.07.2012#4

If this is true then here's hope for Banjo-Threeie (A GOOD sequel)

Zelda Informer wanting more visits I think. Don't believe it.

Although I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo try to get access to games like Banjo, Blast Corps, Jet Force Jemini and Perfect Dark for the virtual console. They were some of the bigger titles for N64 that Nintendo can't get access to without Rare.

Although the source is more than questionable, there is motivation and plausibility to it. I wouldn't count out the idea even if it at the very least happens to be coincidentally true. Rare has made Nintendo DS games after all so its already proved to be probable for Nintendo to get some rare outings, it's only in their best interests to grab the whole shabang!

Just don't pay the ridiculous fee that Microsoft did when it was sold to them.

Microsoft haven't really capitalised on the IP's as much as i thought they would of.

Would be great to see the characters in Smash too!

I can only imagine how this would benefit the N64 Virtual Console, if any part of it is true of course.

As much as I'd love to see Nintendo buy Rare and reignite its glory days, I have to agree with everyone here. This is really far fetched. I hate to admit it, but aside from owning the IPs Rare is so far gone from what it used to be they would be little help to anyone now.

This is only a rumor. There are whole websites dedicated to "news" about Rare. This is like reporting on the Dreamcast 2.

Well kudos if this is true....but don't waste the potential by ONLY going after B&K, get Killer Instinct back as well. While you're at it negotiate with RARE so you can put Golden Eye on the Virtual Console!!!!!!

Honestly I'd love to have a few N64 games on3 DS for 3D Classics.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I sincerely doubt this is true, but if it is, I'm with leonardo.ferri. If Nintendo are pursuing Rare, they need to be smart about it. Rare isn't the same company anymore. All their legendary staff are gone. Heck, even the Stamper Bros. left. Rare isn't even a shadow of it's former self. Their IPs are the only things worthwhile.

Personally, I think it would be stupid to go after Rare solely for the rights to Banjo-Kazooie. If Nintendo is gonna do it, do it right. Go for Blast Corps, Killer Instinct, Conker, Perfect Dark, and Jet Force Gemini too.

I would KILL to have all Rare's IPs back in Nintendo's care. lol Can you imagine how awesome it would be to have Banjo-Kazooie, Blast Corps, Killer Instinct, Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini, or Conker on Wii U? Or 3DS? It doesn't hurt to dream. Smilie

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Fake. 'nuf said.

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RudyC3 said:
Fake. 'nuf said.


Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Bollocks. They want to buy Rare, but only own BK? Doesn't make any sense at all.

Only reason I can think of Nintendo buying back Rare is to get hold of the Banjo Kazooie, the only characters that never made it to the Super Smash Bros. If Nintendo wanted it so bad, they would have done it with all guns blazing but at this current financial situation, how much will Microsoft ask Nintendo to get Rare back? Microsoft holding on to Rare for this long and not being able to work its magic and losing the main core of the Rare team, I think they should just let go of Rare.

I wish Nintendo bought Factor5. Give a Rogue Squadron Trilogy for Wii U! HD graphics, 5player support, online, achievements... Smilie

Don't care too much for Banjoo games... But Killer Instinct on Wii U? YES PLEASE! Retro can do it! I can dream, not?

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

Everything has really been said already at this point.

However, I'm not of the opinion that [if this is true] Nintendo should buy back all of the IPs it had before. I don't think there's much of anything that could be done with games like Blast Corps or Conker.

Realistically, even as much as I absolutely adore Banjo-Kazooie, there's not anything they could do with it either.

First of all, the Stamper Bros. and Grant Kirkhope are gone. There goes any sense of magic you could hope for. Second, adventure/platformer games are a dying breed in the mainstream, with their popularity these days being limited to Mario and off-the-radar indie titles.

Nintendo would have to put a completely new spin on BK, and after all these years, I don't think that old fans would like it at all. If they made something the old fans enjoyed, it might not garner any new attention.

Placing the N64 game on VC seems a plausible goal. Super Smash Bros? That'd make my day, but I don't see it happening.

We shall see!

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670ian (guest) 15.09.2012#19

come back rare

Lucas111 (guest) 04.04.2013#20

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