E3 2102 | Nintendo Reveals Wii U Pro Traditional Controller - Have Your Say

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D-pad and face buttons look pushed too far into the middle. Hope it's not uncomfortable to reach them. Other than that, love the look of it. Are those triggers analogue, though? Black ftw.

Azuardo said:
D-pad and face buttons look pushed too far into the middle. Hope it's not uncomfortable to reach them. Other than that, love the look of it. Are those triggers analogue, though? Black ftw.

I doubt Nintendo would release a pad that would be uncomfortable to use, they have a good track record so I wouldn't worry about it.

It'll be pretty much in the same reachable space as the 360's, which is really easy to switch to. Plus the D-pad's a lot better.

Yeah, I think I'm just looking at it as bigger than it really is. If it's a small little bugger then it'll probably be perfect.

But how much will it cost...Ok, so i've got my Wiimotes and Nunchucks, but what about those who don't. To have to invest in a Game Pad, Nunchuck, Wiimote and this!

Nintendo rake in on the accessories again...

Flynnie said:
But how much will it cost...Ok, so i've got my Wiimotes and Nunchucks, but what about those who don't. To have to invest in a Game Pad, Nunchuck, Wiimote and this!

Nintendo rake in on the accessories again...

Accessories are optional. If you don't want to you'll probably never have to buy a Pro controller just like you didn't have to with Wii.

You won't have to invest in a Game Pad beyond buying a system.

This just looks like a black 360 controller, which is great I guess as the 360 controller is awesome.

But sooooo many different controllers seems bad for fragmentation.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Didn't they announce sometime in the last 6 months that they will allow more than one "Game pad" per console?

Those things i can imagine would be quite pricey!

Looks ace! Was hoping Nintendo would pull something like this outta the bag. That said, it does look a little cramped on the right side though - hopefully will change a little in production/after some feedback.

I reckon it definitely needs to come with the Wii U console - Nintendo need to include as standard, imo:

HDMI cable, Wii U Tablet (obs), Wii Remote, Nunchuck, Wii U Pro - cover all bases and keep developers happy. It would truly do it all and there'd be no excuse not to do it on Wii U.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Looks ace! Was hoping Nintendo would pull something like this outta the bag. That said, it does look a little cramped on the right side though - hopefully will change a little in production/after some feedback.

I reckon it definitely needs to come with the Wii U console - Nintendo need to include as standard, imo:

HDMI cable, Wii U Tablet (obs), Wii Remote, Nunchuck, Wii U Pro - cover all bases and keep developers happy. It would truly do it all and there'd be no excuse not to do it on Wii U.

It won't happen. The console will be sold as cheaply as possible and then you are forced to buy the tat afterwards. Although as Sonic_13 mentioned, you don't NEED a Wii U Pro Controller...it's just a nice to have.

Pricing is an important strategy for this tough economic climate. Price it at anything over £230 and i think Nintendo will struggle, especially if the launch line up sucks and that they will most likely miss the European/American christmas

The only thing is that it looks kinda small. I don't like the dualshock for the same reason.

I wonder how the face buttons being below the analogue will work out. Would be perfect for shooters, though.

Satoshi said:
This just looks like a black 360 controller, which is great I guess as the 360 controller is awesome.

But sooooo many different controllers seems bad for fragmentation.

It's a better situation than the Wii remote vs. classic controller. This "Pro controller" for the WiiU doesn't offer anything the WiiU "Gamepad" doesn't offer. On the Wii, the classic controller gave the player an extra analog stick. At least on the WiiU, the Pro controller is entirely optional, whereas there were a few situations on the Wii where a classic or Gamecube controller were needed for their extra thumbstick.

Also, in writing this post, I'm just now realizing the necessity for Nintendo to give the controllers their own names. You can't just say "WiiU controller" and expect people to know what you mean. That's a little annoying. I'm afraid it'll just confuse nongamers. More.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

jb said:
Looks ace! Was hoping Nintendo would pull something like this outta the bag. That said, it does look a little cramped on the right side though - hopefully will change a little in production/after some feedback.

I reckon it definitely needs to come with the Wii U console - Nintendo need to include as standard, imo:

HDMI cable, Wii U Tablet (obs), Wii Remote, Nunchuck, Wii U Pro - cover all bases and keep developers happy. It would truly do it all and there'd be no excuse not to do it on Wii U.

I very highly doubt Wii Remotes and Nunchuks will come as standard; the chances of purchasers already owning a Wii and the necessary input devices for it would be too high to offset the resulting higher cost of the bundles had it were to come all in one. Same with this controller, it'll be an addition rather than essential.

Otherwise, its looking good! Would be highly useful for Virtual Console titles definitely, and it doesn't look to be tethered to another device anymore. Smilie

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Edit: Hope it has rumble.

( Edited 04.06.2012 05:41 by Phoenixus )

Phoenixus said:
jb said:
Looks ace! Was hoping Nintendo would pull something like this outta the bag. That said, it does look a little cramped on the right side though - hopefully will change a little in production/after some feedback.

I reckon it definitely needs to come with the Wii U console - Nintendo need to include as standard, imo:

HDMI cable, Wii U Tablet (obs), Wii Remote, Nunchuck, Wii U Pro - cover all bases and keep developers happy. It would truly do it all and there'd be no excuse not to do it on Wii U.

I very highly doubt Wii Remotes and Nunchuks will come as standard; the chances of purchasers already owning a Wii and the necessary input devices for it would be too high to offset the resulting higher cost of the bundles had it were to come all in one. Same with this controller, it'll be an addition rather than essential.

Otherwise, its looking good! Would be highly useful for Virtual Console titles definitely, and it doesn't look to be tethered to another device anymore. Smilie

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I think it'd be best if they come standard. It appears that for some games (like the golfing example) you would need to have the Wii remote. Just assuming the customer has one is a little risky. If the customer doesn't, I could easily see them becoming upset that they bought a WiiU and it didn't come with everything they need.

Also, when it does come time for the player to buy a new controller, it might not be obvious that the controller they need to buy is indeed the Wii remote. I suspect that many would go to the store looking for another "Gamepad." And in the past it's been said that people will not be able to buy "Gamepads" separately from the console (which I think is silly, but that's another subject).

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Wow, no one else noticed that this topic is called E3 2102? First thing I noticed, haha.

Anyways, this controller looks a LOT like the 360 controller, which isn't a bad thing! I just hope this being in black means we get a black Wii U system from launch. I will buy the black one, if this is the case. Looks sexy as fuck! Smilie

Oh man it looks like a friggin 360 controller, haHHHAAAAAA this is too funny!!

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There seems to be a LED on top with an inscription that read "battery". I expect it to be flashing red when the battery is almost empty, like what's found on 3DS.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I love it. It doesn't look like a 360 controller to me, I see two parallel sticks and much smoother contours, besides, we haven't seen a section photo yet.

Darkflame (guest) 04.06.2012#19

Looks like it lacks proper triggers. bah.

Bleh, it looks like a PC controller.
I'd much prefer just to use a Gamecube controller.

I'm just glad we're getting these in some form - the likes of Brawl would be such a pain with Wii Remotes/nunchucks and I find the original Classic Controller uncomfortable without hand grips.

I'm positive this was most certainly at the request of third party devs - "Can the Wii U support 4 Game Pads, Nintendo?" "No, only 2 max" "Ah - well we need a conventional controller."

I most definitely has to come with the Wii U to cover every possible base.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'm finding it hilarious how some people on other websites and even an analyst are screaming "Xbox 360 copy" when that's what so many gamers (including developers, I imagine) have been begging Nintendo for for years. Smilie

( Edited 04.06.2012 15:10 by SirLink )

It's not any more of a 360 controller "ripoff" than what the Xbox ripped off from Nintendo to begin with, except for the shape, which the 360 jacked straight from the Dreamcast anyway. People are stupid.

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