N64 Month | Nintendo 64 Quiz #4: Test your Music Knowledge, Earn Stars!

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Nice, I got 15/20. Smilie

17/20! I'm pretty happy with that, considering the ones I got wrong where ones I actually didn't know.

16/20 I liked the last one. Even though it was reversed, I could instantly recognize it.

bornforthis43 said:
16/20 I liked the last one. Even though it was reversed, I could instantly recognize it.

Same here. It's a great song.

Our member of the week

I had never played any of the games in question 15 so it was likely that I'd get that one wrong... but got all the rest Smilie. 19/20! VG music definitely is my forte 8).

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

555 I'm crying Smilie
But I only played 1/3 of those games. The only stupid mistake was 16.

( Edited 25.03.2012 12:54 by Canyarion )

Missed ONE! Gah! Oh, well.

N64 music knowledge: confirmed.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

10/20 with two very stupid mistakes. But this made me laugh so all is well:

His tie is nice and red. Just one look and he'll get you to bed.

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