Sorry about the weird topic name, but let me explain
I watched Top Gear last week with that amazing car vs. Apache gunship show. I watched it all without blinking and in total amazement of the sheer quality of it all. After it was over, I suddenly had the though 'Hey, that's what Sonic games should be like' I was surprised that I actually thought this - I never have played many Sonic games, nor have I really enjoyed that damned game, Sonic Heroes (still makes me cringe, sorry).
My point is, the 3D games have 'lost' something, and here it is. The most fun I had with Sonic was the speed and rush of the thing, unlike Mario, which I have fell out with curiously.
I would like to see the next big Sonic game be about speed, not 'oh, run along a bit, tap A to kill a nasty baddie then run and jump some more'. I want to use my speed to out-manouver and out-run enemies, huge robotic bad-asses, I want the sheer exhileration of running freely from, or to, A to B.
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat