Well, in case you can't untangle that little snippet above, here's my main point - I am bcoming increasingly concerned, and indeed, frustrating by the disappearance of Harvest Moon for the GC.
I'd had my eye on it for awhile and the positive reviews from the gaming media only served to enforce my opinon. So, come release day, I strolled down into town, paypacket in one hand, cigar in the other, expecting to become the proud owner of a copy.
I tried Gamestation - sold out. Not dismayed (due to the fact that they never seem to get many copies in anyway) I went to GAME. Yet, there was nothing to be found there either. (Repeat process of several hours and the whole of Middlesbrough and Sunderland)
So, it's now been two whole months since A Wonderful Life hit the shelves and I haven't seen it nor heard from someone who has it - a strange occurance.
So, has Harvest Moon been sighted in your area recently? More to the point, have you actually seen the game on the selves? Are you holding a copy of that holy grail of gaming in your grubby mitts right now, mocking me and urinating all over this very post? Or are you, like me, sitting by the telephone for nights on end, just waiting for that call from the authorities?