I heard Sonic the hedgehog is meant to be with gamecube yet he is on X box and Ps2
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I heard Sonic the hedgehog is meant to be with gamecube yet he is on X box and Ps2
Yeah, the only reason why thats the case was in a desperate attempt to make more money, they just made crap ports of the GameCube game, Sonic Heroes for xbox and ps2. They really aren't up to the quality of the GameCube version so you can just relax and forget they ever existed - I do...
Yeah, and Gamecube has SA2B and SADX, yah boo sucks to Sony and Microsoft! (No Offence to and xbox or ps2 owners)
Ahem, Sega are still an independent company (at least for the time being). They are NOT owned by Nintendo nor do they owe them any alleigance. So, neither Sonic or Sega are being traitorous in the slightest way by brining out games on the other two formats. Sonic's earlier Cube incarnations didn't sell too many copies, so it makes perfect sense to try and broaden their potential market.
And, I'll have you know that the Xbox version of Heroes is by far the most superior - it's alot smoother and prettier. As for Sonic's previous Cube games? Well, they were all mediocre rehashes of 4 year old games. They were a damned sight better on the Dreamcast as well!
^Not to mention Sonic Mega Collection and the "good" version of Sonic Heroes.
Oh yeah, and don't worry about offending ps2 and xbox owners - I try to offend them all the time: HAHA! the only decent platformer on xbox/ps2 is a crap GC-port! <--- see.
And, I'll have you know that the Xbox version of Heroes is by far the most superior - it's alot smoother and prettier. As for Sonic's previous Cube games? Well, they were all mediocre rehashes of 4 year old games. They were a damned sight better on the Dreamcast as well!
And, I'll have you know that the Xbox version of Heroes is by far the most in-superior - it's alot less smoother and less prettier. As for Sonic's previous Cube games? Well, they were all great rehashes of 4 year old games. They weren't a damned sight better on the Dreamcast as well!
like this?
Ok, I'll defend what I said.
The Xbox is the most powerful machine on the market. FACT. It's a damn sight more powerful that the PS2 or GC - the specs prove it. Now, Sonic Heroes, I have had the fortune (or perhaps misfortune is more accurate) to have played all three versions. It is quite obvious in which order the different formats rank for this particular game - namely, 3rd: PS2, 2nd: GC and then 1st: XBox. Why? Like I said, Xbox is the more powerful machine. It's a little nitpicking I suppose but it's true. In the same way Splinter Cell has much better visuals on the Xbox when compared to the others (PC excluded).
Right, onto the DC-GC ports. Once again, I've had the luck to have played both and, especially in Sonic Adventure DX' case, the slowdown was terrible at times. It was so laggy, it made you stop and wonder - is this really a next-generation game? Now, look at it on the DC - it looks no worse and is certainly smoother.
I know this is a single format forum, but please, don't adopt a single format outlook.
That's some fancy editing you did there - every fancied a job within the Government?
Whos editing what now?
[ Edited by Tr!5t@n on 2004/4/4 19:18 ]
The Xbox is the most powerful machine on the market. FACT.
this sort of thing always makes me laugh, this is actually a pointless argument.
blah, blah, blah.. 733mhz.... blah, blah, blah 150 zillion sub-shaded-mip-mapped-anti-bolloxed-crystaline-pixilaiations-per-nano-second....
who gives a shit, my PC does better... i believe most people here are of the opinion that a machines poly-pushing-power really means nothing. Fun games is what its all about.
the specs prove it- ah yeah... pentium III - killer specs.
[ Edited by Shagster on 2004/4/1 22:33 ]
the XBOX version may be slighty smoother, but the GCN has the best pad for it, and is therefore superior.
The nintendo ports are only superior due to their extras. SA2b has a better battle mode, SAdx has the 12 gg/ms games, plus Metal sonic to unlock.
Well Sega is making more exclusives for the other consoles than it is for the GC.
And sonic heros is selling the best on the Gamecube. Maby that'll teach sonicteam to NOT develop anything else not on the gamecube.
Yeah lol they should side with nintendo more than the other consoles Nintendo rules
Parksey wrote:
The Xbox is the most powerful machine on the market. FACT.
I am also going to defend one of my favorite games of all time: Sonic Adventure DX. I got it late last summer when it was released - and, actually, its still in my GameCube now (yeah, I've played other games of course, but the SADX disk keeps returning). It is so varied and addictive, I've completed it 4 times and it NEVER gets old. It is a truly fantastic game. It is based on a Dreamcast game, but it is an essential update IMO - the original can be said to have *started* the whole 128-bit era, and its fantastic that it has been updated to modern standards now - so it can live on forever.
Hmm. Sega are a strange bunch. With the AV team, they made F-Zero GX for example. A brillaint game, but it didn't do very well at retail. Then Sonic Team make Sonic Heroes. No where near as good as F-Zero (sorry BEAM). But it sells very well, thanks to it being on all formats and having a popular reputation - and Dreamcast fans have ran to their favourite current console runners since the demise of their own little machine, so the fan-base is everywhere.
Strange. But I want better from Sonic Team; Sonic Heroes played like a good game waiting to be let out - and don't call me bias: I played the game like a test - an open-minded session looking for good and bad points in the game since I hadn't played a Sonic game for about 10 years and I was interested, briefly, in getting it.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
I didn't think Sonic Heroes was the best Sonic Team game in recent times. It dosn't touch Sonic Adventure DX - so you should get that if you want a *really* good Sonic game.
I dislike Sonic Heroes aswell but it should join Nintendo
evil parksy
[ Edited by beefcake on 2004/4/2 19:24 ]
Parksey wrote:
Ok, I'll defend what I said.The Xbox is the most powerful machine on the market. FACT.
That may be so, but lets see all the great exclusive games it has shall we?
Halo Combat Evolved
Star Wars KOTOR
Splinter C.. Oh no wait, thats on all formats
hmmmm..... I dont know if any more exist......
Sonic Heroes is far more easier to contol on GC. On X-Box, even with the S Controller, it is as bloody hard challenge to press the switch buttons. And don't even get me started on the PS2 version...
Sonic Heroes suits Gamecube better than PS2 & X-Box. FACT.
That definetly is a fact that it should be on Gamecube
I love the way you guys are stressing an opinion and tagging FACT onto the end of it.
Sonic heroes was not a great game, it really isn't even a sonic game. Ever since his move to 3D, Sonic just hasn't been able to cut it.
The 3D games require a level of precision not nessecary for his 2D outings, this level of precision is more suited to mario or Zelda games which was nessecary in both 2D and 3D. Sonic is all about speed and timing, in the 2D games the "leap of faith" jumps weren't into the next screen they were over and through the next screen. You just can't do this in the 3D games, you start, stop, aim, jump, start, stop, aim, jump and so-on.
Instead of resolving this issue Sega have tried to cover it up buy including numerous and pointless playable characters. What exactly was a fishing game doing in Sonic DX? Yes you can say it's merely something different to break up the monotony but you don't buy Sonic games for lasy assed big cats going around with a fishing pole. You buy it for Sonic, Tails and Knuckles whizzing around getting from A-B in as fast a time as possible. Sonic will never be great again until Sega cut out the crap, get back to Sonic and remember what it is that made Sonic such a great game in the beginning.
I didn't fell the same way. In all 3 sonic 3D outings I felt the flow was never suffered, at least when you mastered the game.
One point, AV and sonic team are completely independant. Therefore your arguement can apply to any two games in any genre despite who made them.
SH lies in the middle of my Sonic team list, billy hatcher at the bottom, Sonic mega collection at the top (for having S3&K, Sonic 2 and Ristar).