Your Favourite Resident Evil

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Edit: Poll fixed, start voting!

Recently got RE4, RE5 and RE: Director's Cut from PSN. In other words, I've been playing a lot of Resident Evil lately. With that in mind, I started thinking of my favourite RE moments and games. Above, you will find a poll containing each and every major RE game since the original. Simply vote for your favourite!

I'm not going to vote, yet. I basically have it narrowed down to the original game, RE2, or RE4. Can't quite decide. Of course, without the original, we wouldn't have any of the others. But then, RE2 was an amazing game at the time. As was RE4. Then there was REmake. Fuck. Can't decide.


^Listen to that to put you in the RE mood!

( Edited 09.11.2011 19:58 by Martin_ )

No question about it for me, Resi 4 all the way. So good I bought it twice, and 5 was no-where near as enjoyable. I'm looking forward to seeing how Revelations will fare. ^^

Aye, been playing through 4 on my PS3 and have pretty much been enjoying every second of it. It's been a few years ,to be fair. But still - amazing game! This'll have been the third time I've bought it. Once on GameCube at launch, and once again a couple years later for PS2.

I'm going to stick up for RE5, though. Me and a mate got the Gold Edition a little while back for PS3, and we've been going through it together. In co-op, we've found it to be a thoroughly-enjoyable game, and an excellent entrant in the series.

It's essentially a two-player game at heart, which I suppose is the reason why so many people mark it down. I can understand. If you've no friends to play it with, RE5 sucks because AI Sheva is a real pain. Add another human into the mix, and the quality of the game increases dramatically. Basically never play it unless you're playing split-screen or online.

RE4 is pretty much the one that finally got me into the series. I had REmake to begin with, and I forget whether I got Zero before, after or the same time as RE4, but it was 4 that I properly played through first. Having loved it so much, I then played REmake and Zero, and then RE5.

RE5 is by no means a bad game. It's just that it didn't do a whole lot more from RE4. But yes, it's definitely fun in MP, and that made me realise how cool RE4 would have been with it too.

Really enjoyed REmake and Zero. Rebecca is my fave, but they ruined her voice in the Chronicles game with her in, making out she was even weaker than she was in Zero (where she seemed quite strong). I actually even like the Chronicles games, although MP again is where it's at. If you've got a mate who loves arcade shooters and RE, as I did, you'll have a fuckin' blast playing through those games.

But obvs RE4 was it for me. Smooth controls, gorge graphics, scary (cuz I'm a sissy in all horror games), hilarious, and just plain FUN. Can't believe Mercenaries didn't have Leon. Too much beefcake Chris nowadays.

Oh, and yeah, I got jb to fix the poll for you.

( Edited 09.11.2011 17:55 by Azuardo )

Azuardo said:
RE5 is by no means a bad game. It's just that it didn't do a whole lot more from RE4.

To be fair, not each and every entrant can be expected to be revolutionary. There are basically two major benchmarks throughout the series: The original, which the next few would be based on, then RE4, which has proven to be the base for the next lot. So I think marking RE5 down for not being as original as RE4 is somewhat unfair.

Azuardo said:
Really enjoyed REmake and Zero.

Remake is definitely my favourite take on the 'classic' RE gameplay. Might even be my favourite of them all.

Azuardo said:
Oh, and yeah, I got jb to fix the poll for you.

Thanks, bud!

Definitely a fair point. Although didn't mean to come across as slating it for being like RE4. Would probably need to replay it tbh, to refresh my memory of it all. Some bits and bobs are creeping back to me, like Josh and the Wesker battle - really enjoyed the latter.

I never played the extra bonuses either, like the Lost in Nightmare story. How were those?

Get RE5: Gold Edition for your PS3! You'll get Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape, too! Smilie

Was deff thinking about it at one point, and selling normal RE5. Wasn't sure if I'd be able to keep my RE5 data for use on the Gold edition though... but I think you can.

( Edited 09.11.2011 22:32 by Azuardo )

Straight from the game manual, which I have in my hand right now.


Saved data from the Resident Evil 5 game can be transferred and used in the Resident Evil 5 GOLD EDITION.

For Resident Evil 5 without the title update 2.00 or above

Saved data which is transferred will be saved under the name Resident Evil 5 (Ver. 2).

For Resident Evil 5 with the title update 2.00 or above

When the saved game data from Resident Evil 5 with the title update 2.00 and above is saved it will be saved as Resident Evil 5 (Ver. 2). Saved data created under Resident Evil 5 (Ver. 2) can be used directly by Resident Evil 5 GOLD EDITION

Side note - just completed RE5: Gold! Got a whole bunch of unlocks, most notably infinite ammo for my lowly M92F and Ithaca. Now I just have to go through on easy and professional, and get all those BSAA emblems! Oh, and now have Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape to play! Smilie

Resident Evil 4 on Gamecube (and later Wii)

Before than it was Resident Evil REmake.

PS: Resident Evil 6 will take place in China according to recent rumours.

( Edited 01.12.2011 08:10 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I bet Capcom won't get bogged-down with complaints of racism now it's set in China. It's fine to gun down yellow folk, but not fine to gun down darkies. Logic, where art thou?

Yeah RE4 wins it for me. I wasn't exactly an avid follower of the series until that one came out (I worked backward after 4's release on cube) - I enjoyed the others but not nearly as much.

It still irks me that 5 was a bit of a let-down. Say what you will about the game when you have a mate playing co-op with you. But for me, RE is all about playing alone, in a darkened room, and getting the shit scared out of you. 5 was ruined for the lone player because Sheva, or whatever her name is, was so damn stupid. She ruined the atmosphere.

Code Veronica on the Dreamcast I loved too.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Just done the rotten egg glitch on RE5: Gold with my mate Josh. I've already completed the game, fully-upgraded my Beretta M92F, Ithaca M37, and S&W M29. I purchased infinite ammo for the first two (didn't have enough bonus points for infinite magnum). Anyways, I heard about this, and we decided to try it (rather than play the game a thousand times).

The rotten egg is the most valuable thing that one player can give to another player, with a worth of $2,000. I had one, he didn't have any. Within 15-20 minutes, we had turned this one rotten egg into 200! Since he only had 45 by this point, we changed places and I was giving him loads of eggs (whilst keeping mine, using the glitch).

In the end, we both had around 200 rotten eggs. We both decided to keep 45 (the most you can carry on your person, and the most you can give to another with the glitch), because even finding one egg is difficult, and multiplying them up from a single egg was the part that sucked the most about the glitch.

So anyway, both sold 155 eggs, $310,000 each! Upgraded a bunch of stuff to maximum. Have the heavy chaingun with infinite ammo for Chris, and the longbow with infinite arrows for Sheva. I now have the handcannon, but I ran out of money halfway through upgrading.

If anyone wants to do this, PSN me. Like I said, I already have 45 rotten eggs so it won't take long at all to make you a ton of money.

I think the problem with 5 is its incredibly linear, not that 4 wasn't...but i think 4 just tops it. 5 is a great game by any means though.

I do like the story of Resident Evil, my problem is that playing any game pre resi4 just frustrates me with the camera angles.

Today is a great day. I finally unlocked the Handcannon in RE4. I don't know about everyone else, but I found this to be a monumental challenge. Never could do it back in they day, neither on GC or PS2. Perhaps the better clarity of the PS3 version helped, but honestly it was probably just blind luck mixed with determination.

My biggest score was with Wesker on Castle, over 102, 000. Not too shabby.

I have now totally spanked RE4. I have unlocked the P.R.L. in addition to everything else (and collecting all the bottle tops), which meant completing the game on Professional difficulty. It was immensely tough, but I'm now running around with a Handcannon, P.R.L. and Chicago Typewriter. The P.R.L. just kills everything on the screen in one shot.

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