I think that when Yasuhiro Wada-san still worked at Grasshopper, he said he was working on a 3DS project. Suda-san has also confirmed they've had 3DS dev kits for some time now...Here's hoping for some 3D Beam Katana shaking!
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I think that when Yasuhiro Wada-san still worked at Grasshopper, he said he was working on a 3DS project. Suda-san has also confirmed they've had 3DS dev kits for some time now...Here's hoping for some 3D Beam Katana shaking!
It's going to be for the Playstation Vita, and we all know it, deep down .
Kafei2006 said:
It's going to be for the Playstation Vita, and we all know it, deep down .
Oh HELL NO! Don't tell me people are already doubting Nintendo's handheld when comparing it too SOny's? Have you learned nothing from history...? I'll take full glasses free 3D over flat HD graphics with smooth(er) animations anyday. Games with the 3D done well have significant weight & feel more real than what high visuals alone can do. Plus an artistic game like this doesn't need (or even benefit from) an HD look as the 360/ps3 port of NMH proved when they did that. Nah Suda san just like Hideo will want to utilize the 3D effect to screw with the players....OOOH I can just imagine another Eternal Darkness & Killer7 on the 3DS.....FREAKY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!