New Resident Evil Revelations 3DS Footage, Screens [news]

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Looks amazing, will definitley pick this up.

This just looks better and better the more I hear about it. Smilie Bring on 2012!

A virus! he said virus! YES! No parisite rubbish. Its not much to go on but it seems to be doing everything right so far, can even feel some of the elements from the older games seeping in. A definate buy for me thats for sure.

So we have RE4 on wii, revilations on 3ds which is an arc between 4 and 5, so im kind of expecting a revised version of RE5 to appear on the WiiU in some shape or form, possibily even RE4HD, they've already hinted at gamecube VC, , RE4 was a gamecube game, so why not! :3

Well there's the RE4 and Code Veronica X HD game coming soon, so I guess that will release for Wii U too.

This looks awesome, can't wait for 2012!

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101
Jman (guest) 17.08.2011#6

Looks great! Capcom really seems to know their way around this hardware.

Jman (guest) said:
Looks great! Capcom really seems to know their way around this hardware.
Yes they do. All they need to do now is stop being bitches and get Mega Man Legends 3 back in development. Smilie They didn't even give it a chance...

Does look very good graphically, though the animation doesn't seem to be as fluid or slick - a bit choppy imo. Story and setting sound promising through, should be a great entry for fans!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Nintendoro (guest) 17.08.2011#9

Most wanted 3DS game yet. Looks awesome. It shows what 3ds is capable of. Cant wait.

Nintendoro (guest) said:
Most wanted 3DS game yet. Looks awesome. It shows what 3ds is capable of. Cant wait.

And there we agree. Well let's hope this sells! SSF4 did good. But this is waaaaay better looking. And no more zombie killer ACTION game, but good old RE Smilie

But am I the only one who smells a PS Vita port?

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