Resident Evil: Revelations 3DS Demo Footage [news]

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I hoped they did something about the controls but its been the same since Resident Evil 4. Look at how you turn a corner, you have to stop, look in the direction then walk, its just too slow and for 3DS the action needs to be bit quicker. I actually prefer the shoulder view aim when shooting than the first person view.

Irfy said:
I hoped they did something about the controls but its been the same since Resident Evil 4. Look at how you turn a corner, you have to stop, look in the direction then walk, its just too slow and for 3DS the action needs to be bit quicker. I actually prefer the shoulder view aim when shooting than the first person view.

I thought about this as well, but then I came to the conclusion the person playing just sucks bawlz. Look at the amount of missed shots?! Smilie

Also, the looking around corners thing seemed to be more of a precaution on the player's end. Y'know, just checking you're not running into a monster's gaping... mouth.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Irfy said:
I hoped they did something about the controls but its been the same since Resident Evil 4. Look at how you turn a corner, you have to stop, look in the direction then walk, its just too slow and for 3DS the action needs to be bit quicker. I actually prefer the shoulder view aim when shooting than the first person view.

You can turn more quickly by using the touch screen map (in Mercs anyway, the bottom screen for the demo of Revelations is disabled so I assume they'll carry it over) and you can also choose between first person shooting and over-the-shoulder shooting.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Irfy said:
I hoped they did something about the controls but its been the same since Resident Evil 4. Look at how you turn a corner, you have to stop, look in the direction then walk, its just too slow and for 3DS the action needs to be bit quicker. I actually prefer the shoulder view aim when shooting than the first person view.

You can turn more quickly by using the touch screen map (in Mercs anyway, the bottom screen for the demo of Revelations is disabled so I assume they'll carry it over) and you can also choose between first person shooting and over-the-shoulder shooting.

This I didn't know, but definitely like Smilie. I'm not opposed to the first-person aiming, but with how juicy the character models look I'd rather see them as much as possible.

It always baffled me they made Samus look so stupidly good in the Prime series only to make that game first-person dagnabbit Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

The running gets tedious and they could change it up a bit when they escaping from a zombie. Even a "Oh sh** what is that thing" from the character would be nice, gives it that emphasis like they are actually afraid of what they running away from. Like in that bathroom scene, shes spots the monster, would be more epic if she slips on the floor trying to run away. Gosh, no wonder im doing a Games Development degree, I'm a genius!!! Smilie

That is an ass I would GLADLY tap! And I don't usually say perverted things about videogame/anime characters I respect...but HOT DAMN THAT RUMP WELL BUILT!!!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

This game is shaping up to be something awsome. Survival Horror again. The controls aren't that bad. But I'll check it out again just to see what you guys are talking about.

But for sure the game I am really drooling for Smilie

Irfy said:
The running gets tedious and they could change it up a bit when they escaping from a zombie. Even a "Oh sh** what is that thing" from the character would be nice, gives it that emphasis like they are actually afraid of what they running away from. Like in that bathroom scene, shes spots the monster, would be more epic if she slips on the floor trying to run away. Gosh, no wonder im doing a Games Development degree, I'm a genius!!! Smilie

You're assuming the demo features the first time Jill sees one of the monsters. There isn't much context to go by, but that wasn't the impression I got from playing the demo. The RE games almost always have some cutscene the first time a creature shows up. But even if they don't, this is Jill's third time dealing with zombie-esque creatures, she's probably beyond fear at this point. That's why she signed up for BSAA to begin with.

Faust D. Strooijer said:

This I didn't know, but definitely like Smilie. I'm not opposed to the first-person aiming, but with how juicy the character models look I'd rather see them as much as possible.

It always baffled me they made Samus look so stupidly good in the Prime series only to make that game first-person dagnabbit Smilie

I tried both and I can't tell which I like better. I've noticed with over-the-shoulder, sometimes if you back into something a certain way, the camera sort of gets caught, and you basically can't see, but it hasn't happened too often.

Keep in mind, I'm assuming they'll give the same options they gave in mercenaries 3D. In mercs you can change the camera angle, controls, and the color of your gun's laser, but in the Revelations demo you don't have access to options or the bottom screen. It would be dumb not to give those same options, but then again it would be dumb to release a game with one permanent save file, too.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
Kevbo (guest) 11.08.2011#9

we need this now dam it....would be better if the baddies were actually zombies like the old games......i miss the Zombies.....nothing scares you like rotting zombies....anything else just looks almost funny and takes away the fear factor.......its not resi unless there's brain munching ZOMBIES in it

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