Was just reading about how the Wii, a system on its last legs, has just had one of the most popular games ever released on its Virtual Console - Final Fantasy VI. Yet this week the 3DS, a brand new system with a future ahead of it, received a pretty plain and simple (yet fun) puzzle game on its VC - Qix. Quite a contrast.
Wouldn't it have made good sense to integrate the two Virtual Consoles together, or perhaps just release whatever comes out on the Wii onto the 3DS too? How about those who don't own or intend to buy a Wii, but do own a 3DS? Why not let them download whatever's been released on the Wii VC up till now?
Sony has got this right in that you can download and play PS1 games on either your PS3 or PSP. You can transfer one to the other and vice versa. So another idea would be to emulate this method. Whatever you download off the Wii VC you should be able to transfer to 3DS, and vice versa.
To me it doesn't really make sense that classic console games have only been on Wii VC, and now classic GB games are coming to 3DS. Why not let both consoles play either? At the very least, as it's a new system, the 3DS should be able to download Wii VC games. How many people don't want portable versions of games like Super Metroid, FFVI, DK Country?
I feel like Nintendo missed an opportunity here.