Why not integrate Wii VC into 3DS?

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Was just reading about how the Wii, a system on its last legs, has just had one of the most popular games ever released on its Virtual Console - Final Fantasy VI. Yet this week the 3DS, a brand new system with a future ahead of it, received a pretty plain and simple (yet fun) puzzle game on its VC - Qix. Quite a contrast.

Wouldn't it have made good sense to integrate the two Virtual Consoles together, or perhaps just release whatever comes out on the Wii onto the 3DS too? How about those who don't own or intend to buy a Wii, but do own a 3DS? Why not let them download whatever's been released on the Wii VC up till now?

Sony has got this right in that you can download and play PS1 games on either your PS3 or PSP. You can transfer one to the other and vice versa. So another idea would be to emulate this method. Whatever you download off the Wii VC you should be able to transfer to 3DS, and vice versa.

To me it doesn't really make sense that classic console games have only been on Wii VC, and now classic GB games are coming to 3DS. Why not let both consoles play either? At the very least, as it's a new system, the 3DS should be able to download Wii VC games. How many people don't want portable versions of games like Super Metroid, FFVI, DK Country?

I feel like Nintendo missed an opportunity here.

I would love that to happen, but I won't hold my breath. �_�

Great idea, but ^ I agree, it's extremely likely that it's not gonna happen.

I know... It's never going to happen because this is Nintendo. But it would have been great if they did do it. They really failed on this one for me. Maybe a universal online account might have made this more of a possibility but we all know their stance on that.

I don't see why not when it comes to Nintendo's own games (except maybe SF64 and OoT), I think that they might need to have a talk with developers and publishers about permission when it comes to making the games available on a different system, but it shouldn't really be too hard.

I don't know why that if you can link your Wii to your Club Nintendo Account, they can't be transferred for future console/replacement console downloads from the Wii.

It seems a bit silly not to, but Nintendo hasn't exactly been on the top of the list when it comes to convenience. That, and it makes a little sense that handheld games can be downloaded onto handhelds and console games to consoles, not intermixed.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Because Nintendo are f***ing retards. They have no clue and are too lazy to implement such a simple and amazing number of features.

I'm a sucker who's bought too many virtual console games despite the rip-off prices. The fact that 4 of my games don't work through component has pissed me off enough with Nintendo refusing to even acknowledge that there's a problem. Giving us the ability to transfer VC games to the 3DS (which is perfectly doable) would go a long way to restore some kind of respect for their online system.

^ Well said. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. I'm repeating myself again, but also the fact that the VC games are the shitty 50Hz versions really pisses me off and is another reason I would never bother with the VC.

Simple. Lylat Wars and Ocarina of Time are already on Wii VC. Why would Nintendo give a cheaper downloadable option for games they're already remaking for the handheld market? Can't say I'm too fond of some of their business practices, but making money is what a good business does, and Nintendo takes extreme care of their games catalog.

Props on the 50Hz thing though, I grew up with games in that fashion so the VC being as such didn't bother me that much, but an option would have been nice.

Yeah I suppose in cases where you have remakes of Ocarina, SF64 etc, they would have to block those being available on 3DS or something, and I'm sure that would be possible.

I think true 60Hz games should be standard for Europe regardless. Definitely at least the option anyway. Sure, we grew up on them, but doesn't make it the better play experience. There are a number of games where the black borders and gameplay slowdown are more noticeable than others. I resorted to buying an Action Replay to use a 60Hz feature for FFX, and you can really see the pace pick up in it. 50Hz obviously isn't unplayable, but once you go 60Hz you don't wanna go back.

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