More Characters for Sonic Generations?

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The console version plays like crap and the 3DS version looks like it plays the same as Sonic 4. I think I'll pick this up when it's cheap. Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
The console version plays like crap and the 3DS version looks like it plays the same as Sonic 4. I think I'll pick this up when it's cheap. Smilie

Plays like crap? How so?

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shiptoncraig said:
Plays like crap? How so?

Just playing the demo, Sonic controls in a very non-friendly way. He sticks to too many surfaces, his rolling is very weak and his spin dash is far too over powered. That and there are too many automatic ramps and springs that take control away from you. Classic it is not.

Still, like Sonic 4, forget classic Sonic games ever existed and you'll likely have fun. Smilie

this game just looks like another "oh we know what you want but we're still gonna beat around the bush and give you NEW shit!" Smilie

Do people really care about alternative characters :?

That said, I dont think Sega can really win at the game they are trying to play. I dont think cloning the old games with new levelmaps is enough - and I dont think many of the new twists they have had has ever been effective.
Sonic Colours being the best compremise solution, imho.

They possibly need to take even more radical (yet still 2d) variations.

What about Sonic with procedral levels? or UGC and an only exchange (S1/2) had level editors of sorts after all.
What about Sonic with distructable worms-style tarrian...not just as a preset points, but anything of a "ground" material can be destroyed?
How about trying a Metrovania-esq hub layout rather then levels? Complete with jumping/speed/spinning upgrades.

I'm not saying any of these will "click" and work.
But I do hope Sega is trying these sorts of things, prototyping them and seeing if any would make a unique twist on their own game.

They need something akin to the gravity in Mario Galaxy...something that adds newness to the whole thing without disturbing the core. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Ugh, the sonic cycle continues.

Continues? If it ever existed, Colours obliterated it.

There will never be a good Sonic game again, because people are too stuck in the past and complain about tiny little details that are slightly different to the original three.

Anyone playing Sonic for the first time will probably enjoy them.

Marzy said:
There will never be a good Sonic game again, because people are too stuck in the past and complain about tiny little details that are slightly different to the original three.

Anyone playing Sonic for the first time will probably enjoy them.

Sonic Rush is amazing.
Sonic Colours is amazing.

They are pretty much very well received titles because they didn't promise anything other than great new experiences.

I think in the case of both Sonic 4 and Generations though, people have a right to complain since the games are being sold as a return to 'classic' Sonic. Sega can't say one thing and then get annoyed when the game turns out nothing like advertised causing fans to be disappointed right? Smilie

I'm actually looking forward more to the modern parts of Generations than I am the semi-classic parts. Smilie

( Edited 04.07.2011 18:54 by Ifrit XXII )

Ok, I can't say anything as I haven't played colors or rush, so I don't know.

Will (guest) 05.07.2011#11

i dont see why everybody hates sonic games having lots of characters. It makes the game more interesting and besides this is sonic's 20th aninversary all the characters should make an appearance.

GK (guest) 05.07.2011#12

I wish some of y'all would stop complaining about everything!! This is probably y we can't have these games as good as we want.

I actually thought this was a Nintendo site....

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

^ I don't get it.

SuperShyGuy62 said:
I actually thought this was a Nintendo site....

Huh? Son Gen's on 3DS too.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
YoManYo (guest) 09.08.2011#16

Sonic rulz

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