Shame you didn't finish FFVII, Martin. Disc 3 lasts an hour at most for the rest of the story.
Halfway through my FF marathon of getting 7-10 done anyway. Beat FF7 in about 18 hours. Starting FF9 today.
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Shame you didn't finish FFVII, Martin. Disc 3 lasts an hour at most for the rest of the story.
Halfway through my FF marathon of getting 7-10 done anyway. Beat FF7 in about 18 hours. Starting FF9 today.
Just finished playing Heavy Rain. Wow! The story was gripping and it was so moving. The graphics are pretty special too.
The only other game that's ever had that kind of emotional effect on me is Silent Hill 2.
Playing Half-Life 2 for the first time and wow, I'm actually really impressed so far.
Marzy said:
Playing Half-Life 2 for the first time and wow, I'm actually really impressed so far.
Playing it on PC.
I received it as a gift on Steam, so I got it for free.
Great game to get for free. Did you get the Episodes too or thinking about getting them?
Just Half-Life 2 at the moment, though I'll definitely be considering the other episodes, once I'm finished.
Assassins Creed Brotherhood. Theres quite a lot to do in the game aside from the main story, even if you are mostly confined to Rome, and the optional objectives can add challenge to the Memorys (although a lot are quite easy)
I am currently playing lots of...
3DS is getting much love at the moment.
^ Hey, I like the idea of using pics! Maybe could become a common theme from now on.
I'm still very much playing my beloved Final Fantasy IX. Not far off the end of Disc 2. Want to move on to FFX afterwards but have a lot of unfinished games left I should complete first. But I'm very much in an FF replay phase atm, so we'll see. However, going for a near 100% run in FFIX so taking my time with this one.
I've finished playing:
1.COD -Black ops (Imo it has some great ideas, some astounding graphics - but feels ho hum as an overall package)
2. Splinter Cell Conviction - Pretty amazing game! Loved every moment of it!!
...which has left me with:
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 3
Am currently playing Twilight Princess.
Since I recently finished Ocarina of Time 3D, I thought I'd give TP another try after being disappointed the first time around during the Wii launch.
I gotta admit that I'm really loving it this time around. The graphics look lovely and the music, whilst not as playful as previous games, works really well with the setting. I may even dare to say that I'm enjoying it more than I did my playthrough of Ocarina on the 3DS.
I think my initial disappointment came from the fact that it stuck far too close to the Zelda formula but now I don't really mind and am happy to just enjoy the game for what it is.
Here's a lovely looking picture to compliment my post!
I'm Playing:
and loving them both, I can't believe I never thought of getting them before this month.
I'm also playing a bit of Mass Effect on the side since I got it in the Steam sale a few weeks ago.
Playing my recently bought copy of Black Ops right now. Most ludicrously over the top campaign I've ever played. And the game practically plays itself! lol. But its still fun in a mindless sort of way.
The multiplayer on the other hand is like crack. I'm no good, but I keep playing. For hours. 0_o
Wayne talking about Twilight Princess
I honestly think TP is the most under-rated Zelda out there. Its great.
( Edited 23.07.2011 16:02 by Jacob4000 )
I agree, Twilight Princess is an excellent game and I don't see why people don't like it as much as Ocarina of Time sometimes, yeah it was a bit on the easy side, and there didn't seem to be as many sidequests, but it was no slouch in things to do, and it's beautiful if played on the right T.V/with a dedicated upscaler/on dolphin.
Oh yeah, did anyone manage to find all the collectable bugs? I've always had one missing that's apparently in the Gerudo Desert, but I can't see it anywhere.
I am playing Animal Crossing (the original on the Cube). It's strangely addictive. I'll be sure to give KK Slider a visit tonight.
I'm currently playing
I'm loving Pikmin 2 so far. It basically fixes everything that I didn't like about the original and there's so much more to it. I'll probably go for all treasures and do some of the bonus content as well.
I just started with Super Metroid because I only played it a long while ago and didn't get very far. It's about time to change that! Should be a nice change when I'm taking a break from Pikmin 2.
Squidboy (guest) said:
Battlefield 3![]()
Duke Nukem 3D, using the EDuke32 port with polymer renderer enabled, and the latest High Resolution Pack (HRP v5.0). Here's some screens I took myself.
My impressions are mainly very good, with some qualms regarding the 3D models that replace the sprites, particularly one or two enemies. The most notable being that the 3D model for the pigcop (not pictured) looks like ALF! The rest are mostly OK, but blocky. The guns on the other hand look sublime. A real upgrade from the sprites.
The environments look so, so much better with the HRP and polymer. There are places where it looks like a current-gen game. Then you turn a corner and you're in 1996 again. It's amazing what nice textures and dynamic lighting does for you. Plus some hi-res bump-mapping to make those surfaces 'pop'.
Here's me just glad to play one of my favourite games in 3D without the 'warping' you used to get when looking up or down on vanilla Build (Duke 3D engine).
Anyway, charming little game made even better.
I'm currently playing - Super Mario Galaxy 2
Done about 8 hours and got 49 stars! So far its more enjoyable than the prequel (which I felt was boring).
( Edited 27.07.2011 17:00 by Sherwinator )
Just completed this, around 12 hours game time, really fun decent game. Somehow manages to mix Zelda, God of War, Devil May Cry and Portal together. Definitely worth your time.
Star Ocean IV
Haven't played much of this yet, but I'm finding it a good enough title. Will have to see how it goes the further in I get. Combat system whilst initially confusing, works relatively well.
Black Ops online... gun game is so addictive but frustrating. And while I should be working, Citroen WRC Rally (old school micro machine style game).
Medal of Honor, 007 Bloodstone, Prof Layton 3, BF Play 4 Free.
It's August guys. Lock this thread?