Video Game Music - Post Your Faves

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Videogames Live is going to be shown on UK TV

- airing Friday night
- showing on Sky Arts and Sky Arts HD
- full concert recorded at the Lakefront Arena in New Orleans
- Sky Channel 129, Virgin Channel 281 and 282 HD
- repeated on Saturday morning at 7am


( Edited 23.05.2012 22:22 by Linkyshinks )

Thanks Linky, will set it up to record. Smilie

Not sure if any Golden Sun music has been put on here. These were composed by the well known Motoi Sakuraba. He has done some of my favorite game music from one of my favorite series, Golden Sun.

-Destiny Begins Again

-The Elemental Stars

-Venus Lighthouse

-Overworld Theme

-Felix Battle Theme

-Issac Battle Theme

-Saturos Battle Theme

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Oh, I really loved the music in Golden Sun when I played it. Thanks for reminding me how good it was.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

TAG said:
Oh, I really loved the music in Golden Sun when I played it. Thanks for reminding me how good it was.

No problem! Smilie

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Kirby's Adventure - Museum Orchestra

( Edited 15.01.2015 12:16 by Azuardo )

Booted up my Wii the other day just for the hell of it, and got back into playing Ys I & II, the music for those games is just astounding. Bear in mind this was in 1990;

Wouldn't mind seeing more Ys games show up over here. Smilie

Pikmin - Ai no Uta (JP lyrics)

( Edited 15.01.2015 12:15 by Azuardo )

Our member of the week

Phoenixus said:
Booted up my Wii the other day just for the hell of it, and got back into playing Ys I & II, the music for those games is just astounding. Bear in mind this was in 1990

Wouldn't mind seeing more Ys games show up over here. Smilie

I posted music from Ys III also on PC-Engine CD Phoen Smilie. Wish the NA version of that one had been put up on the VC as well, because it has even better music Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Check this out!
It's like the name the tune contests here.

@richiebranson ft. Random (Mega Ran) - #SuperNintendoSegaGenesis

( Edited 15.01.2015 12:17 by Azuardo )

Gravity Rush has an amazing soundtrack.

Gravity Rush - Discovery of Gravitation

Gravity Rush - Old Town

Gravity Rush - Assault Cnida

( Edited 15.01.2015 19:07 by Marzy )

This is beautiful.

Rayman Legends - Toad Story

Also this track is the first one I fell in love with when it was shown at E3 for the first time.

Rayman Legends - Grannies World Tour

( Edited 15.01.2015 19:13 by Marzy )

Sonic and All Star Racing has some incredible remixes;

Super Sonic Racing Remix - Ocean View

After Burner - Carrier Zone

Super Monkey Ball - Jungle World

Vyse's theme - Skies of Arcadia

Adder's Lair - Golden Axe

Gravity Rush ost is indeed really nice, I hope I get to spend some more time with that game soon.
I haven't posted here in a while so here's some more tracks I've grown to adore:

Kid Icarus: Uprising - Aurum Island


Amazing space jazz, what else needs to be said?

Mighty Switch Force - Yummy


This whole OST is amazing though, like Launch Hearts

VVVVVV - Piercing the Sky


Favourite track from one of my fav soundtracks ever methinks.

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance - The Fun Fair


For me this track is all the proof I need that KH can still be home to beautiful original tracks despite all the rehashed music it loves. Also recently discovered the fully orchestrated version of Vector to the Heavens (358/2 Days final boss) which is wow, it's amazing and extremely sad.

Lastly for my highlights:
Cave Story - Labyrinth Fight


More specifically the 3DS/Steam version of the track, the whole Cave Story OST is brilliant in all versions though, highly recommend the game itself as well.

Now for some other great stuff (listen to em all):

All of these tracks are really something imo (don't be put off by the animu in some of them)

( Edited 07.01.2013 13:39 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Here are few more, theres a good mix here from hip hop to orchestral to 50's inspired music.

Dynasty Warriors 4 - Long Time Ago
Rage - Burning Jacob's Ladder
Journey - I was Born for this
Silent Hill Shattered Memories - Acceptance
Wild Arms - Intro
Grandia - Theme of Grandia
Anarchy Reigns - Find You
Lollipop Chainsaw - Zed's theme
Enslaved - Main Menu
Fallout Dead Money - Begin Again
Fallout New Vegas - Endgame
Madworld - Get it Up
Mass Effect - Ilos Ride
Mass Effect 3 - An End Once and For All
Twisted Metal - Main Theme
Deadly Premonition - Life is Beautiful
Lost Odyssey - Parting Forever
The World Ends With You - Twister

( Edited 18.01.2013 17:15 by JayUK )

The Mass Effect 3 OST is undoubtedly one of the finest OSTs I've had the pleasure of listening to for some time. Had the whole thing on repeat for a good while after finishing the game the other week.

Made sure to edit a full playlist:

Title Theme
Leaving Earth
An End Once and For All (Extended Cut)

Some highlights.

Incredibly atmospheric. Incredibly emotional.

Ok links added, plus a couple of songs, I'd forgotten about.

I recently played through Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean again and I have to say that it has possibly Motoi Sakuraba's finest OST. I posted about it before here but those were only the soundtracks I had in my collection at the time and I missed a lot of fantastic pieces, these are some of them.

Just a heads up for people who might care, Glowing Cloud, Chaotic Dance and Supreme Ruler of the Nine Heavens are boss themes, with Violent Storm being the final boss theme.

Baten Kaitos - To the End of the Journey of Glittering Stars
Baten Kaitos - Flighty Spirits
Baten Kaitos - Glowing Cloud
Baten Kaitos - Chaotic Dance
Baten Kaitos - Supreme Ruler of the Nine Heavens
Baten Kaitos - Violent Storm

Our member of the week

La-Mulana - Curse of Ocean

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

My favourite track from the OST.


And then there's these... Which were a wonderful surprise and part of the story, so I'll stick them in a spoiler.

DmC - Never Surrender (Combichrist)

The soundtracks in Umineko no naku koro ni has the best video game music I have ever heard. Really great atmosphere and really sets the mood for the scenes.

Some of my favorites:
Then we have this classic one from Super Castlevania IV which is one of the best tracks I have heard...

( Edited 15.01.2015 12:19 by Andre Eriksson )

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Safer to just post the direct links, André.

Trying to embed kills people's computers : )

Yeah. XD changed it now Smilie

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

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