I frickin' cant belive it professer layton is a stupid puzzel game
( Edited 01.06.2011 23:28 by ninja4546 )
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I frickin' cant belive it professer layton is a stupid puzzel game
( Edited 01.06.2011 23:28 by ninja4546 )
ninja4546 said:
I frickin' cant belive it professer layton is a stupid puzzel game
Yeah, but it's an awesome puzzle game. And it's actually really popular, it's not that much of a surprise really.
... I really shouldn't feed the trolls...
( Edited 02.06.2011 00:11 by ChaosOnline )
Hope DoA picks up sales fast, tis a brilliant game!
Aren't really surprised by the top 5, though thought SSIV would be at least 2nd or 3rd in the list.
jb said:
Hope DoA picks up sales fast, tis a brilliant game!Aren't really surprised by the top 5, though thought SSIV would be at least 2nd or 3rd in the list.
Tbh, after having played DOAD for only the short amount of time I did, I think SSFIV3D doesn't deserve even it's current spot.
Compared to DOAD it's so incredibly half-assed I actually feel robbed of my money in a way.
And usually, I really couldn't care less if I don't like a game (I'll just either trade it in within 24h of buying, or sell and get something else without feeling bothered).
I had the same feeling with SFIV (the original) on the X360, but in this case it's even worse because they actually had the balls to release SSFIV - Arcade Edition with bonus content and dick over everyone that bought any or several of the other versions.
Ugh, Capcom. They'd better prove themselves With Resident Evil: Revelations >.< ...
Side note, I think Layton definitely deserves the #1 spot. It's a brilliant series and I have no doubts about this being yet another epic installment.
The rest to me just seems like typical launch-fare. Can't be bothered much with how much those're selling, though big numbers would obviously be a nice incentive for devs to put more resources into developing for 3DS.
Also, Steel Diver... Been thinking of getting it, but something's been keeping me. Something just seems off about it. Same with a lot of 3DS launch games, actully, heh.
( Edited 02.06.2011 02:21 by Faust D. Strooijer )
'Steel diver, which is dropping faster then it deserves'
I havent played the game but when ONM give it 60% you know you have a dud on your hands.
I tried various reviews and most question the price tag and depth of the game.