Donkey Kong County Returns dissapointment

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Hi all,

Just thought I'd share some of my views with DKC returns on the Wii.

Getting near the end of the game.. I kinda feel let down. Too date, DKC 1 and more notably DKC2 are some of the best games ever played. What made them amazing? Besides the fun gameplay, the feeling of the unknown and the amazing music - the atmosphere was dark and moody.

So why does DKCR disappoint me/ leave me feeling mixed?:
1) - The Atmosphere is not as dark/grim/ mooody as the original DKC games.
2) - The Music falls short of the greatness in DKC1 and 2. If the worst came to worst, why not just reuse the original music?
3) - I think the game is un-needly difficult in bits. It takes away from the enjoyment. E.g. Mushers pit charge comes to mind. DKC1 and 2 were hard games but not un-needly hard like this.

I welcome that they attempted to make something different, but in my book, Mario is the happy/shiny game, whereas DKC is its darker/moodier/action packed brother.

Thoughts anyone?

Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

Pretty much agree, although I'd also add that the controls were horrible too. The precise control of the original games was completely lost and replaced with sloppy motion-controls.

I have no idea why they didn't include Classic and Gamecube controller support.

Have to agree. It's not the DKC4 we were all hoping for. Instead, it was essentially a 'New Donkey Kong Country', like New Super Mario was to the Mario Bros series, and how Sonic 4 (they chose the wrong name) was to the other Sonic Mega Drive games.

I don't see why they don't actually just use the same game engine as they did for the DKC series, or Sonic series, to make the true sequel that the fans cry out for. DKC Returns is a very good game; probably the best 2D platformer on the Wii. But it's not got that same feeling as the originals, and the lack of classic controller support is mind-boggling.

The enemies of the game were shit. No personality compared to the Kremlings. No water levels. No snow levels.

I think most DKC fans were letdown in some way or another with Returns.

I think that a lot of the disappointment simply came from all the nostalgia and high expectations from the fans of the DKC series. I haven't gotten to play the originals yet and I found DKCR to be an excellent old-school platformer and had absolutely no problem with it. Difficulty was fine, I needed a game that kicks my ass all the time and I had no problems with the controls as well, although I agree that they should have included Gamecube and Classic Controller support. Smilie

SirLink said:
I think that a lot of the disappointment simply came from all the nostalgia and high expectations from the fans of the DKC series. I haven't gotten to play the originals yet and I found DKCR to be an excellent old-school platformer and had absolutely no problem with it. Difficulty was fine, I needed a game that kicks my ass all the time and I had no problems with the controls as well, although I agree that they should have included Gamecube and Classic Controller support. Smilie

I agree 100%. DKCR is a fantastic game! Yes it's a bit difficult, yes they should have included Cube controller support and yes the music is decent but not amazing. Other than that it's pretty much faultless.

In reality I like a hard game (it gives you your moneys worth) and the Wii controls work just fine. Although I did play DKC1 on the GBA, I've never really had nostalgia for the series, which I think is what is raising people's expectations to unreasonable levels.

It's not nostalgia though, the original games are better in a technical sense. Better controls, better music, better enemy design, better level design.

Donkey Kong Country Returns is not a bad game, it's just a case where it could have been much better.

Toaster (guest) 20.05.2011#7

The first post that wasn't crazy about the game.
I didn't like the game, I played it in a few demos but will not be renting it.
Some minor things that could have been cut from the game would be the cutscenes, the end of level display of all your goodies- a lot of collecting. Point here is the older games had a more arcade feel to them: meaning that they expected you to keep playing and having to see those things over and over again will get at you eventually.

The real reason I didn't like it is that I already like the established franchise staples. Two lives at most at any given time per level, it was like you were trying to survive at times. The heart system kinda cheapened the experience.

Smashing barrels for different reasons. They have what was allowed in smash bros., that automatic and button prompted barrel. Over the years they made more and decided to ditch em.

The co-op play was a huge advantage over what was available on other systems. Because they're abilities were almost equal, no one was really getting the short end of the stick. Don't know how the co-op plays out in the new games, but hoping a reply will set us straight.

.....ok let's switch this up.
The original DKC, some group stole your bananas, but was it really just that? If you look at the enemies most of them have organized ranks, then you look at the areas. The industrial area of the map is what the enemies are after, but the area after it is the result. In a way the game was about preventing a hostile take over.

So the environment played a part in the game. one of the biggest things i have against this new game is the midway point barrel has been replaced with a pig, several pigs I may add. What's a pig doing in the jungle? Why something so arbitary as a pig? How did they decide on putting a pig into the game as a midway point. In fact, there are other characters that would have been better served as a midway point, even a flag or better yet a barrel of some sort. If not, a new character wouldn't have been a bad idea.

The pig is just a placeholder, maybe they had other plans and cut funding early? Maybe those plans were blocked by infringement?

It took a while for me to understand but that pig is the real spearhead of this game. Synonymous with what this game really represents. The designers were disarmed by the law and probably weren't allowed to use what made DKC DKC. That pig there waving its flag proudly proclaims: "we're still making this game even if we have to throw out half the content and retool the franchise".

I could just be rambling about the good old days and what's been missing now. But games like this are becoming a disturbing trend.
Goldeneye, Banjo kazooie, ...and this game, could just be Rare that's the source of this.

For those who didn't read all that: Bottomline: they put a pig in the game rather than an old or new character. And I don't think any level will beat out the original 4-1 of DKC. Oh, and they probably shouldn't have called it DKCR. That's a lie.

I feel so let down with DKCR. I had it from day 1 and I just dont seem to like it.

Secondly, the game feels like such a rush job. I read somewhere that they had a short timespan to finish the game. I rather they took time and didnt release a disappointing game.

DKCR might be a good game, but it pales in comparison to the originals. It even pales in comparison to Metroid Prime 1/2/3.

Even playing the originals today - you can see that real heart and soul went into it. Even the graphics look nice. The music is astounding, the feel is darker /arcadey, fantastic level design... nothing that requires trial and error to work out (e.g. the last cliff section of the prehistoric world) - that just did it for me.

I also am dumbfounded. How can critics/reviewers give the game a 8 or 9/10? In my opinion, just because it carries the brand name, doesnt automatically make it a great game. In reality I'd give it about 6.5/10.

Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

It's hard to call on reviews. Was thinking about the situation the other day.

Do you review games based on what was released in the series in the past? Or do you review games for their own individuality, disregarding everything before it?

I agree to an extent with what others have said. I'm an avid DKC fan. I got DKC1 when I was about 7 years old and grew up on the series. With all the hype surrounding Returns, many people felt, like myself, that this was going to be the DKC4 we had waited so long for (man, it sounds like Sonic 4 all over again). But it just never turned out that way.

But am I disappointed more because of what I'd played before it? Probably. The first 3 DKC games were amazing feats. Yet Returns shat on some of the stuff that made us love those games in the first place. How was this a 'Return' to the series we loved and adored and grew up on in the 90s? It wasn't a return, it was a remake, which isn't the same thing.

If I was in someone like SirLink's shoes, and had never played a DKC game before (my god man, get the hell on it!), maybe I too would think DKCR is a fantastic game. But having grown up on DKC1-3, you just cannot help but look back and compare. How can you ignore what came before it when this was built up to be a return to those games?

I thought Returns was great. I enjoyed it a hell of a lot. It still felt like Donkey Kong. But it just wasn't quite up to the same standard, which is what disappointed me as a DK fan.

So, when you review this game, do you praise it for what it is, or do you slate it for what it isn't (or should have been)? Reminds me of the Animal Crossing Wii review on this site, a few years back.

wolvesgod (guest) 20.05.2011#10

people seem to forget that rare, might, hold patents on some of the original things, in the DKC1 and 2. and since rare doesn't work for nintendo anymore, and Microsoft alone won't let Nintendo use them either. so yeah they had to go back and remake the things they are missing. I have fun playing the game, it's not a big let down.

Excellent post, Azuardo! Smilie

I'd like to add here, it was Retro Studios who made this game after all and not Rare. As we all know, they looked at the originals for the general direction of the game and several elements that are included but they have still made the game their own way.

I wonder what the fan reactions would be like if they just straight out copied almost everything from the old games. Would it get bashed for being nothing new?

Yeah, I actually wonder if Rare hold certain rights to things too. Nintendo own the kremlings though, and I don't think they would have got bashed at all for using them here. Of course, kudos to Retro for doing their own thing, and trying to do something a little bit different too. They made their own unique enemies, and added some great personal additions.

But come on, the removal of underwater and snow levels? That's insane! The memories I have of the Northern Hemisphere in DKC1... I would have loved to have seen what Retro could do with underwater and snow stages.

I wonder if anything will change in the future? If the DK community was as big as the Sonic community, would they listen? Sega have actually listened now, as evident with Generations. Would Nintendo go about releasing another DKC game more akin to the originals too? I'm not sure, but it would be nice.

The pre-rendered graphics of the DKC series still hold up today, and I think they would look beautiful on the 3DS. Here's hoping to a true DKC4 on that instead.

I don't know about the snow levels but I'm pretty sure that Retro themselves have said that they decided to leave out underwater levels because they felt that they slowed down the pace of the game.

They did say that, but it's no excuse. It's ridiculous.

I have to agree, only to add that the roll mechanics are lame, imprecise for the requirements of the game.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I agree with you Azuardo... you got alot of nails in the spot Smilie

I believe that if a game is part of a series, then you review it in the picture of the series. For example, If its Metal Gear Solid ; regardless of the entry, you review is as a MGS game and compare it to the other MGS games. If its Sin and Punishment - then you would review it bearing it mind previous sin and punishment games.

Perhaps if they named DKCR - as Donkey Kong adventures.. perhaps that would be better.

By default DKC games should have - some pre-rending, awesome music, fast arcadey gameplay, 2 kongs, and if not Kremlings, then baddies that have some organisational structure to them. You also need animal buddies, underwater levels too!

I know I'm being bitter, but to me it feels like they rushed out DKCR.

Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

I don't know why everyone's hating on this game. I thought it was one of the best platformers I've ever played. Yeah, the Tikis sucked. The motion controllers weren't a hassle to me, you just had to flick your wrist a little for a roll (I died accidentally maybe 2% of the time). Having no water levels sucked, but I don't think that should be a huge flaw.

Bornforthis43... just checking Smilie have you played the original SNES DKC games?

Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

I think they chose the "returns" title because they knew it would have been wrong to call it Donkey Kong Country 4.

My main disappointments (rant alert!):

-Lack of underwater levels. They say they thought they'd slow the pace down but that's what I liked about them. They were a nice break from the standard levels and the music was very relaxing.

-Lack of atmosphere. Returns seems almost too cartoony and comical. The original had very atmospheric locations. The caves felt damp and dark and the rainstorms/blizzards really gave the game a sense of adventure. The music played a big part of this too. Returns is too "standard" if you get what I mean.

-Lack of animal friends. What I thought was great about the first game was that, for the most part, the animal buddies were completely optional and only required for certain bonuses. The 2nd and 3rd game kind of messed this up IMO by making some levels animal dependant. Returns seemed kind of on rails in it's frantic race to the end type levels to the point that animal buddies probably would have been pointless anyway.

-No Kremlins? The tikis are alright but why not use Kremlins? They were a huge part of the originals and it just seems ignorant to just drop them.

-Lack of Control options. Classic Controller support was a must.

Fully agree Ifrit, but this for sure:

-Lack of atmosphere. Returns seems almost too cartoony and comical. The original had very atmospheric locations. The caves felt damp and dark and the rainstorms/blizzards really gave the game a sense of adventure. The music played a big part of this too. Returns is too "standard" if you get what I mean.

I think Sherwiinator mentioned it too, but I have to agree. I much prefer the originals' dark and moody atmosphere compared to the cartoony comical style of today's Donkey Kong. I can instantly picture the caves of DKC1 and remember the music to go with it. There was a genuine spookiness that the game portrayed with its music and graphics. Each level had character. Rewatching YouTube vids of the snow levels also makes me feel like Returns missed out on a lot.

I guess I can be happy that they didn't call it DKC4. At least they were right about that.

Yea, I've played DKC1, and played through about half of DKC2. I may have played one level of the third one but I don't remember too well. I agree that the atmosphere wasn't as dark, and the music didn't help as it lacked the epicness. Sounded a little too bland, like they took it down a couple notches. The lack of animal friends is a downfall too. But Azuardo's right, it's DKC RETURNS, not 4. It's supposed to be a modern take on the series. Plus, while the atmosphere wasn't as dark, I thought it was way more inventive and the level design was genius.

Guys, your main problem is not the faults of DKCR, it's that you want to play the same old DKC again! If that's the case, get out your SNES (or GBA, or get it on virtual console or whatever) and play it!

I shouldn't have to say this, but gaming series change with time. Look at most gaming series and you'll see that it's not just the same game over and over (unless you're playing Fifa Smilie). Things like the change of atmosphere and lack of water levels aren't bad just because they're different, you know. I know you might feel slightly cheated because it's not the perfect homage to the original trilogy, but that doesn't take anything away from the game. Judge a game on what's been before, sure, but don't judge a game on its name. Would the game really have been better/worse had it have been called DKC4 or DK: Adventures or whatever?

(I never liked water levels in platform games anyway, but that's just me.)

( Edited 21.05.2011 20:28 by Cheesing it up )

I hate how everyone complains about every single thing. It's ridiculous.
I honestly thought DKCR was fantastic, same with the SNES DKC's. Everyones standards are too high nowadays, and if theres something you don't like (Kremlins being absent), you act like the game was rushed/crap. I see this crap everyday, everyone whining about one thing or another.
Thats what bugs me.
(Am I being a hypocrite? Probably.)

( Edited 23.05.2011 03:34 by IceDoesntHelp )

I agree. And don't take this negatively, but if you want to play a game that doesn't advance or change things up a bit, there's a million call of duty's out there waiting to get bought.


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