Ocarina of Time 3D Trailer Shows Nostalgic Moments

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I have to admit that I'm not too excited about it. Smilie
I played OoT 2 years ago. It's still a good game, but not great. I don't want to play this game a 4th time!

Urgh, pretty bad trailer - spoiler central for anyone that hasn't played the game, surely?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Urgh, pretty bad trailer - spoiler central for anyone that hasn't played the game, surely?
That's true. Although I find that when you;re not actively seeking spoilers, they just go right over your head.

Our member of the week

Unimpressive trailer I must say... it certainly doesn't do the game any justice in my eyes.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I have to agree; this doesn't make the game look all too brilliant. Some parts look very blocky and not as touched up as other areas of the game. It's almost as if Nintendo only did up a few areas of the game, like Link's house and Hyrule town, releasing them as screenshots to get everyone wetting their pants, only to leave other parts looking pretty bland and almost straight out of the 64 version.

I'm having second thoughts now too, and might just wait until the end of the year to get a 3DS, or try to hold out for the inevitable 3DS lite. Depends what other games come out for it this year. Obviously OOT is a cracking game, but I have played it a million times, on N64 and GameCube, and I'm sure I can do without it. I do have a ton of other games to play this year too.

I was concerned about Nintendo giving it to Grezzo to develop. That alone shows they can't be too bothered about it. The company is pretty much unknown and has made one WiiWare game, yet Nintendo give them one of their best games ever made to develop a remake? Nintendo seem really lazy these days, it's like they just don't care. I'm sure they looked over it to make sure it was okay and such, but still.

I have to say, the visuals don't look much better than the Nintendo 64 version, in most of the trailer. I actually thought the beginning was from the N64 version and thought it was going to merge into the new visuals. Afterwards I realised it was the 3DS version.

Definitely feels like a wasted opportunity.

Marzy said:
I was concerned about Nintendo giving it to Grezzo to develop. That alone shows they can't be too bothered about it. The company is pretty much unknown and has made one WiiWare game, yet Nintendo give them one of their best games ever made to develop a remake? Nintendo seem really lazy these days, it's like they just don't care. I'm sure they looked over it to make sure it was okay and such, but still.

I have to say, the visuals don't look much better than the Nintendo 64 version, in most of the trailer. I actually thought the beginning was from the N64 version and thought it was going to merge into the new visuals. Afterwards I realised it was the 3DS version.

Definitely feels like a wasted opportunity.

I was concerned at first, but Grezzo's CEO Koichi Ishii is very talented and has worked on Secret of Mana.

And I thought the exact same thing about the visuals, I thought there would be a transition into newer looking graphics.

But I'm still hyped for this. I doubt Miyamoto,considering how he scrutinises everything, would allow another team destroy his magnum opus. I'd say he has a lens of truth held above them.

The visuals look a lot better than the N64 version, especially since it has a 30fps framerate, all while staying true to the originals style, except there's no fog and Hyrule field is alot greener.

Spoiler for those who haven't played it (i.e probably no-one)

The bad thing about this trailer was for anyone that hasn't played through it before, it's practically one big spoiler.

Stulaw said:
The visuals look a lot better than the N64 version, especially since it has a 30fps framerate, all while staying true to the originals style, except there's no fog and Hyrule field is alot greener.

Exactly this. I'd rather them keep the same style and just make the visuals just look a little sharper. This remake looks great to me, and I can see the improvements, even if there are a few minor ones.

I'm a HUGE Zelda fan and this is one of my most favourite games, I've always wanted to play it on a portable. I can't wait for it. Smilie

( Edited 04.05.2011 00:36 by Mush123 )

My previous post may come across as me being very negative about it, though I'm actually very excited about it. Ocarina of Time is one of my favourite games of all-time and never gets old, in my opinion. I'll be more than happy to play through this again and I'll be pre-ordering it soon.

I was just talking about it from a technical standpoint.

Probably just not a well-put together trailer (Skyward Sword was also weak). Just a little bit disappointed with the footage - granted it is an improvement over the N64 edition, but just doesn't have that "wow" factor.

That said, it may just be because it's coupled with the original music and sound effects - they could have upped the sound quality, or at least have resampled the sound effects! As lovely as it is, it just makes it seem a little bit dated...

Still, will definitely play this from start to finish. OoT is a brilliant game, and to have it on a portable is a dream!

( Edited 04.05.2011 00:54 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

A bit disappointed to be honest. I'll be only picking this up for the masterquest, since I haven't finished it before.

Tbh, the aspect I'm most excited about is not the graphics, revisiting an old favorite or having it on a portable. It's the framerate. IIRC, I've played my first Zelda game getting the GC Collector's Edition and I started with Ocarina of Time. After I've played the included The Wind Waker demo I was thinking: "Damn, everything here is so smooth. Ocarina of Time would be much better like that." Now that dream of mine will finally become true. Smilie

Gotta love those same sfxs....

lazy Nintendo -.-

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

All I wanted was OOT portable and I got it better then that so I'm not complaining xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Just out of curiosity, why does everyone want it in portable form?

You could be playing it on a big screen TV, with high quality speakers and a comfy controller that fits better into your hands. Then there's the fact it could have been even better visually, if they remade it on Nintendo's next console.

( Edited 04.05.2011 19:33 by Marzy )

Marzy said:
Just out of curiosity, why does everyone want it in portable form?

You could be playing it on a big screen TV, with high quality speakers and a comfy controller that fits better into your hands. Then there's the fact it could have been even better visually, if they remade it on Nintendo's next console.

I think it was always going to go one of two ways: either we'd see a full-on remake with quality graphics, revamped orchestrated soundtrack, all the jazz and add-ons on a console; or we'd get a portable version.

It's appealing to have either one and I think whichever way it went, people would be ecstatic over it, yet there'd still be people wanting the other version. What's not to like about portable Ocarina? Now, you can play one of the greatest games of all time at work, school, on the train, etc. But at the same time, there will always be people who would prefer an enhanced remake.

I'm an old enough fan to remember the trailers for the original release, and to be honest it was the same sort of stuff then. As Angus says, you're not going to know that's a scene from the penultimate battle unless you've already played the game.

I guess showing the Triforce converging as Link and Ganondorf get close is a little spoiler, but if you even know what the Triforce is, you probably already know OoT like the back of your hand (no pun intended).

As for graphics - I mostly like it. It's a 'polish-up' rather than a 'remake'. In a similar vein to Perfect Dark's polished XBLA rendition. Much the same, even to look at. Just smoother all-round. In this way they have paid homage to the original, rather than try and remake it.

My one critique is that animation, physics, and overall 'look' seem more cartoon-y. The N64 original seems to have more 'realism', and tries less to look like a cartoon. I greatly prefer the more muted colours of the N64 game. Here it looks garishly-bright like a Mario game, whereas in it's original guise it had a somewhat 'impressionist' look about it.

N64 is still where it's at for me, but nonetheless this looks good in a different way, and should be a great way for new players to experience the game. Vets like me will probably prefer the N64 version for all sorts of reasons (some valid, some not).

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