Sounds interesting and I really hope Nintendo nail the online this time.
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Sounds interesting and I really hope Nintendo nail the online this time.
To be honest, I'm not longing for Nintendo's next gen console just yet. Just give me Skyward Sword, The Last Story, Xenoblade and a few other games and I'm more than pleased.
One thing I'd like to mention here: Nintendo won't reveal their next gen console over a year in advance if they have something unique on it so that the competition won't have plenty of time to try to 1UP them on it as seen with Move and Kinect. I even remember Iwata saying something like that in an interview about their next home console.
Those games are most likely coming this year, but what else does the Wii have coming? Sure, E3 might show a few new games, but I reckon they'll only be the last few games leading up to a next gen console release. I just don't see the Wii lasting longer than 2012.
True, Iwata did say that, but I don't see any reason why they can't announce or reveal the console without showing off the other secrets of the system. They might only need to just show one or two tech demos of Zelda and Mario, just to wet our appetites, kinda like with how they revealed the GameCube (Link vs Ganondorf tech demo).
Some people are sceptical of the article about the console only being as or a bit more powerful than a PS3/360, saying they should be aiming much higher than that. Which might be a fair point considering the 360 came out in 2005 - 7 years later (come 2012) you'd expect something much more powerful. If Nintendo truly want to attract third parties again, they need to really be pushing everything to the max, right? Otherwise devs will flock to the others again. Other articles say the console will be 'significantly more powerful' than PS3/360.
But this is jumping a bit too far forward, seeing as we don't know anything yet. But still, food for thought, eh?
( Edited 14.04.2011 22:03 by Azuardo )
Azuardo said:
Those games are most likely coming this year, but what else does the Wii have coming? Sure, E3 might show a few new games, but I reckon they'll only be the last few games leading up to a next gen console release. I just don't see the Wii lasting longer than 2012.True, Iwata did say that, but I don't see any reason why they can't announce or reveal the console without showing off the other secrets of the system. They might only need to just show one or two tech demos of Zelda and Mario, just to wet our appetites, kinda like with how they revealed the GameCube (Link vs Ganondorf tech demo).
Some people are sceptical of the console only being as or a bit more powerful than a PS3/360, saying they should be aiming much higher than that. Which might be a fair point considering the 360 came out in 2005 - 7 years later (come 2012) you'd expect something much more powerful. If Nintendo truly want to attract third parties again, they need to really pushing everything to the max, right? Otherwise devs will flock to the others again.
But this is jumping a bit too far forward, seeing as we don't know anything yet. But still, food for thought, eh?
They wouldn't even have to push everything to the max to attract third parties for a good while as Sony/Microsoft would have to follow up with a new console and I doubt that that's what they want right now. I'd say that at the very least they will put enough in it to get the 3rd parties they gained with the 3DS to their next home console as well.
( Edited 14.04.2011 22:41 by SirLink )
Guys the posts above were originally from a topic posted by Azuardo - cheers
( Edited 14.04.2011 22:38 by jb )
Hope this is true. The current Wii sucks so much balls. Prior to this, Nintendo always had pretty impressive hardware. Being merely as powerful (or thereabouts) as 360/PS3 wouldn't be enough. That'd just be a repeat of the Wii, being a generation behind. Those consoles are also getting pretty long in the tooth. Wii just makes them look great, but really they're not that great now.
Also, that blonde on the right - would totally ruin that bitch.
( Edited 14.04.2011 22:27 by Martin_ )
EDIT: okay, looks like jeeb put our forum posts into this topic, good on ya. Sorry for repeating myself somewhat.
Well, like I said in my topic, I can see this being close to the truth. I can't see the Wii lasting much longer than 2012, so a late 2012 launch seems realistic. It's obvious a lot of gamers have gone to PS3/360 for their needs, and Nintendo obviously can't afford to just sit on the sides with their Wii, picking up the pieces and casual players.
I'd love so much for them to come out fighting and release an absolute beast of a system. Something that plays blurays and has an online system that matches what's on PS3/360. This time, perhaps really do the virtual console justice and release plenty of games at affordable prices. Why not even let us download GameCube games on there too? There are plenty of old games that Nintendo haven't rereleased online, but with no real reason. Why not? Just do it.
And again, like I said before, they don't have to reveal the unique secrets of the system early either. No harm in announcing it and showing what it's capable of in a tech demo, then revealing the things that set it apart next year. With the hints in the past we've heard, Nintendo aren't just going to release and HD upgrade; it's got to be unique again.
I'm actually feeling excited about the future of Nintendo again. This generation has been somewhat of a letdown. It's had good points, but I would love to have a Nintendo console really pushing the limits again, with realistic graphics, massive worlds and online matches.
( Edited 14.04.2011 22:47 by Azuardo )
I will laugh if its more powerful than a ps3, i could just imagin the people at sony's faces. D: but HD is a given, every smart phone thats released now with output of some kind is in HD, theres no excuse, it's the norm now. But I don't care about that so much, it's the other features i wanna hear about, the ones that effect gameplay, not just how shiney the graphics are.
Matching what the competition does won't be enough, that much is a fact, they have to aim for something much more advanced so that when the competition rolls in with their new consoles, they're not left behind "AGAIN". The PS2 was behind the Gamecube and XBox, but not by as much as the Wii is behind the 360 and PS3... and the PS2 outsold the whole competition.
Much more powerful so as to not be left too far behind later on is what they need to be, and also innovate in the area of online, and not just catch on the XBox Live and PSN.
( Edited 14.04.2011 22:39 by Kafei2006 )
I think it may get a mention at this years E3, but I'm not expecting it to be shown off any form. The most I expect is some brief details about it, like whether it supports HD and how powerful it is compared to Wii.
I would really like Nintendo to blow us away with their next console though. If they do something original with the control method, it really needs to work properly this time. The Wii Remote never really excelled at what it did till MotionPlus came out and then that wasn't even supported very much. Most developers didn't even use motion controls, probably in fear that they would be inferior and I happen to think so too.
Martin_ said:
Those consoles are also getting pretty long in the tooth. Wii just makes them look great, but really they're not that great now.
I'm curious about this, since I don't really follow how much graphics have improved in videogames. Would you be able to show me an example?
( Edited 14.04.2011 23:05 by Marzy )
Come on Nintendo, up your game. PS3 and 360 is old tech. You aren't going to recapture the hardcore market with on-par, or just over par graphics as the dust gathering 360 and PS3.
I expect something magnificent. Don't let me down.
If this new console doesn't support HD it will be a huge letdown.
( Edited 14.04.2011 22:53 by Amethyst )
I hate this idea that the Wii is considered an inferior console solely because of its graphics capabilities. I've been playing my Wii more than my other consoles, there's just way too much good stuff on it.
though i wont deny that i would enjoy having an HD console, mainly because that would mean HD Metroid, Zelda, and Mario. All I know is, I better be able to copy my saves to this new console if it's announced.
Pent (guest) said:
I hate this idea that the Wii is considered an inferior console solely because of its graphics capabilities. I've been playing my Wii more than my other consoles, there's just way too much good stuff on it.though i wont deny that i would enjoy having an HD console, mainly because that would mean HD Metroid, Zelda, and Mario. All I know is, I better be able to copy my saves to this new console if it's announced.
Wii does have plenty of good games, but it's lacking in terms of plenty of solid titles from third parties in all sorts of genres. And of course, there's the online, or, lack thereof. It's never only about graphics, but I can't deny I'm not gagging for a beasty realistic Zelda and Metroid in HD.
The more I hear people's worries that their next console will only be a bit more powerful than a PS3, the more I worry that that's how it will turn out (or worse), and then repeat the same cycle. I just want Nintendo to really give something back to the fans here, and show their commitment to them by coming out with a beast.
( Edited 15.04.2011 11:05 by Azuardo )
It's way too early. It won't be announced until E3 2012 at the earliest. The current Wii is still selling and we'll hear about the release of the Vitality Sensor this year.
If there was one I doubt I'd get one untill it was a year or so into its cycle just to see how third parties/quality of titles that arrive on it. I don't play my Wii anymore, its official. If they announce one and it has backwards compatibility then I'm selling my Wii stat, and keeping my games.
Also it could be likely that they are going to run both consoles side by side. They have just announced a price drop in America for the console, it could be like how the GBA/DS was meant to work together as a third pillar type thing.
( Edited 15.04.2011 00:21 by Echoes221 )
UPDATE: CVG reports brand new controller with built-in HD screen.
What's most exciting about the Wii successor however is its all-new controller, which industry sources have indicated is not simply an upgraded Wii Remote, and will even feature a built-in HD screen.Our sources did not specify whether or not the controller displays will feature any other functionality, such as that of the DS's touch screen, but it's easy to imagine the sort of innovation an extra screen could bring to Wii 2 games.
"Nintendo's plans sound unreal," one source said. "Publishers are already planning launch titles and it's all very exciting.
"The hardware is even more powerful than current HD consoles and backwards compatible with Wii. The controller will be all-new and has a HD screen on it."
Asked to comment on today's reports earlier, a Nintendo of America spokesperson issued a straight "no comment".
Too many things doing the rounds at the moment, so who knows what's bullcrap and what's not. A controller with a screen wouldn't be too farfetched; we've had it with the Dreamcast in a simple form. Just sharing the latest, guys. Feel free to believe what you want.
( Edited 15.04.2011 00:26 by Azuardo )
we'll hear about the release of the Vitality Sensor this year.
I seriously doubt the vitality sensor will expand the lifetime of the all.
It would seem strange for them to announce a new system before the release of Skyward Sword (unless they plan to pull a TP again and release it on both). That said, I'm not really buying the rumors of an all powerful system.
I'll believe it when I see it. The Wii has ruined my faith in Nintendo to deliver a good (home) console.
Nintendo intending to recapture the hardcore audience? Music to my ears. I think I honestly hear angels singing.
Yeah, the visuals will obviously be HD, and I'm betting it will be more powerful than a PS3. Big deal people. We're Nintendo fans, that shouldn't be the most exciting thing to us.
I can't wait to see what their new "hook" is. The next controller will hopefully be an improvement to Wii's, and not a step back, like a normal controller.
Azuardo said:
This time, perhaps really do the virtual console justice and release plenty of games at affordable prices.
Purely looking at Virtual Console prices (and the price of the Wii), it would appear from the outside that Nintendo have absolutely no concept of what 'value' means. VC games are comically over-priced.
First, let's remember that all that's happening with a VC release is a (usually) completely-untouched ROM is uploaded to the server for �£6-7, you buy it. End of. The one little addition they give you is a simple title card for it's thumbnail when browsing on the VC system. They don't even change the button icons to relate to the Wii.
Compare this to Perfect Dark XBLA, which costs 800 MS Points (�£6.80). Same price. Same value? No. A lot of extra work has gone into the 360 release. It is not an emulation, nor is it a remake. It's still the exact same game, just in 1080p, rock-solid framerate, and with missing features reinserted. Textures and character models have been updated, level geometry remains identical. Oh, and it can be played online now.
As you can see, you get vastly greater value-for-money on the other services. Nintendo just lazily uploads ROMs and asks very steep prices for them. I would never pay that much for a ROM. I can get the genuine cart for much less than that. Digital-distribution is supposed to cost less, not more.
This needs to change for the next Nintendo console. I have no problem as such with the sale of ROMs, but the price must be right, not wrong! Either charge half as much (at the most), or give us much more for the same money, like you get on PSN/XBLA.
Kafei2006 said:
The PS2 was behind the Gamecube and XBox, but not by as much as the Wii is behind the 360 and PS3... and the PS2 outsold the whole competition.
Dude - not even nearly as much! You know how on Digital Foundry they compare the 360 and PS3 versions of the same game? You remember how a few years back the PS3 version always looked worse, but only when viewed side-by-side in an analytical way. Not generally something most people would notice. That was basically the scenario with PS2 vs GC/Xbox.
From a hardware standpoint, the current gen is more or less a "2guys1hammer" scenario, with the Wii being the innocent old man that gets brutally murdered, and the 360/PS3 taking the role of the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs.
They make the Wii look so shit. It has decade-old graphics capabilities, and shit audio capabilities. Dolby Pro Logic II was impressive on the SNES. That Nintendo have stubbornly stuck by that old-as-dirt surround protocol.. lulz!
PS2 is a lot nearer to Wii than Wii is to 360/PS3. PS2 could run a somewhat worse looking version of the very best-looking Wii game. Now imagine Wii trying to run Uncharted 2. Hold back the laughter.
Marzy said:
I'm curious about this, since I don't really follow how much graphics have improved in videogames. Would you be able to show me an example?
Ironically not, since the console sector has completely destroyed the PC sector. Hence Crysis 2 being what it is. The best way I can put it is this; If you look at the specs of PS3/360, you can tell that they're really old. 512MB of RAM is really pathetic. Consider that the OS also has to run, so neither system can actually give that whole amount to any game. Consider that the GPUs are old and shit.
Basically, look at a current top-spec PC. See how those specs completely destroy that of the latter two consoles? I mean, there's not even a fair comparison to be had there. It's night and day. Had the PC gaming sector not fallen into utter dissolution, you'd be seeing some very amazing PC games right now, which'd make everything on PS3/360 look laughable, in the same way that they make the Wii look laughable.
I imagine you've already seen it by now, but if not, look up a nice HD vid of the original Crysis on maximum settings. If we allow for some artefacting, it'll give you a good idea of what I'm talking about. Now consider that Crysis is a 4 year old game!
The PS3 has an ace up it's sleeve in the Cell processor, which devs are just now starting to tickle in the right way. I don't see that keeping it going for another five years, but still. It's something. Basically, 360 and PS3 are old-as-dirt in computing terms. The Wii just makes those two look amazing because it looks so shit.
Pent (guest) said:
I hate this idea that the Wii is considered an inferior console solely because of its graphics capabilities. I've been playing my Wii more than my other consoles, there's just way too much good stuff on it.
It's not just the graphics, it's the software. A lot of gamers think that the Wii's software is lame. Nintendo always make solid stuff, but the third-party support is just absolute wank.
Azuardo said:
And of course, there's the online, or, lack thereof.
Salient point, but yeah I do massively agree. The Wii's online is utter shit. I've said it before many times, and my stance hasn't changed. Whoever thought Friend Codes were a great idea.. that person is stupid. It's clearly not a good way to liaise with other gamers, across several games.
XBL got it right in 2003 or whenever the service launched. Sony copied it for PSN because it was clearly the right way to go. Nintendo pulled friend codes out of their asses instead of doing the sensible thing and having it like the others, where you have a consistent online profile/identity across everything on the platform.
Azuardo said:
It's never only about graphics, but I can't deny I'm not gagging for a beasty realistic Zelda and Metroid in HD.
I would stress at this point that HD graphics (or by implication - better hardware) does not necessitate 'realistic graphics'. All it gives developers is a much better-quality canvass on which to paint their game, with a much more diverse palette.
Essentially, with greater hardware comes greater breathing room to do what you want. The more inferior the hardware is, the less the final product will resemble the initial concept. 'Realistic graphics' are unfortunately just in vogue at the moment. It's not a reflection on the hardware, just the market.
I use inverted commas because I actually have never ever seen realistic graphics on any computer game ever. Many a time I've seen people on here criticising the other platforms for their lack of style, citing games like Gears for being realistic and therefore boring. If you look like any of the humans in gears, you need to go to the hospital ASAP. Just because it's not anime doesn't mean it's not stylized.
I think some people's devotion to Nintendo on this site has caused their perception to be very warped. A "If it's not primary coloured and obviously Japanese, it's not artistic or stylized" mindset. This is a great shame.
Azuardo said:
The more I hear people's worries that their next console will only be a bit more powerful than a PS3, there more I worry that that's how it will turn out (or worse), and then repeat the same cycle.
A plausible outcome, if you ask me. We know that Nintendo do not like the 'selling hardware at a loss which is later made back via software sales' business model. This is what both MS and Sony used during the opening few years of 360/PS3.
They are now turning profits with those consoles, but only because manufacturing advances has allowed those machines to be produced cheap enough for them to even dare to try and make a profit from console sales.
In order for Nintendo to provide something cutting-edge, they will have to use that business model for at least the first 2-3 years. I don't see them doing this. If they don't, then they can't provide a cutting-edge console, because consumers will not want to pay �£600 for it. It would flop, and Nintendo would die.
So if within the next year or two Nintendo are finalizing the successor to Wii with the following aims; "Be top-spec, sell units at a profit" - those two things don't mix very well.
What you may end up with is something that is somewhat more capable than the current crop of HDers, but will be destroyed when the next lot come along. We know how Sony and MS do not shy away from making losses at the hardware level, because they have shown this tendency multiple times.
In turn, we can then safely assume that MS and Sony's next offerings will be very impressive when they first launch, because they don't mind selling a �£600 machine for �£300 to get the ball rolling, and also get some longevity in there for later on.
Azuardo said:
I just want Nintendo to really give something back to the fans here, and show their commitment to them by coming out with a beast.
They don't give a fuck about anything but your money. Sorry, bro.
( Edited 15.04.2011 05:57 by Martin_ )
I'm really REALLY hoping that Nintendo really is "intent to recapture the hardcore market" because for the longest time I thought Soturo Iwata was going power mad with all the weird choices he was making for Nintendo as a company.
I really want a new console. I would love one with an SSD so that open worlds could run smoothly.
I want to see great third party support. Motion controls implemented with some kinect functionality. Strong online support. 3DS integration.
But mostly zelda in HD. Hyrule in HD. beautiful textures and the horse power to give zeldas artistic world the chance to be as beautiful and dynamic as possible
320gb HD or SSD
Wifi N
Dolphin emulator for wii games
motion control with M plus and be able to interpret depth, positioning and speed better.
Wireless nun chuk
rechargeable controllers
Seemless internet connection to wii shop/downloads.
loads of Demos.
A lot quieter fan
touch contrls maybe?
Third party support and communication
new and old franchises
transfer all online purchases
Included support for traditional games in the box.
Clamp down on rereleases of current PS3/360 games
( Edited 15.04.2011 10:37 by meeto_0 )
Well played, Martin
Small update: IGN say the screen on the controller will have touch functionality.
And says it will use bluray discs, which doesn't seem unlikely.
( Edited 15.04.2011 12:28 by Azuardo )
meeto_0 said:
transfer all online purchases
Excellent point, and not only limited to Nintendo's next machine. I've wondered about this before. For me this is the acid-test for digital distribution. Though I greatly prefer a physical product, I have found myself with hundreds of pounds worth of stuff from XBLA and PSN.
I expect this content to migrate to 720/PS4 at no extra cost to me. If it does not, I'll feel rather burned, and will no-longer trust my investment in any digitally-distributed content. In short, DLC can fuck off if my vast library of content is rendered obsolete.
meeto_0 said:
Included support for traditional games in the box.
meeto_0 said:
Clamp down on rereleases of current PS3/360 games
I actually think this is a dead-cert for Wii2. You can see a microcosm of this with the 3DS and it's Xbox 1 ports and such. The fastest way to inflate a launch line-up is to provide quick little ports.
If it's true that Nintendo 'intend to recapture the hardcore market', I can totally see them dipping into the PS3 and 360s catalogue. A compilation disc featuring COD4, WaW, MW2 and Blops would go down a treat with the hardcore lot. BioShock Collection. Even Heavier Rain. Lulz. Anyway, I wouldn't hold your breath on there not being a slew of ports from the current HDers.
Nintendo will have to convince me before I part with my hard earned cash for a home console. I brought the 3DS at launch because their handhelds and software on them are always top notch. I need the software to live up to the hardware, not the other way around. On wii, we haven't even had that, over the past 2 years its fizzled out completely leaving me with a white plastic paperweight sat in the corner of my room, unused, whilst I game to my hearts content on my (now 6 years old which still looks significantly better than the Wii) PC, my year old Xbox 360 and my bluray player for films.
And this is partly because all third party support has practically shunned away from the system leaving huge gaps in between titles.
To Martin: What I wrote was poorly written. I meant we need a control setup in the box that supports traditional games as well as motion games. Not all games need motion or pointer control. The classic controller needs to be in the box or the new control method allows for a similar setup.
Kind of like the 3ds. touch and analogue controls.
As for Digital distribution I hate all the blocks and controls companies can implement. You dont feel like you own your purchase which is wrong. It will surely support the illegal download sector
( Edited 15.04.2011 13:11 by meeto_0 )