Hello all, a couple of you recommended it so I thought I may as well create this.
Just convert your Mii into a QR code, get it on to your computer via the SD card. (You will need an SD card reader or other means of connecting an SD card to your computer, for instance a digital camera)
How do I convert my Mii into a QR code?
For those of you that are unsure how to do this just go into the Mii Maker application on the 3DS, then tap the QR Code/Image Options then "Save Mii as QR Code". Simple, right?
NOTE: you can also scan other QR codes here, to redeem other members' Miis.
Right, so let's get started.
List of Mii QR Codes:
Mush (Mush123) -

Ricky (L) -

Laurie (Amethyst) -

Terry (Amethyst) -

Akuma Kai (akuma kai) -

Bunch of Celeb Miis -

Trepe -

Steve-O -

RudyC3 (ver 2.0 ) (Kafei2006)

( Edited 16.04.2011 20:55 by Mush123 )