Well it was obvious these two were gonna be in but damn I love the way capcom make their trailers
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Well it was obvious these two were gonna be in but damn I love the way capcom make their trailers
I've seen this trailer about three times now, I can't believe how good this is looking, both in gameplay and graphics. About on par with resi 4? I think so.
Maybe even better looking then RE4, but nevertheless a stunning looking game
it might be out on june17th. and also looks awsome
( Edited 29.03.2011 22:04 by Uroboros Locke )
Still no sign of Leon!
Echoes221 said:I'd go as far as to say it looks on par with RE5. I'm glad they brought Jill into this with her original design. I wasn't too keen on her RE5 one. :/
I've seen this trailer about three times now, I can't believe how good this is looking, both in gameplay and graphics. About on par with resi 4? I think so.
Mush Said:
I'd go as far as to say it looks on par with RE5. I'm glad they brought Jill into this with her original design. I wasn't too keen on her RE5 one. :/
Echoes221 said:
Not quite, some of the textures aren't quite to the same standard. Though I may very well change my mind once I've seen it on a smaller screen.
Either way, this game looks great! Can't wait for this and Revelations. :3
( Edited 30.03.2011 03:08 by Mush123 )
It looks absolutely gorgeous! I do hope they Ada and Leon, my favourite from Resi4. Add this with online coop, I think I just jizzed my pants.
I have seen the trailer and it looks so good. The graphics look like they are getting boosted up each time I see a new gameplay trailer. Really glad I can play the levels from RE4 as well as RE5. Looking good Capcom.
It does look brilliant, definitely Resi 4 standard and skimming on Resi 5. Environment textures have the 'Zelda effect', a bit stretched and low res, but overall it looks smooth as silk!
I showed this trailer a friend at school today and he wouldn't believe me that it was for the 3DS. Just looked too good.
By the way, if this already looks so good how are games going to look like where developers choose to omit the 3D to get some extra power for the graphics? My guess is that those will start popping up maybe later this year/early 2012 when things settled down and people aren't all about the 3D anymore.
( Edited 30.03.2011 12:41 by SirLink )