Nintendo Reveal New Zelda Logos for OOT 3DS and Skyward Sword

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The Zelda 25th anniversary logo looks pretty cool. No doubt Metroid will be forgotten about though.Smilie

Wonder what we'll get on the 25th anniversary? Maybe a disc with Zelda 1-3, soundtrack and artbook for $30? Can't include Ocarina/Master Quest in there since we'll get a 3D release... and the same might happen with Majora's Mask. Also, the GB/GBC games are set to release on the 3DS virtual console so that's a no as well.

Iwata said something like "we'll be able to enjoy Zelda's anniversary together." The 'together' part has me ingrigued... could it be a multiplayer game?

Canyarion said:
Iwata said something like "we'll be able to enjoy Zelda's anniversary together." The 'together' part has me ingrigued... could it be a multiplayer game?

Zelda MMO confirmed!

Azuardo said:

Zelda MMO confirmed!

No no, you got it all wrong. FOUR SWORDS 3DS with online multiplayer CONFIRMED. Smilie

Loving the skyward sword logo. Really diggin' the ancient looking triforce and wings.


Anyone else been able to try out the 3DS at their local Game store. They had a console with one of those AR cards. I tried it out and was very impressed.

But I was less impressed with the 3d. The two features do not work together at all! Moving around the arrow boards trying to get a shot just made the 3D collapse.

Like the wii remote the tech sounds good in theory but it isnt polished enough to be implemented properly. Graphics are a worry as well. The AR game looked on par to a PSP game. So far few games look better then the PSP

meeto_0 said:
Anyone else been able to try out the 3DS at their local Game store. They had a console with one of those AR cards. I tried it out and was very impressed.

But I was less impressed with the 3d. The two features do not work together at all! Moving around the arrow boards trying to get a shot just made the 3D collapse.

Like the wii remote the tech sounds good in theory but it isnt polished enough to be implemented properly. Graphics are a worry as well. The AR game looked on par to a PSP game. So far few games look better then the PSP

The 3D is only a problem when moving. When playing normal games, the 3D works fine. The graphics are also at least PSP standard. RE Mercenaries and SSFIV surpass anything I've seen on PSP.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Dont get me wrong I know the 3DS is capable of a lot graphically when its tapped out. But its relative comfort zone where I figure most games will settle makes games appear less spectacular.

I only played with the 3DS for a few minutes (I could sense the preorder hard sell coming my way) But just looking at it straight on isnt that simple. THe screen has to be adjusted so your line of sight is roughly perpendicular to the screen. Looking at it straight on with the screen at the wrong angle also causes problems.

The point is, the 3D aspect is suppose to be one of the main selling points and it doesnt work with the other aspects of the 3DS. There has to be trade offs immediately. I have read about the new ways of approaching 3d in portable devices and I imagine nintendo has come to early once again.

Another thing I noticed about the 3DS was that build quality was good. Its also smaller then I thought it was. I forgot to try the sliding pad!!!

( Edited 07.03.2011 20:42 by meeto_0 )

More Four Swords please!

Lynk said:
meeto_0 said:
Anyone else been able to try out the 3DS at their local Game store. They had a console with one of those AR cards. I tried it out and was very impressed.

But I was less impressed with the 3d. The two features do not work together at all! Moving around the arrow boards trying to get a shot just made the 3D collapse.

Like the wii remote the tech sounds good in theory but it isnt polished enough to be implemented properly. Graphics are a worry as well. The AR game looked on par to a PSP game. So far few games look better then the PSP

The 3D is only a problem when moving. When playing normal games, the 3D works fine. The graphics are also at least PSP standard. RE Mercenaries and SSFIV surpass anything I've seen on PSP.

The graphics are way,way,way more then PSP standard.
It really cant be judged by Nintendos own games.
(Capcom even managed to get a version of Re5 running on it!). The polygon counts might not be much better then the Wiis (if any), but the shaders, normal mapping, self-shadowing, motion blur etc are lightyears beyond what the Wii can do.

That said, I think when doing visual tracking with markers, that probably eats a fair amount of the CPU, and thus makes high graphics harder to pull of.

The point is, the 3D aspect is suppose to be one of the main selling points and it doesnt work with the other aspects of the 3DS.

"I cant use a touchscreen and hold all the DS's buttons at the same time!! Its worthless!"

Stupid complaint. Just because you cant use all the features at once doesnt make any feature worthless due to that fact.

Also, fyi, no autosteroscopic screen will work while your head is moving. None of them. It has to project a different image into each eye and that cant be done if you move. Theres no weakpoint with Nintendo here, every phone, laptop and tv screen released over the next decade will have the same problem.
(which is why with TV's polarised glasse's is the better choice).

The tech might one day be solved with true 4D volemetrix screens, but thats a long long way off.

( Edited 07.03.2011 22:02 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I love how you put an argument together Darkflame. Your so selective if only you spent more time thinking about your position. 3D is a visual output. Touchscreen is a physical input. I would never argue that one physical input has prevented me from using another physical input on the grounds of not having enough hands (although I would happily compare the two to see if one was better then the other)

I read that zelda can use the tilt motion in the 3DS to look around links environment. This physical input conflicts with the visual output. Understanding the drawbacks? I will have to slide the 3D on or off or not use such an input and stick to analogue. AR whilst it worked a treat in 2D (and I wouldnt even buy a 3DS for the 3D) I would have thought that AR in 3D would have been a great combination.

Why do you stick random pieces of tech lingo at the end of your arguments?

I'm really liking the phoenix and triforce on the Skyward Sword logo, especially with the ivy on.

Mush123 (guest) 08.03.2011#13

The 3D didn't mess up for me when playing FaceRaiders/AR game but that's because I turned my whole body and kept the 3DS in my line of sight. It maybe screwed up once, but that isn't a problem since you can easily get back into the sweet spot.

Simon J Kormendy (guest) 08.03.2011#14

I've been doing my best to follow all the news on Ocarina Of Time 3D, and Skyward Sword, I liked the first version of the Skyward Sword Logo, but I really love the new version, the stone marbling really suits it, Nintendo you've got it spot on, I've played Ocarina Of Time all the way through a few times on my Nintendo 64 games console, the 3DS version is looking great, there were some graphical glitches with the original version of OOT, hope they sorted them out.... Smilie

I am sooooooooo hanging out to play Skyward Sword when it's released here in Australia... Smilie

meeto_0 said:
I love how you put an argument together Darkflame. Your so selective if only you spent more time thinking about your position. 3D is a visual output. Touchscreen is a physical input. I would never argue that one physical input has prevented me from using another physical input on the grounds of not having enough hands (although I would happily compare the two to see if one was better then the other)

I read that zelda can use the tilt motion in the 3DS to look around links environment. This physical input conflicts with the visual output. Understanding the drawbacks? I will have to slide the 3D on or off or not use such an input and stick to analogue. AR whilst it worked a treat in 2D (and I wouldnt even buy a 3DS for the 3D) I would have thought that AR in 3D would have been a great combination.

Why do you stick random pieces of tech lingo at the end of your arguments?

Really? They have to get rid of an input method to increase a visual output method's ability? You're joking, right? Using gyroscope won't make the 3D stop working as well.

Here's the flaw in your entire argument: You're basing it on the AR games. Did you stop to consider that perhaps the issue you were having is because the AR games rely entirely on cameras? So your "output" that apparently has to take a hit for some reason is actually an INPUT, it's taking images from two different cameras and splicing them together, likely causing a delay you experienced. Looking around with the gyro in Zelda won't rely on the camera inputs, the game is already there, so you're comparing apples to oranges.

If you really have that much trouble with the 3D, it's probably your eyes, because you're the first and only person I've heard say anything of the sort about it.

( Edited 08.03.2011 17:45 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Shiek side quest?!

justonesp00lturn said:
meeto_0 said:
I love how you put an argument together Darkflame. Your so selective if only you spent more time thinking about your position. 3D is a visual output. Touchscreen is a physical input. I would never argue that one physical input has prevented me from using another physical input on the grounds of not having enough hands (although I would happily compare the two to see if one was better then the other)

I read that zelda can use the tilt motion in the 3DS to look around links environment. This physical input conflicts with the visual output. Understanding the drawbacks? I will have to slide the 3D on or off or not use such an input and stick to analogue. AR whilst it worked a treat in 2D (and I wouldnt even buy a 3DS for the 3D) I would have thought that AR in 3D would have been a great combination.

Why do you stick random pieces of tech lingo at the end of your arguments?

Really? They have to get rid of an input method to increase a visual output method's ability? You're joking, right? Using gyroscope won't make the 3D stop working as well.

Here's the flaw in your entire argument: You're basing it on the AR games. Did you stop to consider that perhaps the issue you were having is because the AR games rely entirely on cameras? So your "output" that apparently has to take a hit for some reason is actually an INPUT, it's taking images from two different cameras and splicing them together, likely causing a delay you experienced. Looking around with the gyro in Zelda won't rely on the camera inputs, the game is already there, so you're comparing apples to oranges.

If you really have that much trouble with the 3D, it's probably your eyes, because you're the first and only person I've heard say anything of the sort about it.

justonesp00lturn said:

The 3D took a hit simply because the AR demo required me to swivel the DS around the object to shoot at the different targets. Unless the DS was attached to me with a rigid harness swivelling the DS is going to change the angle that your looking at it. Changing the angle moves you away from the sweet spot and therefore breaks down the 3D effect.

With the zelda demo that I watched on Kotaku you have to swivel the DS to change the ingame viewing angle. Its more natural to do this by just moving the DS with your wrists/arms not rigidly moving your whole body.

So I think this is a valid point and not an oranges/lemons scenario. (since I was referring to how one can interact with a piece of software and how that effects the 3D so its oranges and oranges)

I have read several articles online where journalist have to make adjustments at the start of a game session to get to the sweet spot. I EXPERIENCED the same thing from actually picking one up.

My eye sight is fine. No glasses or contacts.

My opinion based on actually playing with a 3DS. You guys complain when people have any negative opinion on something they havent experienced. Go to a Game store and try it out before being rude for no reason. Same for Darkflame.

( Edited 09.03.2011 08:06 by meeto_0 )

meeto_0 said:
The 3D took a hit simply because the AR demo required me to swivel the DS around the object to shoot at the different targets. Unless the DS was attached to me with a rigid harness swivelling the DS is going to change the angle that your looking at it. Changing the angle moves you away from the sweet spot and therefore breaks down the 3D effect.

With the zelda demo that I watched on Kotaku you have to swivel the DS to change the ingame viewing angle. Its more natural to do this by just moving the DS with your wrists/arms not rigidly moving your whole body.

So I think this is a valid point and not an oranges/lemons scenario. (since I was referring to how one can interact with a piece of software and how that effects the 3D so its oranges and oranges)

I have read several articles online where journalist have to make adjustments at the start of a game session to get to the sweet spot. I EXPERIENCED the same thing from actually picking one up.

My eye sight is fine. No glasses or contacts.

My opinion based on actually playing with a 3DS. You guys complain when people have any negative opinion on something they havent experienced. Go to a Game store and try it out before being rude for no reason. Same for Darkflame.

Okay, I see what you're saying now. Before, it sounded like you meant it was taking a hit on a technical level. My apologies for being rude.

In response, I would say this: the AR games aren't a main function of the 3DS. Gryoscope in general isn't. It's a feature, and probably won't be used by many developers. In the case of Zelda, you can probably turn it off entirely. That said, you can also turn off the 3D effects.
Nowhere I know of lets people try out the 3DS yet, so I can't get access to one. I do want to, but I also wonder how much exposure you got with it. Is it possible you don't need to move the system quite as much as you were moving it? I have an iPod Touch and the accelerometer is pretty accurate, and doesn't require any huge movements before it detects motion.

I have seen several sources say you have to find a sweet spot, but every one of the ones I saw also said that once it was found, they didn't really have to try at all to hold onto it.

Anyway, again, even if it has issues, it's one of the minor features of the system. I don't think it'll be a dealbreaker. Sorry again for being so brash before.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
Mush123 (guest) 09.03.2011#19

I've tried the 3DS, twice. Both times I got into the sweet spot straight away.

As I said in my previous post, I had no problems with the AR/Face Raiders. They were both comfortable to play and I had no problems with the 3D - in fact, the 3D worked better than I had originally expected!

Oh, and I would log in but I'm using my phone because my internet isn't working and I can't be bothered to log in. Smilie

One more thing... ONLY 16 MORE DAYS. :3

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