No Border Collies = Fail
I assume you will unlock all the breeds eventually like the last game?
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No Border Collies = Fail
I assume you will unlock all the breeds eventually like the last game?
Where is the list of cat breeds?
i think there's only 3 types of cats, standard, oriental, and long hair. but my japanese really sucks so who knows.
( Edited 14.02.2011 01:42 by keith )
Yeah I was wondering about cats too, cuz' I wonder if one of the cat breeds I saw in some pictures wouldn't happen to be the one my own cat belongs to... and they're funny cats to play with XD so that would be awesome.
Blatantly tagged on last minute. You can see it on Miyamoto's smug face in these interviews "haha these guys got ducked up the bum"
Great game, but i wish the launch title was a better game (Super paper mario 3d) but this does look fun in 3d
i think it is really annoying because the christmas that just went by i got a nintendo dsI xl and now this new one is out and there is going to be loads of new games that are only going to be on the nintendo3ds:-x