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1 month to go until new Nintendo Hardware (for everyone except me, heh), so what be your choice of Armchair entertainment until or beyond then, for February at least?

My current list;

Mario Tennis 64- Bought it on a whim a few days ago, and have been trying to get a few goes on it while I can. Aside from visually (dem polygons!Smilie), it hasn't aged a day; as fun, charming, and playable as ever. And I STILL can't beat the third cup. I suck. Smilie

Infinite Space -This one has been on the radar for a while, and to be honest, I'm not too keen on it, though I'll relate that to not fully understanding how battles work yet. I like the sense of scale and scope though.

and that's about it really. Might be adding No More Heroes 2 and/or Another Code R to the list, depending on how my eBay items sell tonight, but we'll see.

What about you guys?

Currently entered a bit of a slip in gaming at the mo. I have an absolute ton of games to play but I've been working so damn much lately that I'm just knackered when I get home so I usually just whack music on my PS3 and go online.

That said, I've started going through Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings on DS again. I've yet to beat the game but this time I'm making sure to do it.

Also started my first file on Zelda: The Spirit Tracks. I can see the train thing getting a bit tedious, so I haven't played it much yet. Might play it more when I beat FFXII:RW.

Yakuza 3 is due to arrive at my door too, so I think I'll be giving that a go when I get it.

I've been switching between CoD: Black Ops on PS3 as it is now playable online after the 1 millionth patch and Modern Warfare 2 on 360.

I also got Metroid Other M. I really like it despite how linear and stupid it's been so far (Samus, run through that painful hot heat and then I'll authorize your Varia suit). The graphics are amazing and the cutscenes well presented! Samus should shut up though. Smilie

Finally, I got Hydrophobia on XBLA. It's on sale this week for on 400msp. I heard how much effort the devs went to fix a lot of problems people had with it (the list of changes is huuuuge!). I think it's good to support companies like that. Smilie

( Edited 03.02.2011 11:56 by Ifrit XXII )

I'm actually only playing Monster Hunter Tri all the time right now even though I still have ways to go completing Donkey Kong Country Returns and Sonic Colours. Smilie

That's going to change in a bit though because I'll (hopefully) get The World Ends With You next week, which I've been desperately trying to get for months.

( Edited 03.02.2011 12:59 by SirLink )

Playing Assassins Creed Brotherhood multiplayer which is pretty addictive. Went back to playing good old RE4, despite how many times I've completed it I always end up going back to it. Also a bit of Super Smash Bros Brawl cause I like hacking brawl Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I'm patiently waiting for Marvel Vs Capcom 3 to be released.Smilie

I was thinking about playing Super Mario Galaxy 2, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Metroid: Other M because I haven't completed either of them.>_< Other M is still sealed and I got it back in September.Smilie

L said:
I'm patiently waiting for Marvel Vs Capcom 3 to be released.Smilie

You getting that for PS3 right? We gotta have some games against each other Smilie
My main teams gonna be Zero/Chris/Wesker Smilie

( Edited 03.02.2011 19:24 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Yeah definitely. My teams gonna be Akuma/Amaterasu/Ryu or maybe Chris or Zero. XD
Who needs Marvel characters? Smilie

Sonic Colours, although I've hardly been playing it. I also want to make a start on Uncharted 2 soon, before Epic Yarn and Pokémon Black are out.

Marzy said:
Sonic Colours, although I've hardly been playing it. I also want to make a start on Uncharted 2 soon, before Epic Yarn and Pokémon Black are out.

What do you think of Colours so far? Smilie

It's pretty good, although I found Sonic Unleashed did a better job with it's daytime stages. The controls are more iffy in Colours and don't feel as solid. I'm not a very big fan of the Wisp power ups either. I find they disrupt gameplay and just complicate things more.

On a more positive side, it looks very nice, visually and it has funny cut-scenes that have made me laugh. The music is also good in places.

Overall though, I guess I'd say it's the best 3D Sonic game ever made. It's no Super Mario Galaxy though.

Don't kill me for saying this, but I'm playing FFVII again on me PS3 with a view to finally finishing the cunt. Never got off the second disc. I find these games pretty difficult when it comes to the long haul. I have little understanding of how the stats work out and such, and in times past when I've attempted the game, I've just had a party that's been set up really badly.

I'm so committed that this time I have gotten the official strategy guide for the game. I'm going to use that up to the point I got to on disc 2 years ago. It's working wonders. Just got past Cosmo Canyon, and my party is much stronger now than they were years ago even when I had gotten much further. When my party swaggers in the room, bosses pretty much die just by looking at them. It's hilarious.

You sound like you're in a similar situation as I was at one time Martin, I reverted to a guide after the Demon Gate practically pulverized me on my first playthrough and made me restart. To this day I take great delight in kicking his arse with each playthrough. Smilie

( Edited 06.02.2011 17:02 by Phoenixus )

Alan Wake Really enjoyable so far, the Narrative is very story like but plays on many aspects, no idea where its going to go, I'm on Act 3 which is pretty much halfway through. The game isn't scary at all though, it physically pans the camera to look at enemies when they appear so no surprises as if to say "look, over there scary things!"

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Brought this one on a whim and I'm loving it to bits, needed a racing game on the 360, its more like burnout than NFS due to Criterion being the developers.

Still playing Resonance of Fate. Got to say, it's wearing pretty thin and will need to pick up soon if I'm not going to drift away from it. Two things: firstly, the hex laying puzzle has revealed itself as little more than a grind; secondly the main jrpg 'story' is being told in tiny disconnected chunks every couple of hours and not going anywhere fast. After quite a lot of playtime I'm still just going about the normal lives of the characters (doing irrelevent missions for people). It's either going to end in genius or disaster.

Also restarted Demon's Souls for the umpteenth time. Rolled a TK this time and enjoying it so far despite my previous addiction to projectiles and being fast.

Looking forward to Stacking and (apparently) Radiant Silvergun in February!

( Edited 06.02.2011 18:23 by Raff )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Replaying Modern Warfare 2 - going through on veteran.. which is fun!

I want to get NFS too.. I need a fun racing game although i'm waiting until it goes a little cheaper.

Tales of Symphonia, only picked this up this week, it's awesome so far.

Epic Mickey, nice so far, if a little confusing at first.

saunderscowie said:
Replaying Modern Warfare 2 - going through on veteran.. which is fun!

I want to get NFS too.. I need a fun racing game although i'm waiting until it goes a little cheaper.

I'm two stars away from completing the game completely! (and all 'chievos) Almost did it today by myself (Wetwork, echo mission Veteran) MW2 is good on Veteran Smilie One of the harder ones, CoD4 was really hard in the final mission (bunkers where a bitch). Black Ops was piss easy though I found, blasted through it in a day.
Hit me up for some spec ops Smilie

I got NFS for �£30 from gamestation, but I didnt pay anything for it due to trade ins of black ops and fallout.

( Edited 06.02.2011 20:41 by Echoes221 )

Got No More Heroes 2 through, am playing it bit by bit, though to be honest this one feels a bit tedious without the explorable overworld to break things up. Love the retro Job Minigames though. Smilie

Also, have swiped Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World out of my brother's room, and strangely enough the lack of overworld in this game doesn't bother me as much as in NMH2. I liked the Cel-Shaded aspect of the original game, but this clean style is even better, especially with cutscene movement, and the characters are far more entertaining with more personality because of it (skits too, much improved with voicework and movement).
Emil is a decent main character, a nice change from the overconfident emo protagonist, and his whiny-ness makes him more relatable as a character, at least in my view. (plus Johnny Young Bosch is just an awesome VA Smilie) The battle system flows better, though I'm not keen on the monster collection aspect; getting them to join you feels like an exercise in frustration, with an underdeveloped evolution system, and I much prefer central story characters to fight alongside with anyway.

( Edited 17.02.2011 03:04 by Phoenixus )

Mass Effect 2 I finally completed the first one over the weekend, which completley changed my view on bioware titles (basically give them more of a chance). Borrowed the second from a mate on monday and already clocked in 15 hours...Smilie Loving it! Everything that was wrong with the first has been rectified, everything is more streamlined (other than mining/probing) and the story is brilliant, waiting for the gamechanger at the end. This game I'm going out of my way to do everything and will most probably play a second time through. I'm also using my save from ME1, so to see your decisions effect a game is pretty impressive.

( Edited 17.02.2011 08:14 by Echoes221 )

Chrono Trigger again - have finally gotten further than I ever have, lots of grinding and good fun!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Marvel vs capcom 3 Smilie
It's a really good game and extremely fun, however there seems to be a lack of modes which is a shame. The online though has proved pretty fun.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I was playing alot of Team Fortress 2 and The Sims 3 up until yesterday when Marvel Vs Capcom 3 came out. I'm really enjoying it, even though I'm getting creamed Smilie

Goes to work. Dies.

Kitsune said:
I was playing alot of Team Fortress 2 and The Sims 3 up until yesterday when Marvel Vs Capcom 3 came out. I'm really enjoying it, even though I'm getting creamed Smilie

What console do you have it on? (Please say 360.. please say 360.)

Sorry, I have the PS3 version Smilie I don't suppose you've got a PS3?

Goes to work. Dies.

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