1 month to go until new Nintendo Hardware (for everyone except me, heh), so what be your choice of Armchair entertainment until or beyond then, for February at least?
My current list;
Mario Tennis 64- Bought it on a whim a few days ago, and have been trying to get a few goes on it while I can. Aside from visually (dem polygons!), it hasn't aged a day; as fun, charming, and playable as ever. And I STILL can't beat the third cup. I suck.
Infinite Space -This one has been on the radar for a while, and to be honest, I'm not too keen on it, though I'll relate that to not fully understanding how battles work yet. I like the sense of scale and scope though.
and that's about it really. Might be adding No More Heroes 2 and/or Another Code R to the list, depending on how my eBay items sell tonight, but we'll see.
What about you guys?