Marvel vs Capcom 3DS [news]

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Nintendo gave Princess Zelda and Captain Olimar movesets for Smash Bros, you can't make that excuse for Feenie I'm afraid!

Anyway, typical Capcom PR stuff really, they pretty much always say "IT MIGHT HAPPEN MAYBE IT'S NOT IMPOSSIBLE PROBABLY OR IS IT HAHAHAH"

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James M (guest) 24.01.2011#2

Can they not just port over MvC the original Playstation one?

Captain N (guest) 24.01.2011#3

Just do it !!!! We want it on 3DS... we don't want any excuses !!!!

Inclusion of Phoenix Wright? I wonder how that would work. He could do his "Objection!" to stun the enemies, I suppose. I'd probably buy the game just for doing that alone if it happened. Smilie

I think after reading this, there is strong chance Feenie could be in it. I would like him to be DLC, but I am going to be too optimistic.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

If SSFIV, DoA and BlazBlue do well then it's bound to be ported over. Hopefully, if it is ported, there'll be some exclusive characters such as Link (he could be on the Capcom side considering The Minish Cap and the likes).

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I bet it'll depend on SSF43D sales figures haha Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
I bet it'll depend on SSF43D sales figures haha Smilie.

Yeah that's my bet, I just hope enough of the true hardcore crowd doesn't get turned off by the touch screen attacks & won't ignore this just cause it's on a handheld.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Kafei2006 said:
I bet it'll depend on SSF43D sales figures haha Smilie.

Yeah that's my bet, I just hope enough of the true hardcore crowd doesn't get turned off by the touch screen attacks & won't ignore this just cause it's on a handheld.

Being turned off of a rather epically playable version of an awesome game by something completely optional and something that in this day and age should not make a shit of difference, would make you nothing but retarded.

Soyeah, I hope people lap it up like crazeh. I know I've been putting off buying SSF4 because I just KNEW there'd be a handheld version soon.

I know I'm definitely picking up SF43DS, simply because of the fact that Nintendo's handheld D-pads >>> That of the X360, and for me the PS3's as well, soyeah. Control-wise, for me it'll be the best opion.

And MVC3 on 3DS I'm not sure about. I would probably prefer the control to a home-console version, but if it would taint the experience somehow I'd rather not have it *shrugs* .

( Edited 25.01.2011 10:06 by Faust D. Strooijer )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I call capcom will wait and see how well SF4 does first before desiding.

If SSIV works well on 3DS, I'd be more than happy to see Capcom give us MvC3 on it. Maybe add some exclusive characters/content. But still, I would love to see Nintendo vs. Capcom... Smilie

I'm not bothered about having it on the 3DS, but I definitely want to see Phoenix Wright in there!

Goes to work. Dies.
Rasen (guest) 11.04.2011#13

I would love to see MvC 3DS. I love MvC 3 so much. I find it much more fun than Super SF IV, due to the fact that SSFIV feels like you just throw some regular punches and kicks together and then a few specials.

Crono37 (guest) 14.09.2011#14

I really would like to see this game on the 3DS. I've really enjoyed SSF4 and I'm not worried about the 3d part. Just give us the game.

TrainerConnor (guest) 16.05.2012#15

i want marvel vs capcom 2 for eshop or 3ds either would work for me

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