Even with the silly price, I don't think that is enough.
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Even with the silly price, I don't think that is enough.
That's nowhere near enough! They'll sell out straight away & that's what they're wanting. It means they can claim they are a sellout success. They'll probably say they can't keep up with demand for it. I'm not cynical (much).
I'm pretty sure that 900,000 won't be enough. Now, I don't know how high in demand it is for the general public but I wouldn't be surprised if the 3DS launch ended up more insane than the Wii's. Completely sold out everywhere, shortages right after new waves get shipped and prices on Ebay skyrocketing.
I'm glad I preordered especially when seeing how it's going over in Japan with preorders already. Sure, Japanese people are much more interested into such stuff than most in Europe but this is not just a gaming handheld we are talking about here, it's 3D entertainment at an affordable price without glasses. I could see many people getting a 3DS even if they aren't particularly interested in playing games on it.
Anyways, I can sit back and relax, having preordered my black 3DS.
If it wasn't region locked I might have gotten it with its ridiculous price! Nintendo SERIOUSLY need to change their ways! ><
I'd probably only pick it up at launch for that price if it came with one of those pretty girls that they display it with.