Dissapointed with 3DS Launch Titles

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None of the launch titles really excite me. The only third party game that I'm interested in a little, is Street Fighter 4. I'm not too pumped about this game that much though as it's merely a port. As for Nintendo's titles, they're also meh. I'm not into super casual games like Nintendogs and cats, pilotwings doesn't seem to have any depth (feels like it's gonna be like wii sports in the aspect that both are pretty much tech demoes). Steel Diver doesn't seem to interesting either. It seems like a minigame.
What do you guys think?

Yeah it would have been nice to have a real Nintendo game at launch like Zelda OoT, Starfox or Kid Icarus. The titles themselves don't seem too bad, like Street Fighter will be great and PES and DoA should be good too, they just don't appeal to me. I'm hoping RE: Mercenaries is a launch title in the west, it looks like it pushes the 3DS so I want to try it out.

My main problem is there's a lack of quality Nintendo support from the start, where as the DS at least had Super Mario 64 DS (good at the time) and WarioWare Touched (for Europe). Nintendogs + Cats, doesn't really interest me and it just looks similar to the original games on the DS. Steel Driver is at least more original, but again, it's not the sort of game that interest me.

I would like Pilotwings Resort though and that's definitely going to be a game I'll get, once I buy a 3DS. I am disappointed that they just based it around Wuhu Island though. Pilotwings 64 had different environments to explore and they were new at the time. Most people have already explored Wuhu on Wii Sports Resort and it won't feel as fresh now. I really wish Nintendo would put more effort into it. I have been missing Pilotwings and it's nice to see it return.

As for the third-party titles? there's nothing really there that stands out, for me. Dead or Alive or Street Fighter IV I'd think about getting, but they aren't must-buys.

Yeah, the launch line up is just lacking a real powerhouse. There's nothing for me there. Had they timed it so as to release an enhanced Pokémon Black & White at the launch it really would have helped it.

Dre (guest) 20.01.2011#5

Hey if you guys are hesitant about the pricing, read this Article
It appears that the online shop Gamegears will price the 3DS at 194pounds, might want to have a look at it aye? Smilie

To be honest, I don't mind at all. I'll get Pokémon White and Okamiden in March and I'll be playing the hell out of those two titles which should keep me busy for a while. I'll get a 3DS at launch with SSFIV since I've never played a SF game before and it really shows off a lot of the 3DS' features, so I'll get it and reward Capcom for their efforts to make more than just a simple port.

Aside from some games not being finished yet, I'd see some reasons for Nintendo holding off/not having their big guns at launch.

1. They want to help 3rd parties. If they had Ocarina of Time at launch, a LOT of people would buy it as their launch game. Since that's very likely not going to be the case, people will get another game instead. In my case, SSFIV.

2. Black & White are coming out three weeks before the 3DS and Nintendo wants to milk it as much as possible.

3. They already promised that it would be out by the end of March 2011 but, at that time, didn't know that their titles would take longer to finish.

As for the last point, I bet people would be pissed too if the 3DS launch got delayed till June or something and as a result had more Nintendo and possibly other great 3rd party games at launch. It's always the same, people are always going to complain about something...

Meh, I've never seen a decent launch line up. The 3DS line up seems standard. Would help if it wasn't filled with Ubisoft's crap. I still can't believe they're re-releasing Rayman 2 as a launch game when it was also a launch game for the original DS. Smilie

The DS still has life in it.

Pokemon Black and White - That is all... Smilie

I get why you wouldn't buy it at launch. It's expensive which in retrospect, I don't go out and get systems at launch either.

In the meantime the people who are excited about the titles will go out and buy it while other folks(such as myself will wait until there is a definite "I need to buy this" feeling in the tingling of my gut)

I do agree with you OP that there isn't anything I saw or have seen that would make me want it right off the presses which is unlike Nintendo with their launch titles, but then again, my tastes have changed.

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I agree the line-up stinks, mostly ports really, I hope Nintendo keep their word of a steady supply of quality in the succeeding weeks of release.

I'm getting one on launch anyway (already pre-ordered) simply because I have more than enough money to spare, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't really looking forward to some of these.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The launch, I think is better than the DS. Sure we had super mario 64, but there was bad titles like pokemon dash, spiderman, polarium (which was OK but hard as). This time we have Dead or alive, a couple of racers, street fighter, resident evil, Nintendogs etc. And within a short launch period we will (I guess) be seeing ocarina of time, resi evil (again) Starfox, Metal Gear, Splinter Cell, Kid Icarus. It took a good while before the brilliant games started to appear on the DS.

Apparently mercenaries 3d was pushed back to summer O.o
Can't remember where I got the source from but if that's true I'll be slightly annoyed. DOA should keep me entertained xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

That's true actually, SM64 wasn't even a launch title in Japan. The DS' launch line up was frankly terrible in comparison, but it's probably lessened by the fact it was extremely affordable.

Here's hoping we have to wait less than a month for OoT...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah, I want my portable OOT and Starfox soon after 3DS is released.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Its honestly not a bad launch lineup at all. There's diversity and quality -- there's just no real AAA title either. I probably won't get it at launch, but lets be honest, there are very few launches where there's a must-have game on day one. I think the Christmas period will be very, very good. The months inbetween might be a bit sparse though.

I know there's a ton of games coming out in the coming months, but I wish that there was a flagship game, like Kid Icarus or something. I'm probably going to wait until the first huge game to get it.

I agree with what Fran's (IGN) reaction to the news

It's better than the DS launch line up but at the end of he day it's still a launch line up where most of the titles will probably be terrible, rushed and missing features that will pop in next years iteration.

I won't be getting one straight away, generally sick of launch hardware usually having problems that are ironed out in later revisions (don't mean DSlite type revisions, just small stuff that improves in the current model).

When Mario Kart 3DS arrives though I will be able to hold out no longer! Mario Kart plus one friend code should be great.Smilie

( Edited 21.01.2011 10:48 by Jimmy2000 )

LKR000 said:
Apparently mercenaries 3d was pushed back to summer O.o
Can't remember where I got the source from but if that's true I'll be slightly annoyed. DOA should keep me entertained xD

I think it has because when I went to pre-order the 3DS today they showed me the 10 games coming out for launch and Resident Evil wasn't there. T_T

L said:
I think it has because when I went to pre-order the 3DS today they showed me the 10 games coming out for launch and Resident Evil wasn't there. T_T

Ahh man that's lame >.>
Really wanted that as a launch title.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Judging by Zavvi and Shopto the games will be ��£30-��£35 which is great.

( Edited 21.01.2011 23:42 by Stulaw )

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Can't say I'm too fussed, quite honestly. For all we know, the EU lineup could feature any of the games that have been announced, it's too early to call.
Plus, whatever is on the 3DSWare line (and all the DSiWare stuff considering transfers will be possible straight away), and that's not even mentioning the extreme killer library the DS has, I can't see how anyone couldn't be spoiled for choice. Personally, I'd much rather Nintendo spread out their releases over the year as they seem to be doing, and give third parties a better chance.

If you look at the launch window as a whole, it's quite reasonable with respect to the variety of genres/IPs. What ruins it is the fact that Nintendo considers the launch window to be until the end of June. 3 months is a while to wait for some proper Nintendo games if you've just spent over �£200 on a 3DS.

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I find the 3DS line-up as a whole fairly underwhelming. I think that's more because there's nothing totally original announced for it yet, it's all franchises as everybody gets used to the system.

Just because I find it underwhelming, though, it doesn't mean that I'm not looking forward to titles. nintendogs + cats, Street Fighter 4 and Pilotwings Resort (hearing 'day one' in Europe) will tide me through from launch day until the next batch of games. Starfox, Resident Evil Revelations and Kid Icarus will be out within the following six or seven months after that, and by that point original titles will start getting announced. It's going to be fantastic to see these in 3D - can't wait to see peoples' reactions, especially to the likes of Pilotwings, which looks great.

All launches are pretty slow, it's par for the course as far as I'm concerned at the moment. It'll heat up soon - the games line-up is good overall, just a tad too spaced out, and it needs the dose of originality that will come when developers have had more time to get to grips with the system and worked out interesting ways to take advantage of the 3D. Smilie

I read an interview that the 3DS Battery lasts 3-5 hours on top settings, so if you have WiFi turned off it could be decent really, so to be honest so long as the buttons aren't awful I have no problems with the hardware, I doubt I'll be buying an upgrade unless it's really something.

I still have the original DS, the screens are extremely scratched but I'm glad I held out with the old fella, I don't regret not buying an upgrade at all.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I upgraded to the lite, didn't regret that choice, such a nice looking handheld and the screens were really bright on the full setting and could play GBA games. Loved it.
DSi never really interested me so i'm glad I held out and glad that DSiware stuff is still available to me!

Still avoiding the launch units, my DSphat had speaker problems, DSlite had that hinge crack problem (never got that thankfully) which was a concern, early 360 unit died on me, and my launch wii makes a loud whirring noise these days.

It's just not worth the hassle or worry over these things.

( Edited 25.01.2011 15:59 by Jimmy2000 )

I never upgraded to the lite either. Hated that GBA games weren't flush like they were with the phat.

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