To be honest, I don't mind at all. I'll get Pokémon White and Okamiden in March and I'll be playing the hell out of those two titles which should keep me busy for a while. I'll get a 3DS at launch with SSFIV since I've never played a SF game before and it really shows off a lot of the 3DS' features, so I'll get it and reward Capcom for their efforts to make more than just a simple port.
Aside from some games not being finished yet, I'd see some reasons for Nintendo holding off/not having their big guns at launch.
1. They want to help 3rd parties. If they had Ocarina of Time at launch, a LOT of people would buy it as their launch game. Since that's very likely not going to be the case, people will get another game instead. In my case, SSFIV.
2. Black & White are coming out three weeks before the 3DS and Nintendo wants to milk it as much as possible.
3. They already promised that it would be out by the end of March 2011 but, at that time, didn't know that their titles would take longer to finish.
As for the last point, I bet people would be pissed too if the 3DS launch got delayed till June or something and as a result had more Nintendo and possibly other great 3rd party games at launch. It's always the same, people are always going to complain about something...