Why do we have to pay so much more than the Americans? FFS. Still,good news, I'll be expecting the preorders to hit soon
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Why do we have to pay so much more than the Americans? FFS. Still,good news, I'll be expecting the preorders to hit soon
Fuck off Nintendo. Need more be said?
Wow, it's so much cheaper in America. I'm still buying it though.
Booo! hiss!
Not getting one on launch, for definite.
I'm still getting this. I can afford it so, why not? Idc if Americans pay less than us. They do with a lot of things. Shit happens.
Since I've already preordered, I'll be getting on launch for definite. Can't wait till March 25th.
( Edited 19.01.2011 15:27 by Mush123 )
That's sorta the price I predicted xD
I'll probably be getting one on launch since I really don't mind the price of that.
HMV has it at �£229.99: http://hmv.com/hmvweb/displayProductDetails.do?ctx=280;0;-1;-1;-1&sku=411861
Games for �£30 at ASDA: http://www.asda-entertainment.co.uk/games/inspiration/3ds-asda.list
Yeah neither do I but we almost have to pay double what Americans have to pay. The American price is the right price though.
I haven't seen any Dutch prices yet. But with the $250 American price I suspect we'll have to pay the same number in euros.
I really hope European retailers won't be all greedy and sell it for ridiculous prices. I'm probably getting one from Amazon but they have yet to state a price or even accept pre-orders. Guess I'll have to wait.
Actually a smart move from Nintendo saying that the price is up to the retailers because we all know who everyone is going to blame yet again...
219 quid on Play.com: http://www.play.com/Games/DS/-/4659/3926/-/15476775/Nintendo-3DS-Console-Blue/Product.html?searchtype=genre
How low will it go?
I hope Nintendo read their fans 'Tweets' to see what they think about the pricing. If they don't bring that ridiculous price down, then it may bomb in the UK.
( Edited 19.01.2011 16:34 by Marzy )
I don't even have a job and I'm going to get it
Seriously it sucks that the price is almost double compared to the US but I still don't mind paying that much tbh considering I'll use it a lot more then my Xbox or PS3 anyway xD
I have well over the amount for one. It's just outrageous pricing, in my opinion and there's no way I would spend that amount on something like that.
Due to the US price working out a lot cheaper, I feel we are being ripped off by Nintendo. Can you really agree with something like that? I can't, personally.
( Edited 19.01.2011 18:50 by Marzy )
I don't agree with it but Europe get ripped off a lot so I don't really care anymore xD
On a different note I'm curious to see what the launch games are.
( Edited 19.01.2011 16:14 by LKR000 )
I'll get one, eventually. I'll wait until there are a few titles I want to buy it for
Well you guys get it before us & it's not double what we're paying going by the exchange rate so quit crying chaps.
I'll wait to get one, not because I can't afford it but because of the inevitable XL version I KNOW Nintendo will release lol.
Perhaps I am overreacting and getting a bit hysterical about it all.
Sorry about that. ^_^;
( Edited 19.01.2011 17:38 by Marzy )
Vorash Kadan said:
Well you guys get it before us & it's not double what we're paying going by the exchange rate so quit crying chaps.
It's still nearly 150% of the US price. And 2 days earlier is not worth that much
Let's wait to get some actual retail prices in before getting angry. I bet some retailers are going to sell it at �£200 - �£210. Maybe some will do it for less than �£200?
I think it will take maybe a few days for the competition to settle. With such a range between price points, surely retailers that price it lower will have the advantage right there even though they get less per system sold.
I highly dought its double the US price.
The exchange rate has changed a lot since the DS, remember.
( Edited 19.01.2011 17:12 by Darkflame )
Also, why does the "live twitter feed" link take me to the 3D Video on 3ds article?
Seriously? it's like �£60 more than the US is paying for it (or there abouts), I guess retailers must think the demands really high for it. But seriously, if it wasn't region locked we might as well ship one from the US, evwen with the shipping price it would be cheaper.
Darkflame said:
Also, why does the "live twitter feed" link take me to the 3D Video on 3ds article?
Ah, yes, that's odd. Should link to here.