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Amaterasu sounds like a good name, for a legend of Zelda goddess, or even if they use it in any of their games based on gods goddesses and other, mythological games.
Mabey a further delving of what Hideo Kojima made with the Boktai series?
Maybe a sunlight based game.
But this seems a tad...wrong.
I mean, surely the name is public domain? Is this only for a title trademark?
( Edited 29.12.2010 10:07 by Darkflame )
Darkflame said:
Maybe a sunlight based game.But this seems a tad...wrong.
I mean, surely the name is public domain? Is this only for a title trademark?
Article Said:but only for use in video games.
I know.
It can be used in many ways in videogames, I'm assuming this just means the title of the videogame.
It would be quite wrong if somehow a company could buy exclusive rights to use a old goddess's name, even if it is "just in videogames".
So, do they get royalties from CAPCOM when Okamiden releases or what?
Okami confirmed for Brawl!
You joke, but Capcom has a fighting game with Okami so its not such a stretch.
(Its the one with Marval characters too, so you could have, say, Okami fighting She Hulk..)
It's sort of morally debatable. Is it right to copyright a God's name? If someone copyrighted "Jesus", I'm sure alot of people would be up in arms about it.