Is that site even official? xD
And I really don't think they'd avoid American release. They tend to take longer, anyway.
(one Layton game has been out since November 2009, and most Layton games take about two years to get to America :/) (on the other hand, AAI took less than, but close to a year to get American release...I'd use the main AA series but keep in mind they were in Japan only for an entire generation of gaming, and I don't really care about looking up AJ )
Besides, if it didn't get American release, fans would rage horribly, and there'd be plenty of importing and emulation. Even then, fans wouldn't forgive Capcom OR Level-5 until it was released (BTW, TvC was supposed to be Japan-exclusive but fan demand led Capcom to take the pain of earning permission to the characters so the game could be exported)
Tl;dr: I'll blow up Japan if this game stays in Japan. Not after raiding Capcom and Level-5's storage of games, though... ;P