Must. Get. Now! Can't wait for this, does look a wee bit complicated and potentially hair-grabbing, but overall does look like a solid effort from the Sonic folk. Can't wait to try out multiplayer
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Must. Get. Now! Can't wait for this, does look a wee bit complicated and potentially hair-grabbing, but overall does look like a solid effort from the Sonic folk. Can't wait to try out multiplayer
Squidboy said:
It looks better than Sonic 4.
It looks awesome, and there's underwater levels .
Definitely considering this.
Squidboy said:
It looks better than Sonic 4.
Double agreed. Although I don't listen too much to the Sonic fanbase, I've heard an awful lot of 'bad physics' complaints.
I was more hyped for Colours, anyway, so it isn't much of a let down, tbh.