First Footage of Sonic 4 on Wii

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Well if 2d games didnt look remotely similar across all consoles there would be some eyebrows raised. Still I bet running side by side there is considerable difference in sharpness and colour. I hate the animation of sonic in the air. Should have used sonic 2 animation instead.

( Edited 06.01.2013 16:10 by Guest )

I seriously hate the homing....Please SEGA, that works for 3D games. Not 2 or 2.5D games.......I find it disruptive to the whole idea of returning the aspect of an old school sonic game.

( Edited 06.01.2013 16:10 by Guest )

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

I don't see the problem with the Homing Attack.

Listen, in Sonic 3 and & Knuckles, there were many paths that only Tails and Knuckles could get to. Sonic couldn't do anything special.

However, assuming Tails and Knuckles become playable in a later episode, Sonic now has a way to go his own unique path that neither Tails nor Knuckles can get to, thanks to the homing attack.

Also, Tails and Knuckles likely won't have the HA themselves, meaning it's a move that only Sonic can use. Every 2D Sonic introduced new moves, but why is it only hated on when it's a move introduced in a 3D game?

In any case, I'm still worried about the spin attack physics and the unrolling. Other than that it looks great.

( Edited 06.01.2013 16:10 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery


( Edited 06.01.2013 16:10 by Guest )

Sukisan-Ed said:

Sukisan-Ed, I've noticed that you make a lot of single smiley posts.

Could you please put more thought into your posts? It's not very good forum etiquette to waste space like that.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I like how the guy playing was trying his best to play it like it was one of the classics. He was obviously avoiding most of the hundreds of speed boosters scattered everywhere and only used the homing attack when forced to. Smilie

Get rid of 80% of the boosters and the levels will be much better for it. Seriously, almost every booster was unnecessary. The classics had them but didn't put them on every single path. Smilie

Also, I hope they implement momentum based physics. You can see at the end that as soon as you let go of the D-pad whilst in the air, Sonic comes to a stand still and drops straight down. The PR guy promised that the game will have classic physics so why is it the game plays like it's Rush 3? The Sonic Rush engine worked in those games but this is Sonic 4 not Rush 3.

New Super Mairo Bros Wii was a step down from Mario Bros 3 and Mario World. That would have been more a problem had the game been called Super Mario Bros 4 or Mario World 2.

This is supposed to be a sequel to Sonic 3 so I expect it to at least be on par with the game.

( Edited 09.09.2010 00:28 by Ifrit XXII )

Sometimes I see Sonic 4 and it looks great, other times I see it and it looks iffy.

While his animation has been improved, there's some niggles I have with it personally. I wish he'd spin around faster when he jumps in a ball. And the whole opening up his body when he's in the air looks so un-Sonic-like.

I'm certainly looking forward to this more than I originally did though, and these complaints are just minor. Hopefully the actual game will be good.

I think almost everyone hates the "opening up in the air" effect, it leaves him vunerable and forces a homing attack. Can easily see that being the biggest niggle with the game - the rest seems generally pretty sound and solid.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


Sukisan-Ed said:

Again, as SuperLink said. It isn't great to just post one or two smileys, you must at least contribute to a thread, even if it's just a sentence or a few words. Heck of a lot better than just a smiley.

Anyways, this is looking pretty good. Like most people I have a problem with the "opening up in the air thing" it really doesn't make sense. He never used to do it. Why now?

Complaining aside, I'm sure (well, I hope) that this will be a pretty solid game. C'mon SEGA, try to please everyone this time.

Found that really boring to watch... I was really looking forward to see a new sonic but I am not impressed by this at all.

In all honesty i missed that you both have spoken to me about it i didn't realized it posed as a problem so forgive me...i will not do such that will cause trouble like this...i will be sure to post full thoughts next article.

Sukisan-Ed said:
In all honesty i missed that you both have spoken to me about it i didn't realized it posed as a problem so forgive me...i will not do such that will cause trouble like this...i will be sure to post full thoughts next article.

Thanks for co-operating. I'm not a mod or anything, but I was just giving you a heads up as it is quite annoying and could lead to people disliking you.

Ashraf (guest) 11.09.2010#14

He was avoiding to use the dashing boards, why ?

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