My arts and such...

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So as someone who's always interested in what people think in the "art" I make, I was wondering what people would think if I shared some of the signatures and other such things I've made =O

Shameless plug or no, here's some examples of what I've done. They're uh, in no particular order... >.> But what the hell, let's give this a shot:

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...And so on o.O
Some were done as requests to friends, while others were done on my own volition. The images that are in the sizes of the last two are of Noel and Travis are the dimensions for my phone, of which I always make my own wallpapers for =3

I'm still learning, but, I'm trying! xD
*attempts to bring life into this section of the forum*

Guest 20.08.2010#2

Shit that is holy @ your work. 'mazing stuff!

Is that second one from Battle Angel Alita? (although he looks a bit too young there)

If THAT is what you're capable of in the learning stages, your full ability is going to be astounding! Nice work! Smilie

Really good work there! What program do you use?

Oh! Thank you guys for the comments, I appreciate them all! =)

.Bart. said:
Is that second one from Battle Angel Alita? (although he looks a bit too young there)
That's actually Vash from Trigun, an older anime that used to be shown in the Toonami generation~

saunderscowie said:
Really good work there! What program do you use?
Thank you =D This is work all done in Photoshop CS4 from my laptop.

Oh my, I love them all even if I hardly have an idea who any of the characters are. D:
Nice work, yarrhmm!

Sheena said:
Oh my, I love them all even if I hardly have an idea who any of the characters are. D:
Nice work, yarrhmm!
Ohh dear, I'm sorry D=

Should I make a Symphonia-related signature instead to help ease you into the loop? =P

Should I make a Symphonia-related signature instead to help ease you into the loop? =P

Yaaah! I mean... I wouldn't miiind. More is more, more is good! Smilie

Shana = Smilie

You don't mind if I... errrr.... steal that, do you? Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09



It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I love the Yukiko signature Smilie
You're really good Smilie I'm not so great at sigs, I made a few a few months back, the one I have now is the one I made most recently.

Also you made Tales of Vesperia sigs too kdhsfsajdkasa].

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Sheena said:
Yaaah! I mean... I wouldn't miiind. More is more, more is good! Smilie
Oh yeah? Haha, well I have this one... but this old signature is old >.> I should make a newer one:
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SuperLink said:
I love the Yukiko signature Smilie
You're really good Smilie I'm not so great at sigs, I made a few a few months back, the one I have now is the one I made most recently.

Also you made Tales of Vesperia sigs too kdhsfsajdkasa].

Thank you~ =) And ohh, you made that one there? I would ask if you wanted a Persona/Tales/anything-that-comes-to-mind signature, but I know how some people take pride in their own creations...

Found a few other signatures to toss around~
Although it might not look like it, she is, indeed, clothed. o.o *promises*

Rita version 2, lol:

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Damned text... I never got around to removing it >.<

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Then there's this random Sonic/Google interpretation I did while still in high school:

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Still can't think of a reason for Google to use it xD jk~

That Google one is very impressive.

Great work.

Les (guest) 21.08.2010#14

I like the ones where the girls look nice! Smilie

Brilliant work their, I especially like the Rita and Sonic ones.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Zelos! No waiii, awww! Old or not, it looks awesome. I like it.
Yes you should make a new one, but not 'cause that one's old. Do mooaaarrr for the love of... err... kitts! Smilie
*snickers at cute Zelos*

Would be fun if Google actually used that Sonic one. Looks way more interesting than most of those they've had already.

I like the works u do, but it'd be nicer if u really did make the "3d" backgrounds and lighted swirls... unless u did then awsome! But most take a image of a game.. and a cool 3d background from someone's work and merges them together... :\

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