Sell/Trade/Borrow on C3?

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Welcome to the official Cubed3 thread of buying, selling, trading and borrowing!

Here, you can buy and sell items with other members of the C3 community, whether that be video games, consoles, DVDs, or anything else. You can freely post in this topic to tell others what you are selling and what you would like to get a hold of. Some people might prefer to trade certain games for others, or generous people might just send you a game to borrow until you're done with it.

Remember, keep all address and payment details in a private message (PM) with the person you're dealing with!

I'm going to post a list of what games I'm after below. Please let me know if you can help me out!

PS2 games:
We Love Katamari
Valkyrie Profile 2
Xenosaga II

DS games:
Sonic Rush
Sonic Rush Adventure
Professor Layton series
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Ninja Gaiden DS
Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Another Code: Two Memories
Hotel Dusk
Mario vs Donkey Kong 2
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

My original post:

( Edited 17.08.2014 13:13 by Azuardo )

Isn't there a SmashStack for PAL Wiis yet?

( Edited 05.07.2010 19:10 by Mush123 )

There is, but not for 4.3E firmware as far as I'm aware. 4.3U, yes.

Hmm... I wouldn't know, I'm not in the whole Wii hacking front as much as I used to be.

Im sure it will they usually crack the new firmware in a number of days. Just check up on wikipedia etc.

Yeah, I'm actively keeping up to date on the hacking front now, seeing as it's only in the last few days I've become interested in it, and that I would much prefer another method than this Indiana one to bypass it.

Still, who knows how long it'll take.

Azuardo said:
Yeah, I'm actively keeping up to date on the hacking front now, seeing as it's only in the last few days I've become interested in it, and that I would much prefer another method than this Indiana one to bypass it.

Still, who knows how long it'll take.

The best sites to check are WiiBrew and HackMii they'll probably release a new BannerBomb or something soon.
I know the guys at HackMii (Team Twiizers) said they are working on a new version of the HackMii installer package (HBC, DVDX and BootMii) so hopefully Comex is working on a new version of BannerBomb.

( Edited 05.07.2010 20:43 by Mush123 )

Thanks, I was looking at the WiiBrew site just earlier. Just going to have to check back every day until something new appears I guess.

Your hacking your console but you won't pay �£10 for the game that enables you to do that? Smilie

But erm, I'm on board with the whole trading thing. Could work out.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

I know, I thought too that it's a small price to pay if I'm going to get a lot in return, but I dunno, if I can do it for free instead, I'd much rather that.

Well, you know, the game itself may be worth a tenner. It's gotten decent reviews.
But, if you're really that desperate, there're 4 users right there.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

That's true, I saw that it had actually gotten half decent reviews. I'll have to try and get into town this week and see if I can find it cheaper than a tenner.

Could always message Mr. T as another option I guess XD

I was gonna create a thread like this before, but for some reason thought it would be frowned-upon? Anyway, I'm totally up for a selling/trading thread! I'm after:

Korg DS-10 (DS)
Any good DS games that make great use of the stylus.

Martin_ said:
Any good DS games that make great use of the stylus.

Would Elite Beat Agents float your boat? Stylish Music-Rhythm game that makes superb use of the touchscreen. Fiver if you want it. Smilie

Edit; Good idea Azu, once more get posted up we'll make a list in your first post. Smilie

( Edited 06.07.2010 15:39 by Phoeniku )

I think we could perhaps write a list of the games we want to buy, and what we want to sell. Maybe compile it into one big organised list, and users can check what's up for sale, who's selling, the price they're selling it for, etc. Consoles and handhelds too.

( Edited 06.07.2010 18:43 by Azuardo )

I don't see why it's gotta just be game-related stuff. I'd say anything goes, but maybe if it's not a game/film/CD, take a photo of it? As for the list, I'd say you're giving yourself a big task. It's not even necessary, anyway. Just have people post their own listing, but perhaps have some sort of 'template' for everyone to follow? Like this:


Item for sale:
Description (include condition if necessary):

Edit that last bit to 'SOLD' when someone buys your item. Done.

I suppose that doesn't cover, you know, asking around for something that you want but hasn't been listed?

It's all started to sound a bit complicated.

Phokamiden said:
Would Elite Beat Agents float your boat? Stylish Music-Rhythm game that makes superb use of the touchscreen. Fiver if you want it. Smilie

For sure! Do it haz box and booklet? Also, I'm DSi, so I can't run any import stuff as far as I'm aware. It's gotta be a PAL game.

Martin_ said:

For sure! Do it haz box and booklet? Also, I'm DSi, so I can't run any import stuff as far as I'm aware. It's gotta be a PAL game.

Yup, all intact with everything, and from Euroland. Also, the only thing locked about the DSi is the DSiWare shop, and a couple select games like the US version of Sonic Collection; the rest is region free. I also have a DSi, and I've been playing US and Japanese games on it for months. Smilie
Pm me and we'll discuss sending address, payment etc.

Phokamiden said:

the only thing locked about the DSi is the DSiWare shop, and a couple select games like the US version of Sonic Collection; the rest is region free.

This is because Sonic Classic Collection is a DSi-Enhanced cartridge. The only DSi specific feature is that it runs smoother when played on a DSi, but has glitches in the Sonic 3 special stages. No one seems to know why that is.

But going back to what I was saying, all DSi-Enhanced and DSi-Exclusive carts (The small amount of exclusives that exist. Smilie) are region locked.

Cleared things up for ya?

( Edited 10.07.2010 07:09 by Mush123 )

Yeah, your format is fine, Martin. And good idea that it doesn't need to be gaming related too.

Would anyone happen to be selling a DS Lite on the cheap?

Is there anyone willing to sell/trade a copy of Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes or Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance? I'm only new the the franchise and these are difficult to find, couldn't find them anywhere in Dublin! I really want Subsistance as opposed to Snake Eater as I want to play the MSX games. Any PAL version will do fine, no matter what country.

( Edited 28.07.2010 23:14 by Angus )

Sure Angus, I have a copy of Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes. I barely ever played it, so I'm happy to give it up.

Do you want to give me an indication of what you'd pay for it? A quick check of Ebay tells me that it's going for a lot, which is surprising. (Around �£45?!) I'll be happy to undercut them all by a fair margin for a fellow C3'er.

Trade Wise, I'm looking for Twilight Princess, Gamecube Edition, and maybe Chibi Robo.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Sly, you're a good man. I'm sorry, I don't have either of those GC games but I may buy it off you. How much would you like to sell it for (don't forget to include postage)? You can PM the answer if you'd like. And have you any idea how to make the transaction?

I have no idea to be honest, either with the transaction method or postage cost. Maybe Paypal would be best?

I reckon, �£20? Which seems to be a good deal from the picture Ebay gives. The only thing wrong with it is some bastard employee from wherever I bought it from has written a small series of numbers in red marker pen over the bar code, and a small "G" on the manual which is quite faint.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

�£20 is a feckin' great deal. The written on manual doesn't bother me once the discs are grand. I'll try to figure a payment option. I never use paypal and I'd have to get a loan of a siblings credit card so that is an option but I'd like to find another way. Are cheques too old fashioned/dangerous now? I'll read up on wire transfere too. If anyone else has experience in this could they please contribute.

Yeah no rush, whatever method is best for you. I'll probably go by some bubble wrap. I think a cheque would be fine, even though it would require a fair level of trust on both sides. Smilie

But I'd be willing to do it.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

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