RARE Gets Rebrand for 25th Birthday

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Honestly? I prefer the first rebrand. (When they went from Rareware to Rare) This just looks too much like other logos, now I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but it's good to be unique and not like everyone else. Do your fans and yourselves a favour Rare, and don't ever go through with this rebrand.

( Edited 03.06.2010 08:39 by Mush123 )

I remember their first name, Ultimate Play The Game, when they made games like...

Knight Lore

Image for

Image for

They made some great ZX Spectrum games. Smilie

look shit it it really show them for what they are now

darkflame (guest) 03.06.2010#4

Personaly, I loved that SkyHawk NES game they did.
Stunning engine for the time.

And year, the logos terrible.

I highly doubt this was Rare's own decision. Poor Rare are being forced by Microsoft to develop games for Natal/Wave targeting that demographic. They have little creative freedom anymore.

I doubt we'll ever see another Banjo Kazooie game again, unless it uses OMGINNOVATIVE controls.

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darkflame (guest) 03.06.2010#6

Depends. If they actually get around to making a "nunchuck" like bit for Natal it could be used quite well.
Without that though, your limited to games where your character just stands still, which removes a lot of genres from being possible.

Natal could at least be used for headtracking in any FPS game, but aside from that I cant see much worth without a analogue stick usable at the same time.

Apart from the rebrand, it seems Nintendo were right to sell them when they did.

darkflame (guest) said:

Without that though, your limited to games where your character just stands still, which removes a lot of genres from being possible.

Rare will probably be forced to make family/party games.

Canyarion said:
Apart from the rebrand, it seems Nintendo were right to sell them when they did.

Actually if Rare hadn't left Nintendo things may not have changed. Many team members left after MS bought them, and MS are probably the ones compromising Rare's development.

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SuperLink said:

Actually if Rare hadn't left Nintendo things may not have changed. Many team members left after MS bought them, and MS are probably the ones compromising Rare's development.

Poor old Rare, they used to be one of my favourite game developers. It's a shame things have been going downhill for them. Smilie
MS still have a good back catalog of Rare games to release on XBLA, though. Also, where the fuck is DK64 on the VC?! >.<

EDIT: I never knew Ultimate Play The Game was Rare, lol. Smilie

( Edited 03.06.2010 12:35 by Mush123 )

Seriously the rubbish logo's these companies come up with.

Why not just use a Times Roman font and be done with it.

" class='fmlink' target="_blank">

MightyHorace said:

Why not just use a Times Roman font and be done with it.

I lol'd

I don't know why they don't just change their name. It's not like it's made up of the same people anymore. It's not the good old Rare we know and love, anymore. Smilie

Kirk2 (guest) 03.06.2010#13

Looks like a bog standard logo with those coloured blocks added WOW I AM AMAZE

It looks like the text is imagining the logo...

I prefer the round logo, it's rather apple-esque, but I don't really understand why Rare needs a sterile logo like this, they are quite a characterful company (at least, they were) so maybe this logo represents the removal of their soul by the overlords at Microsoft.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Meh, Rare's about dead. Might as well have a logo that reflects who they are. 'Tis sad. Maybe they even did it on purpose?

I never actually played their 360 games. Does anyone know how they were (the new Banjo game, Kameo, Viva Pinata, etc)?

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Kameo was fantastic, in my opinion. It was the last game I really loved by them.

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