I'm glad that Wiiware is getting so many original and unique (not to mention well-made) games.
I think Nintendo should continue pushing and pulling in small developers.
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I'm glad that Wiiware is getting so many original and unique (not to mention well-made) games.
I think Nintendo should continue pushing and pulling in small developers.
David Braben has said that Nintendo is being really supportive, which is great to hear. If Nintendo is willing to help out smaller developers then it will definitely encourage higher quality games to arrive on the WiiWare service.
All the better for us then!
Yes, axactly, jesusraz.
I'm so glad Lost Winds 2 is up to the high hopes it produced. I'm going to get it and will replay the 1st one!
beautiful review, too!
Fantastic review
The first game was simply brilliant, and I'm so happy to see that this is living up to expectations.
Definitely Jesusraz, I really hope that Nintendo continue to pour in the support necessary, they could garner some brilliant online IPs aswell, thus making the download service on future consoles a must, again pushing sales, they just have to play the right game.
Great review Cubed3 thanks. Original lostwinds was excellent so I will have no regrets buying this new one! I agree with the above in that Nintendo, if they have sense, should support them fully.
Oh how I miss Wiiware. I haven't been able to download new games because I won't be updating my Wii until the update comes in disc form.. which I guess would be included in New Super Mario Bros Wii?
How come you're not going to update your Wii EdEN?
Thanks for all the comments so far - keep them coming in! Be sure to share your LostWinds experiences with us and leave any questions about the game you want answering by Frontier and I'll get them sent over