Supposed trade-in scheme for existing Wii owners to receive a discount on the new hardware.
Here's where I have the biggest doubt. When has Nintendo been known to offer any sort of discount or trade-in?
( Edited 14.01.2013 07:30 by Guest )
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Supposed trade-in scheme for existing Wii owners to receive a discount on the new hardware.
Here's where I have the biggest doubt. When has Nintendo been known to offer any sort of discount or trade-in?
( Edited 14.01.2013 07:30 by Guest )
Wait, is this meant to be an entirely new console, new graphics etc or is it just meant to be an upadated wii?
Exremely Pessimistic about this.
"Supposed trade-in scheme for existing Wii owners to receive a discount on the new hardware. "
Since when have nintendo ever done that? it's always the stores that do those kinds of deals....not the companies.
( Edited 14.01.2013 07:30 by Guest )
Trade-ins + Nintendo? Fat fucking chance of that happenng + a month before release? You've got to be kidding man.
Blueray i reckon is a given, HD-DVD is dead before it began anway!
( Edited 14.01.2013 07:30 by Guest )
Would love, love ,love this to be true. Was playing wii resort and the jaggies are making me pull some ugly faces at my lovely Sony Bravia.
Will increased resolution mean better engine under the hood?
The only believable thing though in that list was the use of blu ray to curb pirating. Nintendo are nothing if not pirating obsessives (probably wht they stayed with the dead cartridge format and used those stupid discs for gamecube.
( Edited 14.01.2013 07:30 by Guest )
Nintendo has always been wary to pay for tech licensing fees. That is why they stayed on cartridge based "software" and why Gamecube discs are a proprietary format... Well that and to pretend to curb pirate attacks.
Two things to note: Maxconsole were the first to give out the Wii\'s specs, long before Nintendo even showed any games for it. And the whole \'trade-in console\' offer, as barmy and un-Nintendo as it sounds would be the perfect way to recoup materials costs, and upgrade the Wii market to new consoles, as well as easily transfer Wiiware and VC files. I doubt the Blu-ray thing is true, but I wouldn\'t put it past Nintendo to do something like this.
( Edited 29.10.2009 14:32 by Phoenixus )
A few weeks ago they said they didn't know what to do for the next generation.
Also, after the GameCube it took very long before they knew they were going in the Wii's direction. So this is just too soon.
I bet the one who came up with this is having a good chuckle.
If I was nintendo I wouldnt go for revolution just evolution for wii2.
For me wii2 should support bluray for the amazing storage capabilites. 1080p resolution with beefed up graphics and RAM. The remote and nunchuck should have M+ and IR built in. The ability to reliably triangulate their position in play so it doesnt uncalibrate, better vibration feed back and speaker. A HDD for larger DLC and Dreamcast games on the VC.
Nintendo as a company should have stronger support between the DS and wii and online play from the very start.
I don't think this rumor is true… However, it makes sense to simply upgrade the Wii and to keep that brand name with their next console, if you really think about it. Here's why:
1. Nintendo doesn't have to start from zero with their next console, nor will they have to fight to establish their product with the masses that already accepted the Wii as a brand name. I mean, the Wii went mainstream in ways the PS2 never did. (I.e. It became the first console to be at the Oscars; became accepted by quite a lot of Hollywood celebrities and featured in many TV/Cable shows; it branched into new demographics that never before considered playing videogames; etc.). So there is a good reason to keep that brand name and to exploit it's popularity and brand recognition. It would be foolish to drop the name at this point in time.
2. The Wii brand is also synonymous with motion controls. It is with the great majority of consumers that have tried said technology or that are familiar with it. That is a great advantage over the PS3 and 360, which will need to convince new consumers that their consoles also offer motion controls. THEY have to start from zero in that arena. Nintendo does not. Unless they drop the Wii name, that is.
3. A system upgrade seems the best option considering that it is safer for Nintendo to take such strategy. Because if the upgrade were to fail (doubt it), they could quickly announce the release of the actual system that was to replace the Wii. Thus saving face from the hypothetical scenario of failing to capitalize on the Wii's success.
Phoenixus said:
Two things to note: Maxconsole were the first to give out the Wii's specs, long before Nintendo even showed any games for it. And the whole 'trade-in console' offer, as barmy and un-Nintendo as it sounds would be the perfect way to recoup materials costs, and upgrade the Wii market to new consoles, as well as easily transfer Wiiware and VC files. I doubt the Blu-ray thing is true, but I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to do something like this.
Exactly Nintendo Isn't someone who pays loyalty as well, and 2010 sounds too soon. Aren't they researching that Holographic disk space.
I'd bet my parents souls on this being utter rubbish.
For one Nintendo of Japan keeps almost everything very hush hush until they are ready, there's no way an idiot in Nintendo of France is going to be able to leak anything this early. Even Nintendo of America are on a need to know basis from the Japan side.
I'd be surprised if Nintendo jumped to BluRay when the 360 has HD gaming fine on regular Dual Layer DVD's, only a handful of Next Gen games require more than 9 gigs of space. I think they'll just stick with DVD's and invest more in anti piracy systems.
The last part I can believe - that is to say, anyone could have guessed it - but everything else I'm extremely skeptical about, especially Blu-Ray. All of this would be nice, but I'm not counting on it, especially not a Nintendo-sponsored trade-in scheme and ESPECIALLY not Blu-Ray. This all sounds more to me like a fanboy's wishlist of what they HOPE the "Wii 2" will be like.
Its do or die Big N at this point I dont care about the wii just give us wii 2 it was a big fuck up not to try and get the power up with ps3 and 360
Know what's interesting? If this "leak" is correct, that would mean the Wii 2 will come out in "late 2010".
And Project Natal is supposed to come out "late 2010".
Wii 2 vs. Project Natal meet in fall 2010 for the battle of the hearts of gamers everywhere.
Who do you think will win?
I'd bet my parents souls on this being utter rubbish.
I'll come claim your parents if this turns out true.
And yet another reason to switch to an HD screen before 2011. I have one.
Definitely agree with a lot of points here - Nintendo would be completely foolish to drop the Wii branding, it's as established now as "PlayStation" or even "Nintendo" themselves.
Support for HD is essential in the next console, Nintendo played it risky this generation and now's the time to up the visual and processing power methinks - with a machine that runs alongside the original Wii, much like PS3/PS2 and PS2/PS1.
Trade-ins and an announcement a month before make it seem a little unlikely, but Nintendo has changed and fortunately grown in recent times, so could mean a more streamlined and better performing machine.
In other news, nintendo bought a ps3 slim - or so it seems.
Let's see...
- Nintendo is planning to introduce the Plutonim version of the wii soon
- Nintendo is thinking about quitting gaming. Yes. They're pulling a Nokia in reverse. They'll start trading foreign, preferably russian wood.
- They are thinking about starting a nuclear war on the moon.
- They will film it, and then publish it on vhs, wondering where the support for the format has gone.
Now, where's my cornflakes?
Captain Blowgob opproves of this! Blu-Ray Wii would be most excellent. All they need now is a fudging TOASTER!
Hope it\'s true aswell, something like this is just what the Wii needs to get some more real 3rd party support on board and stop it from being this gen\'s laughing stock.
PS. It\'s BS.
( Edited 29.10.2009 21:27 by SuperDarkLink )
I think the new features are cool and all, but the Wii is still very popular today and will probably remain popular for a while. So I say it's too early for a new Nintendo console even though it has all these new features. The companies are gonna have to regain there popularity back up again and that's not one the easiest things to achieve. People today are still enjoying their Wii like me, but think about what will happen when the Wii 2 comes out.
As soon as I saw:
"Wii2 would feature a Blu-Ray disc drive with a focus on trying to stop/reduce piracy"
There wasn't enough salt in the world.
Haha, seriously? This is "consumer's wallet is the #1 priority" Nintendo we're talking about. And it's no secret that the PS3 is $300 for a reason.
I mean, MAYBE the technology will be cheaper by then, but I don't know. And why would Nintendo jump on blu-ray, but not Microsoft? Microsoft would have more to gain from it.
I think HD would be enough. They don't need to go blu-ray.
Too much good news is fake news. This would make a lot of people excited (esp those who don\'t own a Wii yet) but it is not how Nintendo operates.
I doubt they would release it simultaneously worldwide (though the Wii was released less than month apart) unless their factories are making them now. But Nintendo would never do some sort of trade in deal, and they wouldn\'t announce it as a selling point either.
And they wouldn\'t use blu-ray discs. They always create their own proprietary formats.
( Edited 29.10.2009 22:51 by PMD )
Well I don't believe this at all. This is probably someone's wishful thinking.
Nintendo will go HD, but I doubt they'll jump on blu-ray. I just don't see that happening. Q3 2010? Yeah right. The trade-in sounds unlikely too. I really would like a discount though.
I think we're going to have to wait a while before we get a true Wii 2, and I doubt there will be some sort of Wii HD or upgraded Wii in the mean time. They'll save it for the next console. I agree that they should keep the "Wii" brand name, and I think they will.
satsubatsu347 said:
Nintendo has always been wary to pay for tech licensing fees. That is why they stayed on cartridge based "software" and why Gamecube discs are a proprietary format... Well that and to pretend to curb pirate attacks.
umm..they did.
something like 1/3rd of all ps1 games were copys.
Also; mario64 and oot simple wouldnt have worked on cds at that time. They were just too slow.
Nintendo stuck with what gave us two of the best games ever.