who do you think is the cheapest charater in brawl?
i think sonic is because his final smash can make him do anything.
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who do you think is the cheapest charater in brawl?
i think sonic is because his final smash can make him do anything.
Meta Knight because:
wow, i used to use meta knight but now that i\'ve seen that video i guess i should stop....
( Edited 10.08.2009 22:51 by yellowyoshi )
L said:
Meta Knight because:
I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out
I think that meta knight is the cheapest because of the video above and his final smash attacks anyone on the stage unless you jump right when he flails his cape.
Hmm... I agree with Ike in that Snake is cheap, just because he is broken, and too strong.
And yeah, metaknight is pretty cheap aswell. His mask is paper mache covered in tin foil, that sort of cheap.
Fox/Wolf/Falco Final Smashes. You can easily kill someone by lifting them off the top of the screen, and if you're quick, you can do it twice with one Final Smash.
I love Meta Knight he's my main, Snake is so broken I don't know where to start. c stick left, right or up would be my main problem, talk about pummeling.
meta knight duh.
poorly designed game is poorly designed.
Sonic,Snake Meta piss me off cuz they r'z hackrzzz
I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out
They all make me mad too Captian I can\'t believe I used to like sonic and snake but know Marth and Ike are the way to go!!!!YOSHI!!!! lol inside joke with me and captian
( Edited 11.08.2009 04:25 by Prince )
I hate ganondorf like if you use him it is impossible to win!!!!! seriously they changed him so much he is like a clone of ganondorf seriously!
How can Ganondorf be a clone of Ganondorf? But yeah I agree with you, it's almost impossible to win with him. He's just that bad.
The ganondorf of brawl seems like a clone of ganondorf from melee I mean their attacks are different but the same in a little way
Pretty much every character that came from Melee to Brawl still have the same moves as they did in Melee. Ganondorf is one of the few characters who actually changed a bit from Melee to Brawl. However his new moves actually made him worse.
Dunno, probably people with a dark aura fetish.
And the answer is always Yoshi.
( Edited 11.08.2009 04:24 by PK Mongoose )
i really don\'t have a problem fighting meta knight. i rape meta knight players with mario\'s cape all the time.
pit is pretty much the cheapest character alive. the spamming arrows bother me. plus his smashes are fast and do way to much for a speedy character.
( Edited 11.08.2009 05:20 by SuperShyGuy62 )
I don't really think that about pit except the arrows
Play a proper fighting game if you don't want horrible balance issues..