Ok this game is freaking scary this game had better come out in america and not in japan only like fatal frame 4 did
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Ok this game is freaking scary this game had better come out in america and not in japan only like fatal frame 4 did
This is Hudson - pretty much all its games come out in the West. It'll be interesting to see which is better out of this and Ju-On: The Grudge.
Oh and remember Hudson completely denying all knowledge of this game, blaming its US PR agency for cocking things up with the video leak?
Gee, this sure doesn't seem at all like FATAL FRAME (*sob*) 4!!!!!
This is my favourite game EVER! I love this game, it is awesome! It's scary, chilling, sad, and awesome! XD Not to mention, everyone says i look exactly like Rin Kagura ^^ Which is kinda creepy, but cool at the same time