shiptoncraig said:
Their main demographic is current day children? As far as I know, having a brother who\'s in primary school, Pokemon is not considered to be a mainstream fad for children anymore. The merchandise isn\'t as big as it was when our age group were children and neither is the TV program.
never will be as big as it was back then, but that doesn\'t change the fact that Pokémon is first and foremost aimed at young children, the media, the parents who went through it all, they all know this.
Looking at the ONM Pokemon forum (the ones who buy the games), the absolute worst posts are written by people who are capable of using a computer/internet browser, so must be old enough to operate some form of Nintendo-censored MMO.
A Nintendo-censored MMO would be one that ran entirely on friend codes (AKA a single player game with friends on it sometimes). It\'s
impossible to filter every single variation of a swearword, because more and more varieties will just be made to get around them.
Besides, Runescape\'s community is just a total headache, and the audience for the Pokémon MMO are likely to be even younger than that. To quote someone on another forum:
After having witnessed first hand the sheer number of dipshits populating an MMO of another franchise I\'m into - Star Wars - and knowing that Pokemon is primarily loved by children, an MMO is not a desirable prospect to me.
\"hi im asssh2009, dey wudnt let me pik ash
\"LFG! LFG!!!!! Need moltrez wil pay moneyz LFG!!!!!!!\"
\"K im mitsy, lets go hunt sum wooper or sum shit\"
Pokémon has more of a mainstream child appeal than Star Wars. Imagine how shit-tastic the community would be.
( Edited 21.05.2009 18:57 by SuperLink )