Nintendos Reggie Loves Mother

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Economic sense? Does being willing to sell our mothers and souls in order to pay for this not count as economic stimulus?

Makes sense (unfortunately).

Hopefully we'll see Earthbound on the VC someday. I've never played the series and would love to try it.

Don't get that, surely it would sell like crazy? Smilie
Bah. I'd love to get an official copy, but it looks like I'm just gonna have to resort to the fan translation...

Stupid. Nintendo can make a shit load of money - from the fans alone - but also by promoting it well. Lucas's popularity in Brawl should really pave the way, but too late now given the DSi's coming out.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Fils-Aime: Maybe I'm going to burst some people's bubbles, but just because I'm the president of NOA doesn't mean that every game that I love gets published in our territory.

Wha-? You mean he's not god? Smilie Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

In an earlier interview he said the opposite xD.

Whatever, he should tell the advertisers to advertise it like the new Professor Layton game.

Ikana said:
Don\'t get that, surely it would sell like crazy? Smilie
Bah. I\'d love to get an official copy, but it looks like I\'m just gonna have to resort to the fan translation...

Why would it sell like crazy? No one knows it exists except people tuned into gamenews and such, and then there is an even smaller group who are actually fans of the game and would actually buy it.

And didn\'t the sequal flop in the US?

( Edited 02.04.2009 01:12 by Mario_0 )

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Mario_0 said:
Ikana said:
Don't get that, surely it would sell like crazy? Smilie
Bah. I'd love to get an official copy, but it looks like I'm just gonna have to resort to the fan translation...

Why would it sell like crazy? No one knows it exists except people tuned into gamenews and such, and then there is an even smaller group who are actually fans of the game and would actually buy it.

And didn't the sequal flop in the US?

There are enough fans of the series for it to sell well. And like jb says, Brawl will make a lot of difference. Fire Emblem was unpopular in Europe before Melee. Plus with good advertising, there's no reason it can't appeal to those who haven't heard of it before.

edracon said:
In an earlier interview he said the opposite xD.

In what interview was that?
Since reading this and the previous Mother 3 article I've been searching through interviews where he discusses Mother 3. I've yet to find any quotes where he says anything bad about the game.

Roy and Marth appearing in Melee raised enough interest to bring Fire Emblem to America.
Lucas and Brawl could have the same effect.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

If they are really concerned with the potential sales of Mother 3, all they have to do is release Earthbound on the Virtual Console and see how it performs.

After all, Nintendo did clearly state that Virtual Console sales of Sin & Punishment was one of the main reasons for localizing the sequel (whenever it comes out later this year).

Yup, thats the brillence of digital distribution.
Its a nearly no cost way to test a market. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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The same way he loved adult content on wii...

...ensuring us we got wii music.

So after Melee, the west saw Fire Emblem. Ness has been in Smash since the first title. What do you mean economic problems Reggie? It'll probably sell similarly if not better than Fire Emblem... I mean I'd love to play the Mother games; I'm almost desperate.

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Wasn't Sin and Punishment nearly all english?

It would't be so easy with this game, lots of text so they would have to spend money on getting it translated and putting it through testing is where i assume cost will come from.

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i dont think that mother would be that successful in the states. i dont see what is so interesting about it. its like an average rpg and doesnt stand out like super mario rpg or tales of symphonia.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

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