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Is the video not loading for anyone else? I've tried 3 different browsers and nothing?
Is the video not loading for anyone else? I've tried 3 different browsers and nothing? Smilie
Not loading for me either. The real question is, are we sure we even want it to load? Maybe its a sign, stay the hell away from this title...
Arg, the original link seems to have died, so I updated it with a YouTube link for now.
If I find a better quality trailer I\'ll link it right away!
EDIT: Naugus stop being such an advocate.
( Edited 11.02.2009 00:53 by SuperLink )
SuperLink said:
Arg, the original link seems to have died, so I updated it with a YouTube link for now.If I find a better quality trailer I\'ll link it right away!
It\'s looking great. The cutscenes seem to be done similar to Secret Rings which I thought were great so that\'s one more reason to think this\'ll be good.
Will the new Sharha lookalike have the same voice actress?
I wonder if all future \'story\' games will have it\'s very own Sharha, with different colour hair in each?
( Edited 11.02.2009 01:04 by wAyNe - sTaRT )
Merlina's a pretty cool guy, eh has purple skin (!!!) and a British accent (!!!!!!!!) and dosent afraid of anything!
Already 1mil times better than Shahra amirite guys?
As long as there's an option to turn off her voice this time around, then I'll be happy.
The quality of the Youtube-trailer isn't that great, but it doesn't look bad. It seems to have mor variation then Secret Rings, which was fun. I think this game is a possibly good Sonic-game.
Hm, dunno. I'm expecting it to have the same flaws that have annoyed me since Sonic Advenure...probably glitchy homing jumping that randomly sends you flying to your doom. Well, it can't be any worse than Secret Rings. I really hated that.
I haven't heard, what are the controls like in this? It it like Secret Rings or Sonic Unleashed?
A number have sources have said it's like a mix between the two. I don't know if you run automatically, but I know controlling Sonic is done with the control stick.
From videos though it looks more like Secret Rings to me.
I saw the original video posted up and I have to say that it's probably one of the best looking games on the wii, Sonic's character model's really good, and although it's sonic with a sword, I doubt that should matter since sonic is a games character and they might aswell try different things with him anyway.
Now in very nice quality! If you watch it on IGN's site it looks even better!
Looks good