Wow thats a lot of bonus content how much DVDs is this game on???
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Wow thats a lot of bonus content how much DVDs is this game on???
^ Is that sarcasm...?
I'm actually pretty excited for this game...
Wait, how's the game gotten a 4 for the reader review score when it's not even out yet?
Mario_0 said:
Because it's Sonic in 3D which makes it an EPIC FAIL by default.
And, just kidding. It's probably because people really hate Sonic?
Nothing really noteworthy there, really.
More like NYE NYE NYE BLAHBLAHBLAH PS3 amirite guys?
That didn't help... but yeah, I can't wait to hear these theme remixes. I have a good idea on all 3 of them.
Need to play it before I buy it but it does look promising
Falcon Armour X said:
Need to play it before I buy it but it does look promising
If you liked Secret Rings then you should like this becasue it is a direct sequel.