Ubisoft Sneak in a Tenchu Wii Trailer

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Looks good but I really wish the graphics were a touch better and not so glossy looking, especially in a game of this type.

It's a shame they do not have the money for a higher level of production values, but then they only have themselves to blame when they have put out so many bad games in the past.

The gameplay should be good though if it's anything like Stealth Assassins. It should be given members of the old team working on it.

Don't know yet. Could be great, but it could be run of the Acquire mill.

What the fuck is up with the voices!Smilie

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Wow, the graphics are.....meh.

But who really cares about graphics if they game is good? My only concern would be all of those annoying button symbols popping up telling you what to press. After awhile, once you learn the conrols, those would become quite tedious.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

I am actually quite happy with how it looks, compared to the featureset available (climbing, hanging, all sorts of moves).

Not finished yet though, ubisoft, not finished yet.

Here's hoping they don't release a game concept without the proper workout again...

Keven said:
Wow, the graphics are.....meh.

But who really cares about graphics if they game is good? My only concern would be all of those annoying button symbols popping up telling you what to press. After awhile, once you learn the conrols, those would become quite tedious.

True, I hope you can de-select those after you have learned the moves set.

How many of these games have there been sinece the first one on PlayStaion. I can't believe that they are making more. There has to be a deadline some time.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Damn, that was sick. I\'m gonna have to keep an eye on this. Personally, I think it looks quite good graphically. I do agree about the on screen control display, though. Hopefully Ubisoft doesn\'t botch this.

And yeah, what the hell is up with the voice acting? I prefer authentic Japanese audio with english subtitles and have English audio as an option. Until I can perfect my Japanese. ;-Smilie

( Edited 08.01.2009 20:02 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

The graphics look okay, but in need of a bit more \'unpolishing\'. The gameplay looks awesome though; Killing a guy by kicking him in the nuts doggy-style = PURE, EPIC WIN.

In my book, anyway.

I\'ve never played a Tenchu game before, but if this turns out good I\'ll probably try it out, if only to kill a guy by kicking him in the nuts :3

EDIT: The button-thing doesn\'t bother me too much. Maybe it has to do with quicktime-like events like in RE4?

( Edited 08.01.2009 20:24 by Faust D. Stroyer )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

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