Z-targeting was a brilliant idea, although I never had too many problems with the controls and moving around in SM64.
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Z-targeting was a brilliant idea, although I never had too many problems with the controls and moving around in SM64.
Enemies in 64 were fine sometimes, but if you missed it could be tricky to turn around and keep em in focus. For the most part it was alright though. With Zelda the enemies were smarter, moved around more and often you could have 3/4 on screen at the same time, so it was essential!
It was a brilliant idea, I mean, considering it was way back then with the tech they had, they did some awesome things.
Also, WTH?? you guys gave OoT a 9??? :O Blasphemy!!
Z-Targeting was an amazing innovation. It is now a tired system. They need to come up with a new system...even if it means delaying Zelda but I'm sure they've already come up with a new one seeing as how the Wiimote asks for it.
Z-targeting = One of many Nintendos revolutions that has defined gaming.
\"Z-Targeting was an amazing innovation. It is now a tired system. They need to come up with a new system...even if it means delaying Zelda but I\'m sure they\'ve already come up with a new one seeing as how the Wiimote asks for it.\"
Why change something that isnt broken :?
Its like saying \"I think the way pushing an analogue stick makes you go faster is a tired system....we need something new!\"
Z-targeting isnt a gameplay issue, but a control one.
And unless theres a suppiour replacement people are missing, I dont see a need to change.
I also dont see what the Wiimote has to do with it :?
ZTargeting is more about charecter motion.
Great though the Wiimote is, its more connected with charecter (arm/hand) actions.