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Love it. Can't wait for this blasted game, time must speed up!
jb said:
Love it. Can't wait for this blasted game, time must speed up!
Whilst i'd love time to speed up JB i wish it wouldnt.
Im finding grey hairs by the day and im so far behind on my work...never understood how you could run a website and do your work at the same time. Purely is the work of a god...
Damn, wanted Sonic this week, was gunna 10 day return gears of war...guess a credit note will have to be done
Looks like it will actually be a good sonic game and not a screw up like 2006 lol.
Falcon Armour X said:
Looks like it will actually be a good sonic game and not a screw up like 2006 lol.
it has a chance. i thought 2006 was gonna be the break through sonic game. you never know.