Ubisoft Cancels Heroes Tie-in

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Nooooo, well it may of been quite bad anyway, but would of been fun to play.

Cool if it was MMO style, start out in the world with an ability given to you by the company and progress from there

Awww man, that's lame. Could have had a fair bit of potential to be a decent action game!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well, thank god for that.
Heroes season3 has been pretty good, if they do a game I'd like someone decent to do it!

I think it would make a good first person Action/RPG.
By doing it first person I think it would better allow the use of powers as *puzzle* elements, not just fighting.

I mean, in certain situations the action could slow down and you have to work out how to use your power(s) to get out of the situation.
Kinda puzzle/action moments, if you like.

I do think Heroes has far too large a cast to get them all in the game and done well though.
Would be better to pick, say, 5 at most.

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1 less shit game is 1 more good thing to happen this year.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Season 2 lost a lot of viewers and the new Season has apparently lost even more...so it's no wonder Ubi's decided to ditch the rights.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Wow, I thought the show was becoming even more popular again. Season 3 has been mostly brilliant. But then coming from ubisoft, it probably wouldn't have been that good of a game. Shame though, a Wii version with telekenetic pointing powers would've been great.

Hope there is eventually a game, just wondering which publisher will pick up the rights.

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jesusraz said:
Season 2 lost a lot of viewers and the new Season has apparently lost even more...so it's no wonder Ubi's decided to ditch the rights.

Season2 was quite poor, but as Stulaw says Season3 has been great.

The viewer figures for the *whole channel* have been down, its still one of the most watched shows.

Its also worth remembering these serial shows (Lost,Heroes,PrisonBreak) normaly do good DVD sales too.

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Would probably have been like their attempt at Lost, which was short and terrible.


There was one moment of brillence in the Lost game however....that scene in the black rock.
I thought that was a brillent puzzle...and a new kinda puzzle too...just being given a few moments to work out what to do with yourself.

Sadly they only did one of them in the game, which was stupid. If they had a dozen or so scenes like that the game would have been a lot more interesting.

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Thank God, 99% certain it would have been awful. The fact that Ubisoft had the licence was reason enough to give up hope.

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