This makes pretty much no sense at all.
Its physicaly impossible to position abssolutely without markers of some sort.
Seriously. They have to be there.
You cant calculate an absolute position without known referance points. Thats a physical law.
And if your going to have a marker, invisible IR points is pretty much perfect.
The Wiimotes sensor is 1024x1024 pixals...which is really pretty high.
Sure, you could make the sensor higher-res, or the IR lights stronger.
But basicaly, the IR tech is just fine.
The main improvement would be purhapes to add some vertical points so it can calculate true 3D positioning rather then just the 2D crosssection of where the pointer hits the screen;
(seriously, watch it, its very informative and cool)
The other possibility is to have referance points placed around the room. Purhapes radio-becons to triangulate. This is likely to be more expensive though.
Either way, anyone that says \"doesn\'t require sensor bars\" effectively means \"games like metroid corruption wouldnt work\".
( Edited 29.10.2008 19:28 by Darkflame )