At least you see my point . I think it's an USB supported keyboard of some sort. If it's like that, I won't get the mic.
Maybe I would get it, but not use it .
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At least you see my point . I think it's an USB supported keyboard of some sort. If it's like that, I won't get the mic.
Maybe I would get it, but not use it .
Check it all out in the OP.
It looks awesome, it has some really nice touches and Wii Speak works perfectly. The footage gets interesting after a hour when they have paid Nook da crook off.
The same music as the DS game?
Fail..... So... much... fail... I didn't even like the music from Wild World.
Interest in game goes down.
Oh god, not another one of these.
So boring.
I\'ve watched about an hour now, and I\'m very quickly losing patience. I can\'t believe how shit this is. >.<
Nothing new, nothing.
- Same music
- Same tools
- Same layout for all shops
- Same graphics
- Same online options
Fucksake, this is the most half-assed \"Huge XMAS hit\" I\'ve ever heard of. This isn\'t even good enough to be classed as a remake. Did Nintendo seriously just port this game from the DS? What I find hard to believe is that the guys from GameSpot are sticking up for it, have they not played the previous games to death like everyone else?
Interest went from 0 to -10, I\'m much more likely to get Wii Music at this rate.
( Edited 17.11.2008 18:50 by SuperLink )I got bored and turned it off after about 10 minutes. I\'ve already heard that it\'s basically the same as Wild World, from IGN and judging by that (plus all the other videos and talk on it), it looks it.
I think it\'s disgusting that Nintendo are releasing this, the way it is. It\'s exactly the same as Wild World, even down to the sounds and music. It just has slightly better visuals and a supposedly \"new\" City area, which is just a pathetic disguise for most of the same shops in Wild World.
The only new feature it has is voice chat and even that is terrible. Using a headset is much more private and easier to use, but Wii Speak takes away any privacy and just makes things complicated. Not only that, but you can hear the other persons TV in the video. Nintendo keep talking about how their systems are user-friendly. It\'s not at all, they make things the most complicated out of any of the other consoles.
Sorry for going slightly off-topic, but this game is one of the biggest disappointments. It\'s pathetic and it will sell from the brand-name alone, instead of actually being a good game.
There\'s so much more they could have done with this game. The City area should have had tons more shops and actual new ones. I wanted to see lots of new characters and new music too (not recycled stuff). A big lobby where players can meet up from around the world would have had the potential to be incredible for a game like this. Last of all, it would have been nice to see some kind of upgrade in the visuals of the game, although I do like the style.
Sorry, but that\'s my opinion of the game. On a side-note, ONM gave the game 90% in their review and said it wasn\'t new enough for veterans.
( Edited 17.11.2008 20:50 by Marzy )I also think WiiSpeak sounds crappy. I can hear the sound from the other person\'s TV. That\'s just lame. Nintendo obviously don\'t have parents that shout upstairs to tell their kids to do chores. Or somehow don\'t think that\'s embarrassing.
EDIT: Just finished watching the whole thing. Overall I\'m still very angry, but the City didn\'t seem too bad, and my interest in the game is now -5 rather than -10.
I\'ll likely get it eventually because starting AC again will be fun for a month or so, but it still seems worse than the GC game to me...
( Edited 17.11.2008 20:46 by SuperLink )I didn't bother watching the vid but from SL and Marzy I know what to expect.
Major fail on Nintendo's part, I didn't buy wild world and I will not buy this. (Unless I win the euromillions)
Look like a crap ton of fun, love AC.
Getting it for Christmas 8)
Well it will keep me happy, not very happy but happy enough, some of the changes in the Wii game will make for the best AC experience so far.
This is what Animal Crossing is, it does not need to change in Nintendo's eyes with this game, but perhaps it will with the next DSi game..
Linkyshinks said:
Well it will keep me happy, not very happy but happy enough, some of the changes in the Wii game will make for the best AC experience so far.This is what Animal Crossing is, it does not need to change in Nintendo's eyes with this game, but perhaps it will with the next DSi game..
Dude, it's near enough the same with a crappy microphone attachment.
Most likely won't be getting the game, but something about the Microphone has been bugging me.
Does it have to sit on top of the sensor bar to work? Couldn't you place it somewhere else in the room to eliminate excess TV noise? I'm considering the Microphone as a Christmas present 'ya see.
The Wiispeak is a little too sensitive if you ask me. I could hear all the sound and music from the other person\'s game, it\'s nothing really special.
The city seems very slightly redeeming, but that\'s it. I see no reason to buy this any time soon after it comes out. It\'s basically buying Wild World again for more expensive. I\'m really annoyed at the music being all pretty much exactly the same.
( Edited 18.11.2008 15:00 by Kiyoshi )I see it as a movie that's being rereleased with a few extra scenes. For those who've already got the original on DVD there's a really small minority who'll buy the rerelease, but most people won't bother.
Wii Speak will be incredibly irritating when playing with 4 players. Imagine 4 background tunes out of sync coming out of your TV...
jb said:
Wii Speak will be incredibly irritating when playing with 4 players. Imagine 4 background tunes out of sync coming out of your TV...
The last video I saw was on Gamespot, and there was barely any background noise at all. Certainly didn\'t hear anything from Animal Crossing itself. It\'s not exactly the loudest of games either.
Wii Speak is also intended as a way for multiple people at either end to communicate, not just individuals.
E: Some info from the Iwata Asks interview:
( Edited 18.11.2008 17:37 by Modplan Man )
Nogami: Well, you have a point there! (laughs) So we used an idea from the Mii Channel, and decided that we would have the data about players\' towns automatically exchanged with their friends. This exchange of information started with the DS version, when you needed to have two separate consoles, each with a Game Card, connected. But this time around, by connecting to WiiConnect24, without one player having to visit the other player, the town data could be exchanged before either player knew it. So then all of a sudden you\'d get an animal that\'s new in the neighbourhood, who\'s just moved from your friend\'s town, introducing himself: \"Hi! I\'ve just moved from ----- town.\"Iwata: And \"---- town\" would actually be a real Animal Crossing town.
Nogami: Right. And they\'ll even tell you gossip about their home town: \"This character from ----- town really likes this\", and things like that.
Iwata: So more and more gossip will get spread from one town to another without you realising it.
Nogami: It seems that\'s exactly what it was! (laughs) So the mother resisted the urge to go fishing when her son was there, but she would sneak off and fish when he wasn\'t around.Iwata: That\'s great! (laughs)
Nogami: Then one day their son was playing when an animal came up to speak to him and mentioned his mother. The animal said: \"She\'s does nothing except go fishing!\"
Iwata: So it was one of the animals that told him what his mother was up to! (laughs) No one would expect a character in a game to gossip or spread rumours!
I see. That\'s an unexpected bonus! (laughs) Out of interest, how often would you have to walk over an area of grass to leave a trail?
Kobayashi: If you walk over it for about two weeks, it would have begun to look a little like a path.
Moro: And it would take perhaps two months for it to look like a proper path.
Iwata: I\'m speechless! I mean this as a compliment, but all I can think to say is what on earth possessed you put a feature like that in the game? (laughs)
All: (laughter)
Kobayashi: Remember that while the grass will slowly grow back, the speed at which it grows will change depending on the environment. If it\'s an area full of trees and grass, or where flowers are planted, the grass will grow back more rapidly.
Iwata: So before you knew it, you had ended up with a small-scale gardening simulator built into the game! (laughs)
Nogami: You can even cultivate the grass on your lawn in the way you want! (laughs)
Nogami: Two players cannot actually meet up in the city, but you might get an animal that tells you something like: \"Just the other day ----- came to visit!\"
Iwata: So you\'ve made it so that if one player goes to the city, the animals will take note, and they\'ll then tell other players who visit the city?
Nogami: As everyone is able to have similar kinds of experiences, it will feel to the players as if they are visiting the very same city.
Kyogoku: When an animal moves away from the town, a rectangular patch remains in the place where their house used to stand. When you see that and realise that this animal has moved away, it really makes you feel sad!
Moro: But of course, little by little, the grass will grow back, and as the traces of where the animal\'s house used to stand disappear, your memories of that animal will also fade.
Iwata: Were there things which you weren\'t able to do with the DS Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection that you were able to implement in the Wii version?
Nogami: Yes, there were. Players are now able to enjoy various events together with their friends. In the DS version, because it was for a handheld console, there were hardware limitations, so the event would come to a halt while the DS units were communicating through the Internet. But in this version, for events like New Year\'s Eve and carnivals, you can all gather in your friend\'s town and enjoy it together.
Iwata: So one player can say something like: \"There\'s ------ taking place in my town today, so come and join me!\"
Nogami: Exactly. There\'s a dog that puts on a guitar concert once a week…
Iwata: Ah, that would be K.K.
Nogami: Yes. He wasn\'t able to appear while players were using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection in the DS version. If you had friends visiting your town, you wouldn\'t be able to listen to the performance, even if it was 8 o\'clock on a Saturday evening. But in this version, up to 4 players can enjoy one of K.K.\'s concerts together. When everyone uses an event like that as a reason to get together, I\'m really happy. There are also events that take place simultaneously worldwide.
Iwata: So let\'s say on the 31st December, wherever you take a trip in to the Animal Crossing world, you can enjoy New Year\'s Eve. But you can\'t simply talk of events without acknowledging that each country has its own culture. It must have been very tough to adapt the events to suit each culture.
Nogami: Well, I got the chance to become quite an expert on events around the world! (laughs) In Japan, we have the event called tsukimi (moon-viewing). In Japan, when we talk of moon-viewing, we are talking about the mid-autumn moon. There are also events related to the moon which take place at the same time in America, but they are completely different in nature.
Iwata: In what way?
Nogami: In autumn in America, at harvest time, you are able to work at night when the moon is bright, so they have the Autumn Moon festival to celebrate this.
Iwata: Is that right? I had no idea!
Kyogoku: In Japan, when you mention tsukimi, people think of tsukimi dango (sweet dumplings), and pampas grass decorations. But people in other countries don\'t understand this at all, so we had to change the animal\'s dialogue.
Nogami: When an event takes place, the head of the town will come out and give presents to players. So during tsukimi, he would give out tsukimi dango.
Iwata: But if an American player receives a tsukimi dango, he\'s going to think: \"What on earth\'s this?\"
Nogami: Right. So we changed the gift the player receives for the US version to a wheat sheaf. Which leaves Japanese people wondering: \"Why a wheat sheaf?\" (laughs)
Kyogoku: Apparently, there\'s a custom in America where people use wheat sheaves as decorations during the moon-viewing season.
Nogami: So if you visit a friend\'s town overseas during the moon-viewing season, you\'ll be able to get hold of a wheat sheaf.
Iwata: So if you\'ve got a Wii Friend in another country, you\'ll be able to get hold of items that you can\'t get in Japan.
Nogami: That\'s right. So perhaps it\'s a good idea to pack your tsukimi dango to give as presents when you visit a town in another country. (laughs) Compared to the DS version, the elements using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection are more fully-developed and enjoyable.
Nogami: That\'s right. When Gracie makes her occasional appearances in the shop, she\'ll check out the player\'s fashion and will make references to players in other villages. So she\'ll say things like \"------ in ----- village really knows how to dress. You should take a leaf out of her book!\"Iwata: So it\'s best to get dressed up before heading to the city. You can buy smart clothes in Gracie\'s shop.
Nogami: The only problem is that the clothes on sale in GracieGrace are incredibly expensive. The prices can be around twenty times higher than the items you\'ll find on sale in the towns. What\'s more, unlike Tom Nook\'s store, the items on display are fixed for each season, only changing every three months.
Iwata: The clothes change every season? Just like the real world! (laughs)
Nogami: Every three months, the clothes on sale will be replaced by items suited to the season, and at the time they change, the prices will be reduced. But even if you go to the sales to hunt for bargains, you could well find that a lot of the clothes are already sold out.
Iwata: It\'s sounding more and more like the real world! (laughs)
Nogami: Sales always begin at the same time, so when a player hears that there\'s a sale starting on that day, they\'ll head to the city with exactly the same feeling they get going to the sales in real life.
Iwata: So this will lead to conversations just as I might have if I bumped into Nogami-san at work: \"The sales started yesterday. Have you been yet?\"
Nogami: Absolutely. In a similar way, there\'s a new character called Phineas who gives away balloons free of charge. He\'ll appear in all the players\' cities on the same day. But you never know quite when he\'s going to be there.
Iwata: So one player can let others know by sending them a message saying something like: \"I went to the city and got a balloon!\"
Nogami: And the other players will return the message: \"I should get to the city right away!\" It would be great if players would talk about things like this outside of the game as well. Another part of the game that uses WiiConnect24 is the auction house. Players can put furniture and other items up for sale and other players can then bid for them just like in a real auction. The auction period lasts for quite a long time so if a player realises that, let\'s say, they have two vases and don\'t need one of them, they can bring it to the auction house and another player might come later on and purchase it.
Iwata: So even if two players aren\'t playing the game at the same time, they can still enjoy interacting?
Nogami: Right. And the player will find out the name of the player who bought the item and which town they live in afterwards.
Kyogoku: There\'s also something really great about the model room. Fans of the series will know the Happy Room Academy well. If you can get a good score there...
Iwata: The Happy Room Academy is the place in your village where you can get the layout of your room judged, isn\'t it?
Kyogoku: That\'s it. One day when I was testing the game, I was really thrilled to see my own room displayed as the model room in Moro-san\'s town! (laughs)
Moro: If you get a good score at the Happy Room Academy, your room will be displayed as the model room in other player\'s towns.
Nogami: We don\'t really want people to get worked up and think: \"Right! Now it\'s time to use Wii Speak!\" Basically, we want it to feel just as relaxed and informal as if they were playing round at their friend\'s house. Even when people go and visit their friends, there are plenty of times when they\'re just lying about reading comics.
Iwata: That\'s what it means to really bring living rooms together. From the start, Animal Crossing was a game that was created with the intention of allowing people to enjoy it without having to energetically throw themselves into it. Now, let\'s turn to the game\'s third core element.
Iwata: So how exactly do you go about using the DS to visit a friend? There are players who don\'t own the game for the DS.
Nogami: You don\'t need to own the game. All you need is one DS console. By using the DS Download Play function, you can download your player data, put the DS in Sleep Mode and take it to a friend\'s house. You\'ll then be able to play in that friend\'s town.
Iwata: So the DS becomes a way of transporting data?
Nogami: We\'ve called it the DS Suitcase. If a player isn\'t connected to the Internet at home, even if they\'re the kind of player who was happy to play on their own at first, if they have designed a great room and decorated their town, they\'re going to want to show their handiwork to someone else at some point. That\'s when we want players to use the DS Suitcase so they can get their friends to come and visit them.
AC:CF is cool! Only prob is, WHERE THE HELL DID THE CENSOR GO?
Good game overall!